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    posted a message on "The Caverns Below" is getting nerfed

    I hope there's a full dust refund. I would like to craft the card with dust since I didnt manage to pack it.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Why do you hate the decks requiring skill?

    Lol, people just mad that they lose to these decks while being totally helpless to do anything about it, hence the hate. It feels horrible when you lose a game knowing that there was nothing you could do to since the loss wasn't your fault in the first place. The deal with skill and all just comes from abit of gamer's pride. "Wtf, that dude misplayed so many times. He's dumb yet he won. I wouldn't have made those mistakes. I am clearly more intelligent. How could I lose to THAT dude." To be honest, it's a card game. Luck can matter a hell lot more than your in-game knowledge and skill. Especially THIS rng-heavy card game.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Shame Yourself! Share your awful misplays.

    This was a misplay but it ended well for me somehow. The board was empty except for my opponent's sylvannas. I targeted it with firelands portal, thinking that the minion would only spawn after sylvannas deathrattle was activated. To my surprise, it stole the minion summoned from the portal. And to my amusement, my opponent stole bombsquad.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    Haha, wtf dude, the bad luck. But why do u have millhouse in your deck? thats kinda asking for it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Yogg/token druid with violet teacher

    i guess there arent enough small cheap tokens for savage roar to be worth it. Your list looks very interesting though. Would you mind posting how it fares on the ladder? It looks fun to pilot.

    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on Yogg/token druid with violet teacher

    why did u not include savage roar? with it being token based and all?

    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on [WILD] Headed for Legend! - S39 June 2017

    I finally managed it for the first time with token druid!!!! Yeah, wild legend rank 93rd!

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    holy crap! 1 f..ing game from rank 1 and I lost to pure bs.  I was playing egg druid and didn't draw a f..ing buff spell all the way until I have 13 cards left in the deck, save for one single target spell. wtf?! I drew more than half my deck without a single buff card?! how?! And on a rank promoting game too....

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on DIsenchant which?

     What? disenchant patches? but why? Its perfect perfect for aggro decks. I usually dont disenchant legendaries unless they are really really useless but if I had to choose, probably last kaleidosaur or jungle giants

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Did You Know Hungry Crab and Pirates were Overpowered in Alpha? 30 Card Changes from Hearthstone's Alpha

    wow, flamestrike did $4 while swipe did $3 of damage? hearthstone really is pay to win!

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Shame Yourself! Share your awful misplays.

    This isn't a personal misplay but a misplay of a friend. I was spectating his match as a warlock in arena and it was a close one. The opponent had 4 health, no board and a near empty hand while my friend was at 6, with a board and a decent hand. Thinking he had already won, he was like "watch this!" and started emptying his hand by doing all sorts of shenanigans like clearing his board and summoning minions in the wrong order until shadowbolt was left. Then "f...!" and he auto conceded. Apparently, he wanted to shadowbolt the opponent's face.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Shame Yourself! Share your awful misplays.

    When I first started out, I was asking my friend which minion to use frostbolt on among my enemy's three minions on board. He said not to use frostbolt so I dragged the cursor back to my face, thinking that it will cancel the order. End result, I did 3 damage to my own face... The opponent went 'astounding!'

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Can i make a pirate warrior deck without patches?

    You can, it just isnt going to be very good. I had considered making a pirate warrior without patches before because I didnt have the dust. But after saving dust and crafting, I found patches crucial to establish a board early so that you can deal massive damage in the following turns. I suggest you save dust and craft patches, it is essential and irreplaceable.

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on wild egg druid players, a little help?


    Wow, I didnt know all that, thanks alot! Also, stupid question, how do I find this wild hs subreddit page? Do I just google it or...?

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on wild egg druid players, a little help?


    okay then,interest me. Name a fun and viable wild deck by your standards and I will see if my card collection will allow it.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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