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    posted a message on Siege Tank Bug??

    Ah, fair enough.  Sorry

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Marvel Snap vs Hearthstone

    Wow, the first page of this thread manages to pack 100 pages of salt thread vitriol into a neat little package.

    Marvel Snap is an amazing first offering in a business sense.  Regardless of longevity, I imagine the development costs have already been dwarfed by the returns, and introducing Second Dinner as a competent concern is more important than it has ever been in a world where a fairly high percentage of game launches don't begin to deliver as promised (to say nothing of the prominence of early access campaigns which fold without ever offering anything).

    That being said, I would love to hear objective justification for the claims made regarding the "mediocre" track record of Hearthstone.  Someone made the incredibly cringe "point" of suggesting that Hearthstone's relative obscurity compared to the Metal Gear franchise somehow proves . . . something.  I hope that point wasn't doubled down too often in the subsequent pages.  For anyone clinging to that brilliance as evidence, allow me to suggest that Hideo Kojima is a bum by your standards, and the real genius is the man/woman/wolfkin/etc behind Candy Crush (name recognition is your metric, not mine).

    All this being said, I'm glad the "look out [established game], [month old game] is going to replace you" crowd is still hale and hearty.  I've been enjoying those predictions since Aion was to kill World of Warcraft.


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Patch 24.6 Preview - Big 1st of November Announcement Confirmed, Hallow's End, Battlegrounds Event, Loaning Decks & More

    Wow.  That's a surprisingly generous and well thought-out encouragement of new players.

    Good job Blizz.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on a conversation about RNG

    Good call, Bengalaas.  It's like American politics . . . the only advantageous side to be on is both.


    I must confess I don't really understand the question.  You mean what could they do in the game relating to RNG to make more money?  Because my original reaction was to just say "play the lottery".

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Kibbler going off with thief priest.

    Kibler has truly come full circle.  I met him in or around 2001 at the Junior Super Series (Magic the Gathering tournament) where he was signing cards and playing exhibition games before the US Nationals tournament kicked off.  At that time, he was coming off a US National Team appearance at Worlds and was deadly serious about game preparation and the decks he was playing.

    Obviously, there was no streaming presence back then, so there was no opportunity to make a living off of anything except wins and high money finishes, so there was far less of the "let's play with crazy decks and have fun" mentality.  Nevertheless, he was a consistent contributor to the fledgling internet community of CCGs, and I followed him off and on until the beginning of Twitch and the launch of Hearthstone.  I would go so far as to say the only reason I gave Hearthstone a shot in the Beta was that Kibler had signed on.

    As I stare 40 in the face, I have to admit, being a kid in the 90s and watching the whole growth of the internet space as it pertained to games of all sorts was a hell of a ride.  It's hard for the younger folks to relate to the utter glee some of us feel as titles like Wolfenstein, DOOM, and Mortal Kombat get dusted off and reintroduced to the gaming world.  Part of the reason I hang out on Kibler's stream is to bask in such nostalgia.



    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hearthstone is 2022

    Your quality of shitposting has decreased greatly in my absence.

    Nevertheless, it's nice to know I can step away from the forum for a year, come back, and see that no progress whatsoever has been made in the war against cognitive dissonance.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Zeddy

    People are zeroing in on "business models" and whether or not he speaks for this or that.

    The fact is, Zeddy has proven to be willing to throw out the most racist garbage under the guise of being some sort of "spokesman" and grow his channel.  If you want the full rundown on the incredibly ugly episode where he took it upon himself to go for the most wide-sweeping act of racial erasure in eSports history, read the following:



    Personally, I don't have the heart to do that thread twice.


    Posted in: Streams and Videos
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    posted a message on Dear Zeddy You Well-Meaning Ignoramus

    Quick Correction, he is anything but "well meaning".  Very difficult to attribute positive intentions to a man who redefines "person of color" to include or exclude Asians as his personal soapbox demands.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Y'Shaarj finally says his own name

    Yes, and Galadriel is wearing plate and scaling mountains alone, too.

    Or alternatively, I just ignore the philistines.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Y'Shaarj finally says his own name

    If memory serves, Mists of Pandaria, the . . . (pauses to count) . . . fourth expansion to the original World of Warcraft game came out in mid to late 2012.  Y'shaarj entered the lore lexicon officially at that point.

    Hearthstone is constantly retconning and augmenting Warcraft lore, sometimes by adding new characters, but often by expanding on already-developed story lines and character backgrounds.

    Nevertheless, Y'shaarj's name was pronounced many times in cutscenes and spoken quest moments.  There hasn't been a debate as to pronunciation since then.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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