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    posted a message on is E.T.C bugged?

    I played E.T.C. today and it worked fine for me, but I don't use ignis with it, so maybe it's a bug with the new forge mechanic

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Fatigue Druid - Would Like Community Thoughts?

    I'm also playing around with fatigue druid using Pozzik, Audio Engineer and Selfish Shellfish for some milling against control decks

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Bot Pandemic
    Quote from Kogan >>

    I always wonder how people are so sure that they are playing against bots.. I play a lot of hearthstone and there were times, although rarely, i was considering whether my opponent was a bot, but i was never sure. How do people actually tell ?
    Sometimes i feel like people heard a streamer say something about bots and they are suddenly convinced that they are playing bots all the time. Maybe they are - i would just like to know how to be sure..

     All the bots I've played against in the last 24 hours did the same thing: play everything as fast as possible, even discovers are done immediately without looking at the options, they make plays like playing primordial wave on an empty board just to spend all their mana, I don't see a red border when they hover over cards, heropowers or portraits (for me this is the most obvious hint), all have russian names and as zizka said they don't appear in the latest opponents, so you can't even report them. 

    I guess it's because of the ladder reset that I meet more bots than real players at the moment, but it's weird how infested lower ranks are right now

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Marvel Snap vs Hearthstone
    Quote from Shipmen >>

    For me, makes sense. I agree with their definition. It is a company started in the garage that received money in funding so, it is an indie company still in startup.


     If it received external funding it is not independent

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on This card idea just seemed too perfect... [The Librarian]

    I like it, could even be a 3/4 in todays meta... pretty fair card that can't snowball too much bc of the small amount of silencing minions/ spells available 

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Hearthstone is rigged af
    Quote from angrychicken18 >>
    Quote from palamanian >>

    Yes, can confirm the entire game was created just to screw with you personally. The jig is up, the secret is out, you did it OP! /s

    In other news, RNG can be a bitch sometimes.

     why you being a dick? its true that hs is rigged, they've even admitted it themselves they rig the matchmaking so players get around a 50% win-rate. It's clear they queue you into deck counters, this issnt hard to do with the research. Look at Zeph and how it instantly finds the perfect card.





     They "rig" the matchmaking by giving you opponents which fit your MMR. it would be way too hard otherwise. Look at all the threads were people rage about Zeph not working as he should.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is something wrong with rng?
    Quote from mulluk >>

    Still waiting for your evidence.

     You're the one who's claiming unproven stuff, so it's on you to bring up some evidence, not the other way around

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The next patch soon and Gadgetzan Auctioneer in Wild ?!?!

    The app probably put a different version of auctioneer into the deck than the core set one, so the game thought it was a wild deck

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Getting off a combo

    Saying it's not an animation issue doesn't change the fact that it's an animation issue.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Reckoning bug?
    Quote from Amaranthus >>

    Then they screwed up the wording at the very least. In comparison, Injured Blademaster says "Deal 4 damage to himself." That clarifies that the minion itself is the one dealing the damage. I would have no problem with Reckoning triggering on the Blademaster.

    Also, flavourwise, Reckoning shouldn't even trigger on damage to my own characters at all. But that is a different story.

     every battlecry minion that does damage is always the source of the damage dealt. if the battlecry of reckless apprentice does more than 3 damage for example he also triggers the secret bc he was using your heropower instead of you

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on How can dis be?

    Only thing I don't get about zeph is why he offers windspeaker that often... In my book it's one of the weaker 4 drops in classic/basic (if the windfury gives you lethal it's a different story, but somehow blizzard made zeph think windspeaker is great when you have at least one minion without looking at the opponents health)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on How can dis be?

    yes that's one of many options, but he still needs to choose which one he offers to you. there are probably more than 10 cards, that would be good for 1 mana when your opponent (in the eyes of zeph) doesn't have an opressive board state, but since he can't read your mind he had to pick 3 out of them by himself... these are his flaws you need to learn when you want to (successfully) put this card in your deck.

    I'm not saying the 3 options he offered were better than a smite, but again, from his perspective these options have the same value as a smite. you'd maybe even get different outcomes for the same boardstate in different games, just bc zeph weights them all the same. But that's not the cards fault. next time you play against a board like this you know better and after learning from a lot of games you'll have a better feeling for when to play zeph and when to keep him for later, were you can get the desired outcome more likely.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on How can dis be?

    people told you why he offered these options. your complain about holy smite is not really doing anything about it. zeph can only offer 3 choices, at this boardstate there are a lot of options. zeph by himself has a 3/2 body, so he can kill the 2/3 by simply attacking, so he offered you an option to deal with the other threat on board, which is a 1/1...

    like zeph you also have 3 options: accept your mistakes and learn from them, don't accept you did somethign wrong and complain or simply don't play zeph anymore.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on How can dis be?
    Quote from Stupidusername >>

    you can't believe that zephyr sucks right now becouse you play him right and never got a bad choice. Stuuuuuupid

     that's the whole point of the discussion, he doesn't suck if you know how to play him and it still works. if you think this is stupid I can only imagine you don't know how to play him but believe you do and wonder why you still get bad outcomes...

    if he got worse for you since new cards got introduced, you need to adapt to these new cards when playing him. you can't expet the card itself to do this job for you. a card like Burning Blade Acolyte for example will be a problem for zeph bc for him it's just a 1/1 with some deathrattle. you as the player know more about the card, so you need to tell him what to do

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on How can dis be?
    Quote from Gray_Fox >>

    Why it did not offer Shooting Star? Of course! Because Zephrys isn't that great.

     if they haven't changed it after the introduction of the coreset, zephrys still don't offer cards from expansions

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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