• 1

    posted a message on New MMR is screwing me over!
    Quote from Jagu >>

    That God of War reference was the only smart thing you said in this thread. Props to that.

     I guess I'm a loser. I lost a lot of time trying to explain something to someone who can't comprehend. So long, grown Ass-Man. 

    Don't bother to reply. Don't waste my time any more.

     Ahhhhh. The smell of defeat. Good riddance.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New MMR is screwing me over!
    Quote from Jagu >>
    Quote from Ragnar0k >>
    Quote from Jagu >>
    Quote from Ragnar0k >>
    Quote from Jagu >>

    Get good. Whining won't get you to legend.

    Everyone started at bronze 10, do you really think those who reached legend play on a different MMR than you? They have access to the same cards as you do. There are stronger players on high ranks that's all it is. You felt you were good because of those star bonuses, you weren't. Anyone with enough star bonus can reach Diamond with a negative winrate. What a dummy. 


     Big talk from someone who doesn't understand the game. Once you reach a certain skill level, it doesn't matter how good you are, just what cards you run. How do you know what cards I have? You assume everyone has the same collection. I can't spend hundreds of dollars on virtual cards. Maybe you can, and that's why you think you think you can talk trash. Star bonuses don't have to do with shit, cause it's meant to help higher rank players go through the ranks faster. Mine ran out at plat 10, so I guess my negative win rate got me all the way to diamond 5. Maybe I should ask advice from you so I can gEt GoOd.

    You didn't even understand my point. I'm saying you have access to the same cards Legend players use. There are no 'special OP cards' reserved for legend players, this is not Yugioh (anime). Anyone can craft a Tier 1 deck. It's how you use the cards, how you play. 

    You can craft any Legend viable deck and get it to legend. If you are saying you don't even have access to at least one complete Tier 1 deck, then quit dreaming for Legend. I reached legend while I was still F2P so maybe you should ask advise from me to get good, Angry Chicken boy.

    How about you learn how to properly express your point before you claim I didn't understand it.  Your point sucks, since you don't know how I play, or what cards I own. This game thrives around strong interactions, and only the strongest decks can compete. To have constant access to this competition, you need to have a large card collection. Just because a deck was tier 1 doesn't guarantee it will still be in a couple of weeks. It also seems that you didn't understand my point. I'm not complaining about people who have more cards than me. In case you forgot how to read, I was complaining about the MMR, which I think is not good since I'm going against such "skilled" players such as yourself. But you know what bother me more? Assholes like you who think they're better than everyone just cause they reached legend once or twice. People like you will always bitch about how "bad players" are whining about losing, and about how good they where since they reached legend as F2P. Get off your high horse man, its just a game. Oh, and you don't like my title? Sorry I haven't spent more time trying to earn more prestigious ones like "raid leader".

     Lol at the raid leader remark, I was just making fun at how apt your forum title was and you just reacted like a child throwing a tantrum.

    You said it yourself, you want to reach legend but don't want to get matched with skilled players. You are a walking, talking paradox dude. How entitled.

    I guess I'll have to accept hearthpwn is an echo chamber for losers.

    I know it's a game. When did I say it's not? You watch too much fortnite Ninja boy. Don't bait me, I won't bite.


    You try to play it off cool like you don't care, but you keep calling me names. I guess you've been playing God of War to much. I'm a grown ass man, so cut with the boy shit. You forget this is a game cause you think your entitled to put people down cause you think your good at this game. If you think hearthpwn is an echo chamber for losers, than you're the biggest loser here. Get off if you don't like it. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New MMR is screwing me over!
    Quote from Jagu >>
    Quote from Ragnar0k >>
    Quote from Jagu >>

    Get good. Whining won't get you to legend.

    Everyone started at bronze 10, do you really think those who reached legend play on a different MMR than you? They have access to the same cards as you do. There are stronger players on high ranks that's all it is. You felt you were good because of those star bonuses, you weren't. Anyone with enough star bonus can reach Diamond with a negative winrate. What a dummy. 


     Big talk from someone who doesn't understand the game. Once you reach a certain skill level, it doesn't matter how good you are, just what cards you run. How do you know what cards I have? You assume everyone has the same collection. I can't spend hundreds of dollars on virtual cards. Maybe you can, and that's why you think you think you can talk trash. Star bonuses don't have to do with shit, cause it's meant to help higher rank players go through the ranks faster. Mine ran out at plat 10, so I guess my negative win rate got me all the way to diamond 5. Maybe I should ask advice from you so I can gEt GoOd.

    You didn't even understand my point. I'm saying you have access to the same cards Legend players use. There are no 'special OP cards' reserved for legend players, this is not Yugioh (anime). Anyone can craft a Tier 1 deck. It's how you use the cards, how you play. 

    You can craft any Legend viable deck and get it to legend. If you are saying you don't even have access to at least one complete Tier 1 deck, then quit dreaming for Legend. I reached legend while I was still F2P so maybe you should ask advise from me to get good, Angry Chicken boy.

    How about you learn how to properly express your point before you claim I didn't understand it.  Your point sucks, since you don't know how I play, or what cards I own. This game thrives around strong interactions, and only the strongest decks can compete. To have constant access to this competition, you need to have a large card collection. Just because a deck was tier 1 doesn't guarantee it will still be in a couple of weeks. It also seems that you didn't understand my point. I'm not complaining about people who have more cards than me. In case you forgot how to read, I was complaining about the MMR, which I think is not good since I'm going against such "skilled" players such as yourself. But you know what bother me more? Assholes like you who think they're better than everyone just cause they reached legend once or twice. People like you will always bitch about how "bad players" are whining about losing, and about how good they where since they reached legend as F2P. Get off your high horse man, its just a game. Oh, and you don't like my title? Sorry I haven't spent more time trying to earn more prestigious ones like "raid leader".

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New MMR is screwing me over!
    Quote from Fobus0 >>

    I also hit a wall after Diamond 5. I just assumed that's just my skill level and the  limit of my non-meta deck (i literallly met 0 people playing my type of deck from the bottom of rankings). But if it's true that you play against legends even as a diamond 5, that's really bullshit. What's the point of these stars then?

     They're meant to help grind less when the season restarts, but you will be playing players that the game determines are "your level". When those star bonuses run out, your supposed to against players of your rank, but were getting matched against legend players for some reason.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on New MMR is screwing me over!
    Quote from Jagu >>

    Get good. Whining won't get you to legend.

    Everyone started at bronze 10, do you really think those who reached legend play on a different MMR than you? They have access to the same cards as you do. There are stronger players on high ranks that's all it is. You felt you were good because of those star bonuses, you weren't. Anyone with enough star bonus can reach Diamond with a negative winrate. What a dummy. 


     Big talk from someone who doesn't understand the game. Once you reach a certain skill level, it doesn't matter how good you are, just what cards you run. How do you know what cards I have? You assume everyone has the same collection. I can't spend hundreds of dollars on virtual cards. Maybe you can, and that's why you think you think you can talk trash. Star bonuses don't have to do with shit, cause it's meant to help higher rank players go through the ranks faster. Mine ran out at plat 10, so I guess my negative win rate got me all the way to diamond 5. Maybe I should ask advice from you so I can gEt GoOd.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New MMR is screwing me over!

    If silly builds include Highlander Mage, Big Druid, and Galakrond Rogue, than yeah, I guess they're pretty silly.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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