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    posted a message on Advice on how to get from 5 to Legend

    As others have said, just keep at it, and you MAY get it at SOME POINT. All it takes if for you to queue up on the right day with the right deck and play at the right time to get there. However, just because you can hit 3 doesnt mean you can hit legend just by brute forcing it. 

    I started hitting rank 4/3 allll the way back in GvG. There was one season about a year ago where i hit rank 3 in the first 3 days of ladder. I ended up finishing at rank 2 after 600+ games that season. It took me 2+ years of on and off playing to achieve legend, and the first time i did it, i was playing casually while taking bathroom breaks at work. Took me about 1.5 weeks to hit legend playing around 7 games a day. I probably had a 65% (or higher) winrate to legend that season. 

    Why the sudden increase in efficiency? Mind set. I was having fun and playing to the best of my ability every time i logged in. When i lost, i didnt care. It didnt affect me. Before, whenever i would hit rank 4 or 3 or 2 i would think i was the best player ever. This caused me to get tilted and blame rng.. and i mean REALLY tilted. One time i tilted from rank 3 to rank 13 in one sitting before there were ranked floors... Now that i hit legend that one time, its no longer a lingering issue and legend rank just becomes another ranked floor that you hit every season. 

    The single most important thing is mind set. easily.  The next most important thing is recognize meta trends. Once you hit rank 2/1, everyone tends to play 1-2 decks to try to get to legend. Pick a deck that counters them and/or tech your existing deck to beat them. 

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on What can i do against cube and demon warlock with spell hunter?

    as many have said, dont play spell hunter. you could switch to face hunter with Rhino's, Creepers, and Hydra's. You will do much better.

    Decks that handily beat Cubelock are:

    - Raza Priest

    - Secret Mage

    - Aggro paladin with double spellbreaker

    Posted in: Hunter
  • 0

    posted a message on Does anyone enjoy the ladder anymore?

    Yes, im enjoying this meta more than recent metas. My two favorite and most played classes are paladin and warlock so im really enjoying the fact that they both have solid options in this meta. Cubelock is a blast. Aggro paladin is very shockadin-like from the olds days. 

    The only downside of this meta is raza priest (priest has always been my least favorite class to play against). Their toolbox is just insane. The deck was already broken, but Psychic Scream pushed them over the top. It enables them to do nothing but cycle their deck with relatively little fear of not establishing the board and/or fighting for board control. I understand its a bit harder to play than many of the other meta decks, but its also very forgiving. The fact that the deck can have over a 50% winrate while being piloted sub optimally is insane. When piloted correctly, the priest should feel favored in nearly all matchups.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 1

    posted a message on [STANDARD] Headed for Legend! - S46 January 2018

    Hit legend on the 14th. Climbed from 4 to 1 with cubelock but then ran into a brick wall of raza priests. Switched to aggro paladin to push through for legend.

    While at legend, i was able to hit 457 but then rng caught up to me. Currently sitting at 750. On the plus side, i helped a buddy reach 25 with secret mage as i was able to add some insight into his 8 straight tempo rouge matchups.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 4

    posted a message on [K&C] Dog's Cubelock

    remotely playable? yes. Optimal? no. not even close.


    If you dont have skull, youre better off dropping the doomguards and cube and going with a more controling build.


    Posted in: [K&C] Dog's Cubelock
  • 3

    posted a message on [RANK 1 LEGEND] Face Hunter

    this deck has an amazing matchup vs aggro pally because of candleshot. 

    Posted in: [RANK 1 LEGEND] Face Hunter
  • 0

    posted a message on Recruit Paladin

    This deck is ok. Very, very weak to board clears due to the lack of creepers. It won't do well if it ever becomes mainstream. It's a nice hard counter to aggro though if you manage to continuously roll taunts on your recruits.

    Posted in: Recruit Paladin
  • -2

    posted a message on 88% W/R Easy Legend Dragon Summoner Priest

    I dont have problems vs this deck as aggro pally and cubelock. Im actually relieved when i queue into this instead of raza priest. I honestly dont see the allure. 

    The board clears are telegraphed. The minions are slow. 

    Posted in: 88% W/R Easy Legend Dragon Summoner Priest
  • 1

    posted a message on Is Umbra worth crafting for Cube Warlock?
    Quote from DannyJi >>
    Quote from Urungulu >>
     Month, or month-and-a-half ago people wrote that Razakus Priest is bad because VS listed it as a Tier 3 deck, based on winrates posted there. If you want a decent peak into current meta, pick Tempostorm. This deck is very good, but it requires some time to learn how it goes, what cards you need, how to mulligan etc. Saying a deck is bad because it's losing to Razakus Priest is quite an exaggeration ;) 
    not saying that it's bad... it's just not good enough for ladder anymore...
    Loosing to clown priest is bad... since most decks u face are either aggro mage or clown priest... 
    I'm a decent player, hit rank five on a frequent basis, I can beat most decks... But i Loose to hard aggro and raza priest... 
    The giants version win against aggro around mid game IF u survive until then, IF u pull Board clears, or Taunts etc...

    Against Raza Priest u get a giant out on 4... 50 percent of the time it dies on the spot. if not u clone it next turn and then anduin comes out the next turn and kill both ur 8-8s... U have now wasted 8 turns just staying alive... 

    I would love to see someone climb ladder with this deck right now... 
    Hell, even Zalee say GL winning over raza priest in his how to play video... and that was done before the downfall of this deck. 
    It's tier one on Tempostorm, course the deck has more horsepower than most decks... But they don't update their page that frequently, and I do think the deck is great in a tournament environment, but sadly I doubt it performs well on ladder now...

    No one plays it anymore... 
    I would wait crafting it... I'm hoping and thinking it will morph in to something more solid but loosing to raza priest on a frequent basis is not good. Ur better of playing jade druid or zoo then... 
     this ^^
    i poured all my dust into making cubelock 2 weeks ago. It was performing great. It helped me climb 2000 ranks on the legend ladder... then the season reset and all you queue into is raza priest and aggro decks that run double silence and/or have TONS of reach. Its not a good ladder deck at all unless you have a firm grasp on your micro meta. I would have to imagine though that it is one of the best, if not the best, tournament deck(s). Kind of reminds me of otk murloc paladin a few meta's ago.
    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on Legendary Tier List & Crafting Guide
    Quote from Oddling77 >>
    Quote from ronintje >>

    I don't fear the weapon removal at all, seems people don't fear weapons enough to put it in all decks.
    You probably only see them in decks people copied from tournaments.

    But yeah, i also have the cards to build good lock decks and didn't bother to play a game with it even once.
    Tarim probably so much more important to craft, i finally crafted it few weeks ago myself so i can finally play paladin quests with a decent deck.

     I dont fear it enough to never run a "weapon based deck" either. However I wanted to point out if the cubelock, (or any weapon deck that doesnt return) ever gets popular enough in the meta, then inevitably there will be an increase in removal cards. If that happens and it becomes a super popular tech choice  then the value they will get out of skull will be greatly diminished as its potentially totally dead with a "next turn proc".  That should probably be considered in limited dust crafting decisions.
    Tarim does not share that weakness as hes solid to use for defense or offense, and even if he gets Black Knighted right away his battlecry value is still potentially game changing.
     I wouldnt let weapon removal influence your decision here. There are plenty of decks right now that run weapons and people dont tech weapon removal. weapon removal was only really a staple when Pirate warrior was so prevalent because weapons were a primary source of damage for them. and if weapon removal ever does take off, then you can just tech it into your own deck for the mirror matches because i guarantee people wont be cutting it from cubelock..
    The fact is that silence is a more effective tech card and better accross the board in the game than removing a weapon.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Legendary Tier List & Crafting Guide
    Quote from Xero1995 >>

    Is it worth Craftin Tarim for aggro pally or Skull for Control/Cube lock? (I don't have the paladin weapon)

     It depends. cubelock isnt going anywhere and might become the deck to beat after rotation and skull is crucial to its success.

    Tarim is a staple in all aggro and control lists for paladin. Its a blanket statement card that will always be good no matter what.
    If you already have a deck that is good at climbing the ladder like tempo rouge, then i would craft skull to have access to cubelock. If you dont have a good ladder deck, or aggrodin is that ladder deck for you, then craft tarim. 
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Competitive HS, just RNG?

    so, there is a lot of RNG is HS, more so than any of its competition or predecessors. Having said that, yes, there is skill involved and experience involved. 

    The skill part involves:

    - resource management

    - seeing the big picture of a game

    - mulligans

    The experience portion is:

    - understanding the meta

    - understanding your deck inside and out

    - knowing your opponent's deck

    - making tech decisions


    Being an expert in all of the above will, over time, increase your winrate. It will be the difference between a 45% winrate and a 55% winrate. But, that speaks volumes to how RNG based the game is. 

    At the highest levels of game play, the difference does tend to be RNG because the players are all basically the same skill. Its rare that games are decided on merit now a days. 


    TL;DR - skill exists, but competitive HS is mostly RNG because skill is mostly a constant across the board.  

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Why does everyone hate Priest?

    This is a long thread at this point, so i doubt this post will get any attention. Also, i may just be saying what others have said already.


    I hate playing against decks that generate such a vast amount of random cards that its impossible to play around. When you face these matchups, you dont leave the game a better player. There was nothing to learn from. Currently, Priest is the worst offender of these types of matches followed by rouge and mage.


    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on Competitive HS, just RNG?
    Quote from cluelesspug >>

    I'm really not convinced it gets worse with every expansion, I think we just get tired of seeing the same thing and expect it to change for some reason.

    My only real problem with this expansion, as some pros have expressed, is that control vs control games come down to who draws their death knight first. Having a win condition bundled into a single card can make for frustrating games.

    This is why in my Wild Renolock I've opted to include Lord Jaraxxus as an alternate win condition to Bloodreaver Gul'Dan (they also synergize quite well). Having only 1 win condition feels too bad. This is unfortunate for reno priest and non-burn control mage, since they have no win conditions aside from their death knights.

     Cluelesspug!!! its been a while!! i switched to standard, havent been playing wild. I recall us having many battles a few season ago in wild.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Competitive HS, just RNG?
    IQuote from CVision1 >>

    The only thing that struck me here is that you actually never reached legend but you go on saying ''I've been playing for 3 years and I don't make many missplays'', yet, how do you know that actually? I'm not being rude, I'm just being constructive? I just want to let you know that it's not all rng and time investment, trust me.

    While you do make some good points that do hold water, I would like you to think about my first sentence and not get offended. Because you did come off kind off cocky but you never walked the walk.

     Yup, its very indicative that he tilts. I used to fall prey to that as well. You think that youre so good, so when something doesnt go as you thought it should go, you blame the game instead of yourself, and when it is the game, you refuse to just leave it at that and move onto the next with a clear mind. You hold a grudge against the game and it becomes a pattern. Once you see anything that isnt favorable you have already written the game off as a loss despite that not actually being the case.
    I actually hit legend for the first time when i wasnt really trying. i was just playing because i thought it was fun. Before you knew it, i was at rank 1 and then legend. I maybe played about 125 games that season. Probably less. But, other seasons when i went for legend, i would play 500+ games and do nothing but bounce between 2-4 because i would tilt and blame the game.
    At some point it becomes mental. Once you get past the mental blocks, then it becomes a volume issue.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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