There's currently a hack available where people can use Mercenaries, Solo Adventure, and Battlegrounds cards in Duels. Stay away from the mode until it is fixed.
- TuesdayTaco
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Baba_Jagga posted a message on Balance Changes Coming Early Next WeekPosted in: NewsThe new Warlock quest The Demon Seed really needs a nerf. It's way too overpowered in Wild.
problem is darkglare and huge mana cheat (giants) early.
RottenPizza posted a message on Alliestrasza and Lt. Eddy Cancel Card Reveals over Blizzard Allegations and Law Suit - Trump TooPosted in: NewsIt's just a f**king children's card game. You guys really need to chill out. Missing a few card reveals is not going to kill you.
Elexxtron posted a message on Stealer of Souls ban - Reno next pleasePosted in: General DiscussionDude, Reno is NOWHERE NEAR the annoyance of that damn Stealer.
Almost 6 years in the game, father of a few archetypes... if he would be a problem I AM SURE he would be banned few months ago.
So chill the f**k up.
ActionJunkie posted a message on This Week's Nerfs Postponed Till Patch 20.0 Later This MonthPosted in: NewsB-A-R-N-E-S.
Not sure how much I put on Brode, but yes things, especially in Wild, moved at a snails pace.
farqtheorc posted a message on This Week's Nerfs Postponed Till Patch 20.0 Later This MonthPosted in: NewsUnder brode, there were many painful cards that took *months* to be addressed.
For example, 5 mana unleash the hounds and buzzard combo.
It took us years to get more than 9 deck slots.
Although brode was cool and the original version of the game was good, we have only seem significant improvements to the game since *after* he left.
b1ak1ce posted a message on This Week's Nerfs Postponed Till Patch 20.0 Later This MonthPosted in: Newslegendaries cannot be judged on the same level as non-legendaries. Charge, going forward, being a legendary mechanic is fine.
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Be advised that hackers are in the Brawlsieum and are using prohibited deck codes. There are multiple accounts of hackers with the Jaraxxus hero on Turn One with the 6/6 Demon Hero Power.
Sees Rafaam's passive
40 card deck of Legendaries! LET'S FUCKING GO!
We don't want Warlock getting Discolock support.
Wow, I didn't know that a discounted Alex was considered a crap card!
Okay folks, place your bets on how quickly this gets nerfed to oblivion.
Oh goody, Quest Rogue is back. Just what I always wanted, getting my fucking face bashed in by four 5/5 piggies after the quest finishes.
This card is going to be nerfed hard, because now they gave one of the most hated decks in the history of this game reliable burst damage.
I can wait no longer... Taste my blade!
Mech Warrior is back.
God help us all.
Giggling Toymaker's triggering my PTSD, man...
So is the Hydra a Zombeast option for stuff like Deathstalker Rexxar?