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    posted a message on Did Neptulon break the wild format? (mainly when used in priest)
    Quote from JYJ86 >>

    Reno quest priest kicks its ass. Unless big priest tutors exactly that out on turn 3, then gets into his resurrection cycles, there’s aways an answer. The 4 mana entomb, kazakus, zephrys, psychic scream, dk, and 7 mana card that summons copies of opponent board all takes care of big priest let alone let u compete the quest and play the long game with him lol

    Imo reno priests needs to pull off several highrolls to consistently beat big priest. Drown, turn 5 kazakus potion or turn 6 zephyrs may initially seem great tho they all provide single target removal so chances are big priest will eventually resurrect key minions thus diluting the polymorphed sheeps out of the res pool. Theotar, Okani and Loatheb are more clutch in this matchup.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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