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    posted a message on Opener of the Portal

    The deck itself is kinda a mixup of archetypes, and there are many cards you don't need to be able to pull off the Portal main thing.

    I'd say what you absolutely need is :

    - Memewaggle and lackeys because they'll help you hold your ground against midrange decks ;

    - Spirit of the Shark

    - Portal Makers ; Portal Overfiends and Portal Keepers.

    - Mountain Giant is a nice addition because you'll often have many cards in hand.

    - Augmented Elekk is a nice help and is easier to pull off than Spirit of the Shark (cheaper and has better stats).

    Otherwise, Sap and Vanish are recommended but all the rest is up to you

    Posted in: Opener of the Portal
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    posted a message on How to make best use of Daggers Mastery

    Well i understand your opinion, im not saying that u are not correct but i dont really feel this. I think the hero power is good. Helping your minions to trade, utilizing face damage etc. Try to make strategic decisions when to use it and it will work and u will feel that daggers serve u well. Or just put some synergy with weapons in your deck.

    I read you, I just don't get exactly when and how to make those strategic decisions, that's where I'm seeking guidance. As I said, since I run a slower deck I get to use Dagger Mastery multiple times a game, but I never use who I should target with the Daggers. I usually don't target Heroes with it, but I also avoid attacking minions unless they're 1-off since Health is usually a big concern for me and I need to keep it the best I can.

    If i play slower rogue deck, it is always up to finish off a trade or the enemy or some strategic 1 dmg. If tempo rogue hero power bring some really dmg to contribute wins.

    Well, I guess I just have to learn where to get those strategic 1 dmg. My deck is structured in a way which makes it so that when I win, I usually do by a good margin and it's a very rare occurence that enemies hold me at bay with very little remaining Health (does happen, but when it does I no longer have options in my hand, and the daggers are not enough).

    greenskin and then stuff like deadly poison that directly buff your weapon.

    I like playing cutlass if I want to be weapon-centric as I can keep that same weapon through the whole game, and if you get the weapon buffed just up to 5 damage even, it can make a big mess (especially considering it has lifesteal as well)

    I guess this probably goes against your totem/battlecry strategy though. 

    I was messing around with the tuskar with the spell power battlecry until the rotation within a pogo deck and that was pretty cool as a plan B finisher. 

    Can I see the deck, please? I feel I could of better assistance if I seen the deck. 

    Greenskin is a nice touch, but he brings better value to other weapons than the base one.

    Although it's true that Greenskin could create powerful weps with Shark totem, I already run a number of other Battlecry minions that probably provide better value than he does.

    Tuskarr ? Who is that again ? >_>

    I'll PM you !

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    posted a message on How to make best use of Daggers Mastery

     I see, so, yeah, basically, when on its own this HP doesn't play a HUGE part in the outcome of the game. I guess the archetype where it matters the most (without particular synergy) is Tempo Rogue where you try to keep your opponent at bay.

    Thanks for your answer, so I guess for decks like mine it's not any real use.

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    posted a message on How to make best use of Daggers Mastery

    Anyone has ideas ? Or is there just not much to say about this Hero Power ?

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    posted a message on So, How is the new expansion for you?
    Quote from SClone >>
    Quote from RepoMan0077 >>
    Quote from Colopsa >>

    I love this expansion. Finally no more pally and a control meta. Thats the only thing i wanted to see.

     On the contrary, Paladin is stronger than ever due to this expansion. Instead of focusing on small minions, they now have a big minion oriented deck that is a real powerhouse and counters Bomb Warrior and much of the meta. I’m excited for the new direction Paladin is heading in!

     What Paladin deck?

    I hope you don't mean Secret Paladin, cause it will be countered by Hunter if it ever becomes a success (Flare instantly guts the entire deck, and Hunter just got a handful of spell generation).

     I'm not entirely sure, but I think he refers to a Heal or Dragon archetype. Those are to me, the most prominent at the moment.

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    posted a message on So, How is the new expansion for you?

    Clearly you don’t remember pirate warrior at whispers of the old gods or patron warrior. Both of those decks were so bad that classic cards had to be nerfed into completely unplayable. FWA wasn’t a ridiculous card until pirate warrior, which had the exact same 3 cards played for the first 3 turns, if you played those cards, you win. There was no counter. Patron warrior was an Otk at possibly the soonest we have ever seen one, it was great to see an opponent drop a 3 cost minion with charge and 12+ attack. Every class has had a “cancer” deck. It just means that they are the strongest class in the meta. If you don’t like bomb warrior, make a counter deck, blizz gave you the tools to counter it. Although, warrior is a bit one sided with removal and aoe, which in a control heavy meta really favors them. It would have been nice to see priest, mage and shaman get some new aoe and removal since they lost the best ones in the game.

    I wasn't there back then. I started playing the game right after Un'Goro went live.

    In other words I play the game since April 2017. Since then, at least in the lower ranks in which I play (never been a great player, and it doesn't look like it's going to improve unless I start playing "easy" meta decks, as you can see from my hand in the picture above I run weird decks of my own conception), Warrior has never been that much of an issue for me. The only Warriors that I almost always lost again were Control warriors, and, oddly, Control Warriors have never made me tilt. What makes me tilt is the total opposite of them - aggro decks. And since I've never known any Warrior aggro deck, I like Warrior. I play Control Warrior myself and am considering playing Bomb Warrior. I wanted to play it before the expansion went live, but now that everyone is pouring hatred over it, I have mixed feelings about it.

    On a side note, does anyone want to play some friendly matches ? I'd love to just chill and see what decks people are trying to run and this young meta. (my battletag is on the left)

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    posted a message on So, How is the new expansion for you?

    Ok, I have to admit. Some things bug me. Sometimes.

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    posted a message on So, How is the new expansion for you?

    Hey guys, remember that the two expansions to come are meant to complete the first. In my opinion, the meta already nicely changed with the odd and even leaving, and aggro paladin fina-fucking-lly outta here. Maybe the two next expansions will make it better. Give it time, folks.

    PS : and also the flavour is nice, isn't it ?

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on How did I get this bomb?

    It technically earns you a draw at the cost of 5 mana and 5 health.


    ... worth it !

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    posted a message on So, How is the new expansion for you?

    On a personal note, I think that the fact that games take longer is a nice thing. I've always liked better long games, cause you actually get the opportunity to play the DAMN game and do something. As someone who builds their own decks but who is (telling from empirical experience, achieved rank 14 at best although I have 780 wins with Rogue) not the best at it, my decks are often sloppy and suffer from early game slowness. So I very much enjoy this extra time. (Still got killed T6 by a Pirate Rogue, but heh.)

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  • 1

    posted a message on So, How is the new expansion for you?

    I agree that Bomb Warrior is strong, but frankly, I don't mind it too much, because for me Warrior has never been a cancer class and I like it.

    As of Burgle Rogue, I know it's not a meme deck anymore, but if you ask me it's far from being the best deck in the meta. At least when I play it, I always get the worst possible luck with Espionage. Really.

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    posted a message on How to make best use of Daggers Mastery

    So far, the only way I've found to exploit her Power to its maximum is to actually run on purpose cards that will make it better, like Sharkfin Fan or Hench-Clan Thug.

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    posted a message on How to make best use of Daggers Mastery

    I am currently running a slower Rogue deck that involves Shark totem and Battlecry minions to generate ton of value at the cost of... well, a lot of mana, and usually some tempo and health along the way.

    As a deck that runs high-cost minions, it's common for me to use my Hero Power several times a game.

    However I always feel like it really makes ZERO difference in the game. Which is a shame since it's a lot of wasted mana whereas Heroes like Rexxar deal massive damage throughout the game with Steady Shot.

    So, what is the best way to use my Hero Power ? Situations where enemy minions only have 1 health are disturbingly rare and I usually end up destroying my blade without having used it to its full extent cause I never find good opportunities to use it.


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    posted a message on So, How is the new expansion for you?

    Overall, I like it. My two favorite classes (Rogue & Warrior) got interesting cards that seem fun to play around with, or straightfoward strong.


    I just regret, as usual, that the "themes" of the set are not used enough (lackeys, twinspells, so on so on).


    PS : and there are a few cards that don't even make sense. Hello Dr. Boom's scheme.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    When playing Rogue, I always end up too short on Health when the game looks like I'm going to win. A problem most Rogues probably can relate to.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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