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    posted a message on New Card Reveal - Star Aligner

    I wish this card was better than a meme card because the art is gorgeous and I'll bet it's an amazing golden card.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on People take Hearthstone way too seriously.

    I think, on the whole, this post is correct. I was pretty disheartened today to play rank 5+ ladder and see only Tempo Rogue and Druid, Secrets/Crow Mage, Aggro Pally, Spiteful Priest, and Cubelock. It was mere days ago that all sorts of crazy decks were being tested and played and now we're reverting back to the aggro/tempo meta that was so prevalent before Witchwood was released. Even decks that were zero fun to play against seem to be coming back, like Quest Rogue, and that's a real shame. I've invested too much into Hearthstone (both time and money) to simply quit, but I'm nervous that it will be hard to find a fun balance between competitive decks and fun decks. I once hoped Wild could be a place for that, since there isn't really a competitive Wild scene (from an eSports perspective, anyway), but Wild seems to be mostly neglected by Blizzard who are content with leaving problems like Naga Sea Witch alone. I've been letting this whole subject really get me down, and I found myself getting really tilted on ladder today, but really, what can be done? It's not like Blizzard is going to ban netdecks or cap people from playing them, so...? It's pretty much impossible to expect an expansion to naturally balance this out.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Theorycraft: Zola + Grumble Battlecry Deck [Wild]

    Grumble + Brann does not return cards twice, similar to Brann + Brewmasters wouldn't return cards twice. 

    Fire Plume Harbingers seem like essential cards, especially with Brann. But then again, any time I've play-tested them, I can never seem to get enough board control before using them, the tempo is really hard to balance before getting a big FPH turn off. Air Elementals could easily be cut from this deck, maybe one Fireguard Destroyer too? I would also suggest cutting Blubber Baron, which is an extremely situational card. It's hard to get any kind of value from BB, especially with so many late game removal tools to get rid of him when he gets played anyway.

    Maybe swap out Aya and Blubber for two Thing From Belows or something similar. You have enough totems to get a decent discount on those. They don't have battlecry synergy, but they're just really solid minions. And they have decent bodies for trading before bringing them back to hand with Grumble if it worked out.

    I'm super curious to try this deck and see what happens. There's a great deck for Grumble somewhere, the Grumble Unicorn deck. Just no one has found it yet.

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on [80% WR RANK 5] Oil Pirate Rogue

    It's pretty short-sighted to call this an 80% WR deck when it has so many limitations. It's really susceptible to early board clears, doesn't have any draw, and can be very difficult to maintain tempo against equally or more aggressive decks. High legend players who are used to playing these sort of decks might do fine, but other players should temper their expectations, including amateur dum-dums like myself. Don't play this deck and expect to suddenly rek the ladder with some meta-defining ultra smorc masterpiece. /psa

    Posted in: [80% WR RANK 5] Oil Pirate Rogue
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    posted a message on Keleseth Rogue is the new Jade Druid

    Sometimes the logic for this kind of complaint thread isn't always solid, but the complaints themselves are merited. This particular one, for example, postures that Tempo Rogue is the new Jade Druid, which is statistically not true, besides the fact that the deck itself plays very differently than Jade Druid. But it's that crappy feeling that you get when you get steamrolled by a tier 1 deck over and over when you're just trying to play something different or fun. I know many people play games just to win, or just for competition, but there are just as many that play games for fun, to relax, to be creative, etc. I rarely play competitively and just like to build cool decks and have fun, and it totally sucks to try out some new deck and get steamrolled over and over by people playing the hottest, strongest deck that they didn't work on creating themselves. But...even though the complaints are legitimate, the logic is not. Hearthstone will always have a strongest deck. There will always be an element of "unfairness" or "RNG" to the game, and people have to make some kind of peace about this if they want to keep playing it. It's not a balancing issue, it's just the way things go when you have classes and cards that do different things and have different abilities. Otherwise, there are literally millions of other games available for them to play, not to mention tons of CCGs that might be more "balanced" or have less random effects.

    tl;dr tier 1 decks suck to lose to, but you'll never nerf that experience out of Hearthstone

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Malchezaar Legendary Control Paladin

    Hey man, love the deck. I've been using it a few days and it's been good. 65-70% win rate on standard ladder, and it's doing well against the meta. I love the Equality/Avenging Wrath combo, I've used that quite a few times. Good luck in your tournament, this would definitely be a fun deck to play in one...

    Posted in: Malchezaar Legendary Control Paladin
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    posted a message on Battlecry Elise Shaman

    I was using Gormok before for battlecry and minion synergy, that could replace Mistcaller. Sylvanis could be good. I've never actually used the deck without Mistcaller, so anything that could help swing tempo or add to the battlecry synergy is good. I have the sentinels in the deck because they're a lifesaver after casting elemental destruction by clearing your overloaded mana. They also have battlecry and can be used by themselves as a body on the board and to go with the Rumbling Elementals.

    Posted in: Battlecry Elise Shaman
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