Such a wasted opportunity. But hey, I guess it's this game's community. It'll never change. I just think it's really sad.
So, pick ur renathal deck and start to win for a change; or play another game? U presented a lot of archetypes...what's the problem there? Create ur own if u want to see something different. Be the change u want to see it.
The puzzle "for Azeroth" hero power has changed from gains 2 attack for honorable kill to gains 1 attack. This way it is not possible to pass through the puzzle. Team 5, please check and correct it.
who cares about that? it's a mode for new/low elo players anyway
Wild is so fucked up, it's unbelieveable. I am playing since beta and I have been legend and diamond 5 is the least i am achieving
I still reach legend against these decks with even simple ones. Sadly the starfish was nerfed to 4 mana, but still a good tech against these threats. There tons of decks to counters these decks, and sometimes u are paired with decks that counter yours (classic matchmaking of HS) So, yeah, u're right but not totally. They playtest stuff enough to release and make players spend shit in game. Then, like their forever model of business, they nerf, and launch more broken shit. Profit
They announce specific nerfs yet, or is this just speculation that mage is catching the nerf?
No, just some badplayers crying for nerf everything they don't know how to play against. Why Nerfs? Why not buffs? Buff everything else that looks weak and see what happens. it's so logical.
Haha this guy…because buffs have proved time and time again to have no effect on the meta. You sir have now said 2 irreverent comments. I can only assume you’ve never even made it past gold but have all golden hero’s lol.
Dude, I get legend by 2k or 1k almost every month, I have more than 90% of collection of this game including this one, i'm f2p since a long time ago. What are u saying? What elo are u? Pls, look at urself in the mirror, don't project yourself onto others. Play better, be better.
They announce specific nerfs yet, or is this just speculation that mage is catching the nerf?
No, just some badplayers crying for nerf everything they don't know how to play against. Why Nerfs? Why not buffs? Buff everything else that looks weak and see what happens. it's so logical.
Prominent streamers do not agree with you. Mage gets a targetable Ragarnos hero power for basically free, Druid is busted, Rogue spams huge threats.
You sir, are therefore a an unpolished knobstickle who should prove you have any skill at this game before posting again.
PROMINENT STREAMERS!!!! Why don't u get a job? This is real life dude, these streamers are a illusion of it, they even influence you to belive they are some shit in life but they aren't !!! Blizzard kinda pay most of half of them to be there, and the other half just belive in the illusion. they sell this illusion to players keep playin the game and dream that maybe one day they will get out of their mom's basement and get a life playing children's game. it's sad but true
Reckoning did not worked for me most of time. Most of time I win with discounted Sir denarius and Inquisitors + Faceless with discount. Ain't had the bad luck to draw all the giant minions in hand early xD I did 50 dmg in one turn in one game I had.
They announce specific nerfs yet, or is this just speculation that mage is catching the nerf?
No, just some badplayers crying for nerf everything they don't know how to play against. Why Nerfs? Why not buffs? Buff everything else that looks weak and see what happens. it's so logical.
Great deck. Kinda easy to play. Put on description if u buy Krush earlier you are f**ked xD
So, pick ur renathal deck and start to win for a change; or play another game?
U presented a lot of archetypes...what's the problem there? Create ur own if u want to see something different.
Be the change u want to see it.
who cares about that? it's a mode for new/low elo players anyway
Horrible. Just crafted the legendaries that left cause I needed them for another deck.
I still reach legend against these decks with even simple ones. Sadly the starfish was nerfed to 4 mana, but still a good tech against these threats.
There tons of decks to counters these decks, and sometimes u are paired with decks that counter yours (classic matchmaking of HS)
So, yeah, u're right but not totally. They playtest stuff enough to release and make players spend shit in game. Then, like their forever model of business, they nerf, and launch more broken shit. Profit
You know that nobody will read this , right?
Best idea so far, but I would reduce to 2 mana extra instead 5 for the sake of balance.
Theotar - change cards untill next turn
Yes, every deck has a counter.
Buffs has been proven to be better for the game, it's not good for monotrick players that sadly infest this game.
Dude, I get legend by 2k or 1k almost every month, I have more than 90% of collection of this game including this one, i'm f2p since a long time ago. What are u saying? What elo are u? Pls, look at urself in the mirror, don't project yourself onto others.
Play better, be better.
PROMINENT STREAMERS!!!! Why don't u get a job? This is real life dude, these streamers are a illusion of it, they even influence you to belive they are some shit in life but they aren't !!! Blizzard kinda pay most of half of them to be there, and the other half just belive in the illusion.
they sell this illusion to players keep playin the game and dream that maybe one day they will get out of their mom's basement and get a life playing children's game.
it's sad but true
play better, play something different, stop whining
Reckoning did not worked for me most of time. Most of time I win with discounted Sir denarius and Inquisitors + Faceless with discount.
Ain't had the bad luck to draw all the giant minions in hand early xD
I did 50 dmg in one turn in one game I had.
No, just some badplayers crying for nerf everything they don't know how to play against.
Why Nerfs? Why not buffs? Buff everything else that looks weak and see what happens.
it's so logical.
???????????????? Mage can be countered by DH