I don't think it does. Knowing how locations work, if the player attacks on the turn after the first location use, it will be unable to do anything until the next turn.
You act like that's going to be some hard task, but it actually isn't. You forget that there's plenty of ways to fuck with your opponent without doing damage. This card is going to be an absolute beast in Wild:
- Astalor giving you three copies of it's five or eight mana versions
- Loatheb basically preventing you from playing spells the next turn
- the Galakrond Invoke minions
- Summoning Jade Tokens
- Mutanus basically eating card out of your opponent's hands (the battlecry doesn't have to be played during the same turn)
-Vandar Stormpike discounting all the shit in your deck
- Building up a huge C'thun (C'thun Shaman anyone)?
There's a lot of potential for this card in Wild, and even in Standard, there's a lot of options:
- Cheap as fuck Overload spells through Inzah
- The Forged minions boosted Battlecries, with Disposalbot being an enemy boardwipe with Lifesteal and Watcher of the Sun providing card advantage and lifegain
- Sheriff Bramblebrim effectively locking up the board
- Sand Art Elemental (it only states that Battlecries can't damage the enemy hero, it didn't say anything about you doing the damage.
- Sweetened Snowflurry filling your hand with spells
- Getting multiple copies of the new Zilliax
Best of all, you can Brewmaster the smaller Shudderblock repeatedly so it can keep pissing your opponent off.
People thought the Ogre Gang gimmick was gimmicky and took a lot of resources. Rogues don't think twice about blowing resources, they just do whatever the fuck they want.
Doesn't work like that. More than likely, Backstab resolves before the trigger for Li Na. Bounce it back for 4 mana, then capitalize later so Rogue can play something more expensive to fill the board with spicier minions.
Spicy little card, but also very weird. A Hunter card that has an effect that usually is tied to Rogue (bouncing cards back to hand). Kind of a strange tradeoff, as this also affects you as well. I can see it as a way to get that final push for lethal.
This will most likely put The Demon Seed next on the chopping block, as well as some of the support cards.
I don't think it does. Knowing how locations work, if the player attacks on the turn after the first location use, it will be unable to do anything until the next turn.
If I'm correct, the answer is no, because I think it functions differently from Remoria because it transforms into something that cannot be buffed.
Sees Rafaam's passive
40 card deck of Legendaries! LET'S FUCKING GO!
Welp, time to make minion based decks ragequit with Varden Dawngrasp.
Oh goody, Quest Rogue is back. Just what I always wanted, getting my fucking face bashed in by four 5/5 piggies after the quest finishes.
This card is going to be nerfed hard, because now they gave one of the most hated decks in the history of this game reliable burst damage.
You act like that's going to be some hard task, but it actually isn't. You forget that there's plenty of ways to fuck with your opponent without doing damage. This card is going to be an absolute beast in Wild:
- Astalor giving you three copies of it's five or eight mana versions
- Loatheb basically preventing you from playing spells the next turn
- the Galakrond Invoke minions
- Summoning Jade Tokens
- Mutanus basically eating card out of your opponent's hands (the battlecry doesn't have to be played during the same turn)
-Vandar Stormpike discounting all the shit in your deck
- Building up a huge C'thun (C'thun Shaman anyone)?
There's a lot of potential for this card in Wild, and even in Standard, there's a lot of options:
- Cheap as fuck Overload spells through Inzah
- The Forged minions boosted Battlecries, with Disposalbot being an enemy boardwipe with Lifesteal and Watcher of the Sun providing card advantage and lifegain
- Sheriff Bramblebrim effectively locking up the board
- Sand Art Elemental (it only states that Battlecries can't damage the enemy hero, it didn't say anything about you doing the damage.
- Sweetened Snowflurry filling your hand with spells
- Getting multiple copies of the new Zilliax
Best of all, you can Brewmaster the smaller Shudderblock repeatedly so it can keep pissing your opponent off.
So, stupid question. Can the Shudderblock effect target it's own Miniaturized self so that it can boost a Battlecry nine times?
Shudderblock: Come here, Kobold Miner! Show me some LOVE!!
People thought the Ogre Gang gimmick was gimmicky and took a lot of resources. Rogues don't think twice about blowing resources, they just do whatever the fuck they want.
Giggling Toymaker's triggering my PTSD, man...
Doesn't work like that. More than likely, Backstab resolves before the trigger for Li Na. Bounce it back for 4 mana, then capitalize later so Rogue can play something more expensive to fill the board with spicier minions.
Why do I have the feeling that Rogue is going to make me hate this bastard? It couldn't be the fact that I can bounce it back in hand, could it?
Spicy little card, but also very weird. A Hunter card that has an effect that usually is tied to Rogue (bouncing cards back to hand). Kind of a strange tradeoff, as this also affects you as well. I can see it as a way to get that final push for lethal.