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    posted a message on Tin Foil Hat time again.
     there is no such thing as tone in cold text.
    If you want to make a functional joke you need to do at least two things generally;
    1. make it relatable (which you kinda didn't do)
    2. deliver it in a way that makes the joke work
    The second part is tough to do in text form, usually most comics use stories or anecdotes to maximise humor this way.
    Not really much nuance in these threads.
    No one says that, god and rng always have a plan. 
    Many times people don't actually know what sarcasm or irony etc actually is, often times they go mean with the sarcasm and try and pass it off after. In any case I am not and wasn't really offended, it's the age of taking offence over nothing, I just felt like what you said was really dumb, something dumb made in jest is totally fine so, fair enough my dude.
    If I came across as rude or combative then I formally dial that impression down to an amicable tone.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on EZpensive Palidan [Tavern Brawl]
    Quote from TopPlayaHata >>

     I recommend it...its both fun and effective. On my first match, the opponent conceded on T3 ^~^ Second match, same deal. T3, opponent concedes.

    Now this could be because its a wallet deck in brawl and F2p players can't hang--I'm sure its a factor. But the deck definitely lives up to its moniker of buffing everything and making a very scary board, very fast.

    BTW, I subbed the 2 legs I don't have (Ysera & Don Hancho) for Ragnaros & Loatheb.

     You had to sub legendaries and you are shit talking f2p and new players about how they can't hang.
    Posted in: EZpensive Palidan [Tavern Brawl]
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    posted a message on Tin Foil Hat time again.
    Quote from Gunnolf >>

    I drew patches in 6 out of my last 9 games. Won anyway, God and rng always have a plan! :p

     God and or RNG having a plan is some of the more illogical things I have heard.
    One is a random number generated by a computer algorithm
    The other is Invisible best friend that takes no provable part in human affairs
    Human beings have an unlimited capacity at grasping at straws and rationalizing any outcome no matter how mundane or absurd.
    You think if there was a god the way humans conceptualize "him" he would give two shits about giving you the edge when you draw patches anyways. 
    At least the RNG stuff has some actual things to talk about. People conflating RNG and GOD's divine hand guiding their hearthstone rolls really triggers me.
    On the lighter side well done on pulling 6 of 9 suboptimal starts. But to be fair HS mostly plays itself.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Why is everyone against Priest? (Especially Kazakus Priest)

    If you have priest avatars and you are evangelizing the virtues of the class, that says a lot.

    Enjoy your day in the sun. You would think people would demand counterplay in the game, the feeling of earned wins and deserved losses.

    Instead it's "our divine turn to tea bag."

    If you have a priest avatar pic and no velen in your collection you are a joke.

    I can't stand the class and I have Velen, just saying. If you played control and combo in other games than hs you would realize how poor a job blizzard has done with it. It's why they know it's awful to play against, because the game is literally two player solitaire and this class highlights the design flaw in the worst way.

    It's fun to bm and it's fun to high roll and snowball for 20mins if you are winning, but don't you want to feel like you earned your wins and deserved your losses with room to develop and improve as a strategy player?

    Nah, just barnes into LK and Raza on 5, ME SKILL! All the classes have decks and problems in the same vein, however priest seems to attract an ironic amount of scum bags. Top line players in conquest play the strongest decks, fair enough. I am talking about the ladder pretenders.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Why is everyone against Priest? (Especially Kazakus Priest)

    Lots of people love priest.

    lots of people are not well endowed.

    People love to spend on packs to get dust to craft priest decks. Case closed.

    Smug emoting, small real life persona.


    Blizzard have themselves roped into a corner with the class, greed and gimmicks. (HS has a bunch of issues, Priest is polarizing for valid reasons)

    Having a degenerate combo, aka big priest and then another degenerate combo of Raza and Reaperduin (with a dash of lyra for salt) is gimmicky and obnoxious af, the people that enjoy it are people that like to high roll a tea bag and gloat, it's not really a skill situation or games that involve counterplay. They get the gimmick they win an unfair game, they don't they get rolled by aggro perfect curve. So fun, as usual, Having dodged all 5 of the nerf cards both decks should see a rise in both popularity and meta strength, provided the meta doesn't shift to decks unfavorable to these 2 full of shit decks.

    Blizzard should be focusing on more interactions and less gimmicks across the board, but hs is what it is. Even something as stupid as Ranunap Red in Magic show how far behind this game is on a strategic level.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 1

    posted a message on Insane RNG card pack!!!

    nice pack, on my f2p, I opened,

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Jade question

    I was going to add this, these nerfs hit people with low dust and deck options hardest. They didn't nerf patches for instance but the rare at the time, and while Pirates is still strong it is still sleazy.

    the only time they hit the legendary or epic if the effect is unique and game breaking, like yogg and caverns.

    If you look at crafting for the caverns deck last meta you would have gotten the D by blizz even with the 1600 dust refund, what tier one deck does that buy you?

    I'd still wait if you are gonna go for drood and like the playstyle i'd go aggro, The best for what you mention though is something that is fun / variety and has some ability to win some matchups.

    Eddings was a great writer of characters and dialogue, it was a shame that him and his wife passed and his books will never be made into shows or movies, could be a fantastic fantasy tv series from a few of his series. Good luck either way and if you want to add me you may.


    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Jade question

    new meta snapshot on the 27th, I wouldn't craft till then.

    you said zoo has no board control / play not sure if you just played poverty zoo or what because zoo is definitely not mindless and had many variants, even fun stuff in wild like reno zoo with malganis shenanigans.

    pirate warrior, jade and other braindead decks where people misplay 6 times a match and get carried is pretty boring and spending all your dust on aids drood might be a mistake if you want variety and some thinking.

    I'd recommend playing your hunter variants until you get an idea of a few other decks that might interest you and are at least tier 2 or better, that way if you are a player that shoots for the rank 5 dust, or just want to have fun you aren't dumping into a mechanic that you can't follow up with in 8months as you said you dusted all your wild stuff.

    I have almost all the key stuff and my eyes on 5 legendaries and a few epics that look to be solid from the new set but honestly rushing to dust is a mistake, esp if you are f2p and aren't shooting for hct points anyhow.

    Sherman offered up good advice. But perhaps you need a different deck in a class you favor. I have the aids drood with malf / ultimate on my f2p and it's brokeback af. Aggro cancer drood is just as brokeback, not sure what is exciting about either of these decks to you.

    Wallet drood and decks of that ilk just will never be in your realm unless you pay or have paid / played a long time. My f2p from old gods / standard for my son is just starting to have more control options, but frankly you have to make your goals for how you play the game, crafting early is a mistake, it just is.

    The only way it's not is you have a solid collection and you have crafts that are for fun and brewing or for just tier 1/2 standard meta. I crafted a second hobgoblin in wild, before kft as well as some utility tech cards etc I don't regret it. I crafted golden lich king and reg rexxar as I will play rexxar in wild as well and I want to play towards gold hunter and warlock next (have mage and pally) I would have considered drood / warrior but I find it boring to grind blues clues cancer decks.

    the rest of my 5k+ dust I will sit on, you really should only work on 1 deck at a time so you get value by playing your cards, and with limited dust you might find this to be even more punishing.

    It's no wonder that people netdeck and play cancer garbage, blizz makes it tough to brew / be creative, that and the adventures are about the only thing I find that entertaining with this game anymore. Playing friendlies with like minded people is good too.

    Until they put a proper tournament mode in the game I don't have much respect for "competitive" hearthstone. aka ladder and luck arena,  just slot machine grind to get people to buy packs to get dust for netdecks so they can bm how skilled they were to high roll.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
  • 0

    posted a message on Poolside Facehunter [Wild Rank 4+]

    nice list to punish greed in wild, I had some dufus bm me after reno on 6, I beat him anyways. Another was very close after reno on 6.

    you generate such a gross start with something as simple as coin glaive onto a deckhand and patches, swing for 6. if they are priest you try and jebait them with alleycat on 1

    solid deck, for those saying pirates sure go and play it then, this is a solid list which can easily be tweaked. nice to alternate off losses from this and reno rattle hunter.

    For those new to the archetype, you have to remember to maximize value by weaving your steadyshot in as much as possible so you maximize your damage efficiency and are not blown out by clears. Also watch out for Skill Command by planning to ensure active hits to hit for 5 either into the face or taunt etc. You only have the two razors and the kill commands to push through taunts etc.

    If you are facing a lot of control i'd sub a unleash for mark, as you sometimes sit with double unleash in hand vs mage etc.

    Nice list. Funny how old cancer is new and fresh. Standard is not good for hunter though at the moment hopefully things settle better for the class but least I can work towards gold in wild if nothing else and get the rank 5 dust while I'm doing it.

    Posted in: Poolside Facehunter [Wild Rank 4+]
  • 0

    posted a message on Journey to obtain the new hero, Arthas.

    Well good news, very soon you will be able to netdeck the boss and show off your fancy well "earned" arthas hero.

    It will be amusing to see the 9 class deck festival on Hearthpwn for this and people whiniing about substitutes because all they have ever played is cancer decks each meta.

    The true motivator here should be if you have golden pally, becasue if you have non gold Arthas you are clearly a pleb.

    Just Saying.

    Kudos on beating the weapon challenge with every class, that must have been a hell of a lot of mulligan/restarts LUL.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Best legendary in your opinion

    Very nice list ^ and recommendations.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Better chance for golden legendary if you have all legendarys in set?

    Well, Kripp opened upwards of 600 packs

    at the end with a full set he disenchanted the LK about 8-10 time to get it gold, he moved onto anduin after,  didn't see that turn up gold so he likely just got it at the end of the stream or crafted it. After you open all your packs and have all base legendaries you should just craft gold. It only makes sense to do this with packs you for sure will open remaining and with the pity non repeat changes.

    250 packs means you should just craft gold instead of eating 1/4th loss of dust 8-12 times + cost of packs jesus.

    On my f2p I opened 50-55 and 3 DK, rexxar and Gold Lich king in same pack first gold on the account (will be my son's ultimately) It's super long odds and when you consider 3200 dust buys it you should craft it's nice gold with the power cards.

    On my main account opened same amount of packs $0, got patricide and lanathel, which is ballsack. I opened my most hated class for the go fu ck yourself freebie on both accounts. Which was amusing since they found a way to make me angry after opening Gold LK rexxar, uther and garrosh. I crafted Malf there and have been playing f2p and haven't spent any dust on my main account so I don't get screwed crafting.

    the adventure is fun, the meta and most of the cards we can't play however are not.

    250 packs for a below average set card wise (good theme regardless) and you want to reward them with more packs so you can vanity show off is beyond me.

    Save your coins for another set, or better yet a different game than Druid (we don't fucking playtest ever) stone.

    LK is easily the coolest golden card they have, and even if it's just a good neutral and not oppressive a double cost dust for 2 years of standard and lifetime in wild is worth it for a fun neutral. I am going to craft it in gold on my main to match f2p if I don't open grey first waiting for the craft tier list to settle.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on 45-ish games, 1 Jade Druid

    You need to troll harder, you obviously weren't held enough as a child since you are so desperate on here for attention.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Hearthstone Wild Packs Have Returned & Card Pack Changes Live!

    fair enough I misread, I am pretty tired.

    Nothing like getting 3 and 4 copies of the same card in a pack. If you open a bunch of packs you will see how much they screw you with the common and rare shit fest assortment. 7 and 8 of the same rares, none of others. 12+ of the same commons 1 or none of others. Just wait I expect that to be the case this set as well. the fix for the legends for dupes and 1 in the first 10 is to fend off other games offering better value to play their games, and the real fact they have more legendaries now that are required for archetypes with less neutrals.

    Did you notice that people?

    So cool of them to limit it to the maximum usable cards in the same pack of 5 cards. It's obviously an improvement but it's marginal.

    2 pit lords over 8 classic packs 1 golden rare and common, and a legend on the f2p (which happened to be a Malygos)

    2 ungoro 1 golden rare.

    I like how people are on here bragging about golden legends and shit in a handful of packs, and calling it meh luck. Farcical.

    The rates are no different just people hitting the pity timers and / or getting lucky which is what this game is a slot machine.

    Anyways it will feel better this expansion just waiting it out and crafting good cards no purchasing with money. it's a shame that the gameplay blunts the excitement of new cards for the long anticipated lich king set but I only enjoy this game in small bursts these days.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Hearthstone Wild Packs Have Returned & Card Pack Changes Live!

    You should feel lucky, I have been playing since before naxx, and have a second account f2p from whispers launch, I have opened one golden, ONE.

    the total seems about right the gold ones puts you into the ascendancy. which is nice that should make a deck for you 2 legends of your choice. I'd wait for the new meta to settle in a 3 - 5 weeks though so you get the full value of your crafts / disenchants.

    Posted in: News
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