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    posted a message on Best handlock list
    Quote from Sherman1986 jump
    Quote from jrsl76 jump
    Quote from Sherman1986 jump
    Quote from jrsl76 jump

    This is the deck I've been running and I love it.  Very highly recommended!

    Phil Champ's Fizzlelock

    Wait... you just included  Wilfred Fizzlebang in the most common and simple form of handlock and you call it your own creation with a different name? C'mon man... that is just... I have no words to describe what I'm thinking...

    Well, it's not my deck for starters (never claimed it was)  and there is no reason for you to act like a snide jerk about the deck.  He asked about this type of deck & I linked him what I was enjoying.  That's it.

    I don't want to sound like a jerk, but you call it Phil Camp's Fizzlelock like something totally new while only adding Wilfred Fizzlebang to the list...

    But, your post is useful for showing a basic Handlock deck working at legend ranks for new players, so that is at least a good thing...

    Pretty sure what he's saying is that he is not Phil Champ. He found this deck when he searched for Handlock decks, played it, enjoyed it, then linked it to someone who was looking for a handlock deck. Maybe leave a comment on the deck if you have an issue with the construction, that might get to the person who actually made it.

    I do like Wilfred in Handlock. I played a version with him and Fencing Coaches last month to rank 3 before secret paladin became a thing and it became a lot harder to play Handlock.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Deck UI - Deck order changes everytime

    Yeah I've never really had any complaints with the number of deck slots, but not being able to sort them drives me sorta crazy. I want all my Warrior decks at the bottom, next to the Warlock decks. Let me do this. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Mysterious Challenger is OP. Nerf!
    Quote from eliasfajardo jump

    It's insane? Yes

    Overpowered? a bit

    Legendary? It doesn't have a real name (Like all legendaries have)

    True. How about The Mysterious Challenger?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Mysterious Challenger is OP. Nerf!

    One of the things I find super interesting about this card is that it defeats one of the purposes of secrets, or at least, what I always assumed was one of the purposes. Someone plays a secret and you have to sit there thinking "Okay, it could be this, this, or this, and in each of those cases I need to play like this or this and see which pops." There's a thought process that involves playing around the possible secrets. With Mysterious Challenger it removes that and you're just like "Well, it's all of them, so let's just go through in order." 

    The card is sorta what Paladin secrets needed to get any play, it's just amusing to me that they aren't really secrets anymore since once they're all in play you know what they are. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Should Hearthstone HAVE to be a serious competitive game?

    In order for a game to be viable as an esport it basically needs to have three things:

    One: The support of the developers or third-party tournament organizers willing to organize events and put money on the line.

    Two: Players willing to put time and energy into traveling to events, participating in them, and making the experience worthwhile for viewers either by playing or commentating.

    Three: People willing to watch and support the events. 

    Hearthstone has all three of those things, and while I have no idea how long they'll last, there's no denying that at the moment it is treated as an esport by a lot of people. There's nothing really wrong with that, regardless of what the people saying things like "E-Sports has to be about skill and skill only!" may think. Hearthstone has everything it needs. Maybe that will change later, but for now I'll just enjoy watching the tournaments, seeing some interesting plays, and watching that 1-20 topdeck blow someone out of the water. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on What would you think about a card game with absolutely no RNG?

    Basically an idea like this boils down to what the game would end up looking like. Sequencing would become the biggest part of the game and that's just not very interesting. Or rather, it can be interesting but often times it's not exciting. In Go you have joseki, which are basically "solved" patterns of play. They don't cover the entire game, but cover sequences of play that have been played out enough times that people know what the best option is through a series of plays. Chess has those too. You'd end up with a series of decks where everyone knows the appropriate sequences. "I open like this, then they go get this card, then I respond with this one, which makes them do this, and in turn I..." and so on.

    Now in practice it wouldn't go exactly like that, because there would still be hidden information. You don't know for sure what is in your opponents deck, but you can make some assumptions. It would make tech cards obscenely powerful, certainly. If I could always just draw BGH or Kezan Mystic when I felt like it, then would anyone even want to play 7 attack minions or secrets? The tempo loss might be too much to recover from (obviously this is a Hearthstone example, your game would probably have to forego tech cards altogether or make their impact a lot smaller).

    The real problem with an idea like this is that it's far more punishing to those with less experience. If you want to make a game accessible in the sense that it's easy to market, then putting a skill gap that's so high between new and old players isn't really the way to do it. People complain about losing to facehunter and the like but in games without rng you can play against the same person one hundred games in a row and literally lose every single game. If they're better than you, it's a lot harder for you to ever win. If you used a ranking system like Hearthstone does, you'd see a lot of stagnation in the ranks, with players just stuck until they finally manage to get good enough to progress a little. It would be a long process that didn't feel particularly rewarding. 

    Now of course, this is true of games that don't have rng, and perhaps your game would attract the people who enjoy that kind of game. Your market would just be a lot different from the kind of people who come and enjoy Hearthstone, and assuming you were trying to market it I can't help but think you'd make a lot less money XD. 

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 9

    posted a message on I guess the meta won't change that much...

    I always feel like I'm playing a different game than everyone else. I honestly just don't run into that many aggro decks. Not now, not pre-TGT, not really ever. It seems about even with other archetypes. Maybe I'm just lucky. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on What decks are acceptable to play accordingly to hearthpwn?

    This is a good question. Whenever someone friends me to after a game to complain I always make sure to ask them what deck I should play next time to gain their approval. No one has answered so far so I appreciate a thread like this. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on So I got Anub'Arak...

    The problem with Hemet  was that he's a tech card. Really, no matter what cards are printed how good he is depends entirely on the other decks and how many beasts are around. His stats are such that he really needs to be killing a beast to be worth it, and that's going to happen very rarely.

    Our resident beetle king, on the other hand, is not a tech card. What he needs is the support for a grindy control style Rogue deck. He's the kind of card that can finish games over the course of several turns by being hard to deal with short of silence or hex/poly effects. Right now he's not good enough, that's certainly true. But the odds of him being good are much higher than Hemet, I would say. 

    I will admit to a certain amount of bias as I love the card and the character, but I do think he has the possibility to be good, just not yet. 

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on people play same deck

    Well, I would assume that not everybody has a ton of new cards yet. I mean, the people here are probably in a subset of players that bought, preordered, or saved up gold and dust to get a bunch of new cards, but there are also probably a ton of people that have opened like ten packs and maybe didn't get all the cards they wanted or the enough for the deck they want to test. It's not like just because they released the set a few hours ago means every player now has access to the cards. Maybe give it a little more time before you start bemoaning the lack of innovation.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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