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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    God, I love this thread.  And thanks for the suggestions, Kally/whatever your next account will be named.  As I've told you numerous times before, I will choose option C every time.  Sorry for the cross talk, but I was suggested to personally.

    Anywayz, work has an astonishing ability to get in the way of legend climbs.  Nerf work plz.



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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from Kaladin >>
    Quote from ColinthePyro >>
    Quote from Kaladin >>

    can we please ban big druid from casual

     or can i please fuck right off and die

    my happiness means literally nothing

     You're playing an odd quest priest with barely any removal, no pressure, and no win condition other than out-value in the very late game. And you're playing against what looks like a Quest Druid, who you only did at most 3 damage to before he started gaining armor. You're also running a Thief package, which looks fun but won't accomplish anything if you're trying to win.

    How do you expect to win anything with that? Are you hoping for someone with no win condition and who doesn't apply any sort of pressure the entire game?

    Its fine if you want to play garbage decks, just don't complain when you lose to better memes. Your fault for knowingly making a bad deck my guy.

     I'm really sorry.  Can i message you to ask permission to post here next time?

     I mean, history suggests it'll be better for your ban record.


    Can't get back to 200.  Hard stuck behind a wall of hunter.  Oh well, fun while it lasted.

    Btw, anyone else seeing a certain . . . aquatic theme to the new expansion?

    Oh, also, effing Zalae has so many people playing the exact same 30 for 30 deathrattle hunter list, I'm playing as if it's gospel that everyone is playing the same tech cards.  All of a sudden a faceless manipulator on a cube plus play dead equals two Charging Devilsaurs in my face and taking my stars.

    Credit to that dude.  Faceless is a nice mirror match choice.


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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Barring a run worthy of a Disguised Toast video, I'm about to break a 13 month streak of top 200 legend.

    Humble brag aside, I'm sad.  Made the mistake of picking up Starcraft again.  Hard to run both at the same time.

    Although according to elsewhere in this forum, there's no difference between rank 5 and legend, so I suppose I'll just say the legend streak continues.



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    posted a message on Hallow! Hallow! Bundle

    I ended up using the $20 to upgrade to Starcraft 2 Collector's Edition.  Given the choice between playing as an annoy-o-tron and having 'Murica Thors . . . let's just say MAGA.

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    posted a message on Road to legend time frame from 5?

    I've hit legend every season that it was possible to hit legend (except Feb. 2016 . . . feels bad), and it's gone everywhere from 42 games to over 600.

    Personally, I think the quest version of odd warrior is going to be very strong.  This is purely based on the belief that Shudderwock is not going to see a huge resurgence.  The Quest version is the least hurt by the giggling nerf, as it uses quite a few other taunts and stands up very well to zoo and the druids that want to kill you with damage.  Not so great against Mecha'thun and Togwaggle druids, but this is still a meta where you MUST pick a few matchups you're willing to be bad against.

    Deathrattle hunter is still going to pack a punch, but you're going to have to get through zoo without giggling.

    Sort of lurking in the background is even shaman.  It's never the premier aggro deck, but now that mana wurm isn't around, it has some room to move in the meta.

    People keep saying that Odd Rogue is the easiest trip up the ladder.  It may just be an unconscious choice to play decks well-situated in that matchup, but it always feels to me as if Odd Rogues get bodied by a range of stuff.  Don't take that as an argument against stats, it just never feels like a great choice to me.

    A really big question is going to be how many mossy horrors and void rippers will hang around after giggling nerf.  If the answer is very few, then spreading plague jumps back up to the most influential card in the meta.  The anti-plague tech was too good to not run in many decks, but now that it's solely an anti-druid thing, not sure there will be as many.

    Anyway, good luck on the grind.  You will find plenty of folks who suggest it's just based on how much you play.  That has always been a ridiculous contention, so enjoy the club when you get there.  A large chunk of players will never reach that spot.



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    posted a message on Hallow! Hallow! Bundle
    Quote from ZCFlayer >>

    Indeed, HS has never been p2w, its pay to have more meta decks available.

    Pay2win would be for instance if you could buy more health for your hero so the actual game was unfair. 

     I think it would be interesting if the first extra max life cost $1, then $20, then $200, then $1000, then $3000

    Just blow it completely out of reasonableness as each new max life point is sold.  I'd love to see who bought it.

    For the record, I've spent thousands on this game, but even I would stop around 33

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    posted a message on Hallow! Hallow! Bundle

    Those of you who visit the forum regularly will know my opinion with regards to payers vs f2pers.

    Having said that, I'm a big believer in voting with your wallet.  I will be buying the bundle because I like the price and the skin, HOWEVER, if you are truly unhappy with the nerfs (or lack thereof), this would be a good time to voice it with your wallet.  As much as everyone seems to lament this fact, Blizzard is much more likely to react to the people who regularly fund the game.

    Not at all saying you will definitely see a change as a result of not buying the bundle, but it's a rare occasion to make a pointed omission of purchase right after a specific change.

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    posted a message on What do the nerf accomplish?

    I mean clearly they think that by taking quest rogue and agg mage out of the lineup, something else is going to show up that will handle druid well.  That is the only explanation, despite what the "druidstone" memers will tell you.

    Having said that, I wouldn't pretend to know what they have in mind.  Furthermore, I'm not certain Quest Rogue is squashed just yet.  That deck is a hardy little cockroach, and I'm not convinced it's gone till the damn thing rotates.

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    posted a message on Hearthstone should be P2W only

    Really, players who have to play more are more invested than people who CHOOSE to spend more?

    Not saying you're wrong.  Am saying your proof is sketchy.  Wouldn't claim it's self evident, in any case.

    I'm so sad this post fest has died down.  I was looking forward to rehashing Clinton.


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    posted a message on Hearthstone should be P2W only
    Quote from Dunscot >>


    5. F2P players usually have to play more to compensate for the fact they can't just buy stuff, and thereby tend to be more active community members, both in the game and outside of it, contributing a lot to points 1 and 2.

    I could maybe go on, but this should be enough for now. And just before some dipshit comes with "Blizzard needs the money": The F2P players increase the brand value of Hearthstone by such a ridiculous amount they make Blizzard a shitload of money even when they don't spend a single penny, just as Facebook or Twitter make a lot of money with you, even when you never had to pay anything.


     Citation needed on number 5.  I would think the exact and objective opposite is true.

    And the beauty of America is "need" doesn't control the money one makes.  I couldn't care less about how much they "need", but I know as someone who reads their financial reports that Hearthstone wouldn't exist if not for a significant contribution by non f2p'ers.  This is not conjecture.  Obviously the f2p model has advantages, and thus I never shit on those who are free to play UNLESS they start bitching about . . . oh I don't know, a player skin of some sort only available to people who make the game possible.

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    posted a message on Hearthstone should be P2W only
    Quote from Hajima >>
    Quote from ColinthePyro >>
    Quote from Hajima >>
    Quote from Metroid1228 >>

    The game will endure, yeah, hpwn censoring every critics also helps a little. I guess thats the liberal ways of doing things, everyone that doesnt share your opinion should be silenced.

     Crazy how all conservatives do is lie like this. Just goes to show what traitors to God and country they really are.

     Not sure if continuing the shitpost or serious

     Yeah, I have no idea why someone would consider someone who conspires with our enemies to undermine the foundation of our country a traitor either.

     Just out of curiosity, are you still salty over Florida 2000?

    Anywayzzzzz, I like this game.  Do you guys like this game?  I thought we probably had that in common if we're hanging around here.  People who pay for this game like this game.  People who don't pay for the game and like the game should like the people who pay for the game.  Questions?

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    posted a message on Hearthstone should be P2W only

    I'm so glad I don't have to change my avatar for this.

    When one takes into account the specials, the giveaways, the free legendaries, etc., the Witchwood block is the cheapest set block to collect ever.  A relatively small amount of effort (keyword is RELATIVELY) is required to craft a t1 deck at this point if you are discerning in your choice.

    I'm sorry you take issue with Blizzard rewarding those who keep the game alive.  Much like MAGA, MHGA is going fairly well at the moment.

    I'm not a huge fan of the nerfs . . . well, more accurately I'm not a huge fan of the nerfs that aren't present on the list.  Nevertheless, the game will endure.

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    posted a message on Worst meta that there has ever been
    Quote from thazud8D >>

    Hey! If it's any comfort the next meta will probably be the worst again.


    Quote from TardisGreen >>

    Zalae was asked on stream about what were good choices for high skill decks in this current meta game a couple of days ago.  His reply was that most of the meta decks required a high degree of skill.  And added that this “polarized matchup” stuff was just a cop out made by people who didn’t want to get better at the game.

    But maybe Billy is right.  Maybe the game has the same skill cap as tic tac toe.  But boy oh boy, that Hunterace sure is a good TTT player.

     To the first quote, I hate you so much for beating me to it.

    There is always going to be this huge contingent of players who get reasonably good at the game, decide with no particular evidence that they have reached the pinnacle of play, and attribute any troubles to matchup . . . because after all, what else could it be?  I've said it before, I'll say it again:  Out of the 20,000 or so games I've played, I can count on two hands the number of games that lasted more than six turns in which I am certain I played perfectly.  I haven't finished out of top 200 legend since early 2017.  If you are giving yourself credit for perfect play when reeling off personal experiences of "game decided by matchup", you are playing yourself.

    Zalae has it absolutely correct and I'm sorry I missed that live broadcast.  You watch or commit blatant, black and white mistakes in unfavorable matchups and then come up with, "Well, I can't win that matchup".  People have the nerve to suggest Shudderwock and Quest Rogue are "brainless" decks while making egregious errors with and against them.  Here's a secret for you:  There is no brainless deck.  If you truly think there is, go take it to rank 10 or higher legend and post your screenshot.  I say you can't do it.

    Kibler has made some videos about meta stagnation, and in this there is some truth.  Most of the top decks were top decks in Witchwood as well.  But "stagnant" and "worst" aren't remotely close to synonyms.  And on top of everything else, the OP actually mentions midrange shaman.  I have no idea what VS said about the polarization of that time period, but I know it matters less than zero.  There was literally exactly one tier 1 deck.  To compare that time to this one and suggest we had it better then is beyond ridiculous.

    And on top of everything else, you really want to start this shit again immediately before nerfs are announced?  Michael Caine had it right.  Some men want to watch the world burn.  Fortunately, the gentleman I quoted above has it right.  The next meta is destined by tautology to be worse, so at least there's that.


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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from Kaladin >>

    report me or ignore me.

     Why in Yogg's name would anyone do that?  I'm going to continue with Option C if it's cool with you.

    I'll add some of the only type of salt that makes sense to repeatedly post in this thread:  I hate beyond hate how little time I have to devote to this game.  I love this game almost as much as my old RTS titles, the meta is wide and deep (much like your . . . oh never mind, you get the idea), and I tragically have to work for a living.

    I'm also apprehensive that the incoming nerfs are going to head in the wrong direction, but we'll mine that salt when appropriate.

    Love all y'all salty motherfuckers.

    Btw, casual mode is diverse and enriching, and any slight deviation from the perfection of current day would be a lasting, tragic detriment to the game of Hearthstone.


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    posted a message on Where can I learn evenlock?

    Yeah, I think they aren't literal dead cards against control and the tradeoff against aggro is too good.


    Against control, just snipe a tar creeper or something and be happy.

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