• 1

    posted a message on New Mage Card - Medivh's Valet

    This is by far my favorite card in Karazhan!  I don't think it dominates the meta like many said it would at its initial reveal, but it is insanely fun to play in Wild Secret Mage decks.  Here's my current one, and I'm having a blast with it: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/734049-top-secret-1-2 !!

    Also, this probably has the most OP 'vocal battlecry' in the game!  "Excuse me sir, YOU are on fire!"

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on A new way to see wild...

    I don't care what you call it; it's a crap ton more fun than Standard right now.

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.07 - Final Poll

    Malory the Maniacal seems like the only one that's both playable and/or not completely broken.  It's probably too much of an auto-include in practically any deck to ever be printed, but still, it's got my vote.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Crazy Paladin Battlecry

    You're so close to being able to use Reno and Kazakas, you might as well, right?

    EDIT: Well, not Kazakas!  Duh!  Thanks for reminding me!

    Posted in: Crazy Paladin Battlecry
  • 0

    posted a message on Screw a Wall. Build a Kodo. Revised for Lich King!

    I have been working on something very similar, and I found the deck to be much better dropping the Grimestreet Informants and replacing them with Hyenas.  There is so much beast token generation here that it just makes good sense.  Way more value than the Informants.

    EDIT: I just built my own attempt in the deckbuilder here: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/737315-miracle-grow-1-7

    Posted in: Screw a Wall. Build a Kodo. Revised for Lich King!
  • 0

    posted a message on New Daily Quest Designs and 'Friendly Feud'
    Quote from deadrop >>

    pretty sure everyone were complaining when we had only "win x games as y" quests. there's no middle ground with you people

     I'm pretty sure I said that I like the design of the new quests as long as we can continue to complete them against friends.  If you're the kind of person who wins most of your games on ladder, though, then the old quest design is better because it's faster.  I'd gladly sacrifice speed of completion, however, if it would mean being able to having meaningful and lucrative games with friends and family.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Daily Quest Designs and 'Friendly Feud'

    When the new daily quest designs starting popping up, I hated them.  At that point, the main way to play Hearthstone was on ladder, and it was much easier to complete a "Win 2 Games as a Druid/Hunter" quest than it was to "Play 50 Priest Class Cards" or whatnot.  It felt like everything just took longer, and it soured me on the game.  To understand: at the time I logged on every couple of days to complete quests, but that was about it.  I was content to climb to about rank 15 or so on the ladder each month.  After that, the game just wasn't as fun.  So I wanted to make my daily gold and get out.

    I have always thought that Blizzard should make daily quests able to be completed against friends.  It seems like the stupidest thing in the world to me that I introduce my friends (and children) to this game, and they need to get gold and buy packs to be able to enjoy it more, and so they have to go play against strangers to earn that, instead of playing against me where I can go easy on them or whatever.

    Well, the last time they ran the 'Friendly Feud' event, I don't think we had as many of these 'new style' quests that don't rely on winning to earn gold.  This time, though, I am seeing just how awesome the new quests can be in this environment.  If I'm playing against my 10 year old daughter, and she has a "Play 50 Priest Cards" quest, I don't have to go easy on her when we play.  And even though it may take her 8 games to complete the quest, it doesn't feel like a grind to her because she's playing against her dad.  If she had to play 8 games on ladder to complete a quest, she would just turn off Hearthstone and go play Rodeo Stampede or something.

    So good job, Blizzard!  Please make 'Friendly Feud' a default part of the Hearthstone experience.  And keep making quests that can be completed even without winning.  If you would have done this earlier, you would have at least two dozen more players right now just from my group of friends alone.  Strangers on ladder are not the best teachers of this game.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Pirate Paladin

    Seems like this might run out of gas pretty quick if you don't draw Divine Favor (or if your opponent plays just as many cards as you).  Pirate Warrior has some interesting ways to seal the deal in turns 5 or 6, but this one seems to suffer right about there.  I've tried to think about Pirate Paladin myself, but I keep floating back to handbuff designs, as that seems more efficient.  Handbuff here, though, just slows down your pirates.  Think about the dream draw: turn 1: Smuggler's Run, turn 2: Grimestreet Outfitter, turn 3: start playing cheap buffed pirates (which can't attack immediately).  By turn 3 with Pirate Warrior, your opponent is probably getting close to lethal range.  Pirates = fast start, Handbuff = slow start, thus there is an identity crisis.

    Posted in: Pirate Paladin
  • 1

    posted a message on Is anyone else pissed about Classic cards moving to Wild?

    I would just say that for every classic card they move to the "Hall of Fame", they should replace it with another brand new card of the same rarity.  Shouldn't be hard.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 9

    posted a message on Max McCall Talks About Combo Decks and Why They Can Be Problematic

    I kind of disagree with a lot of the sentiment here.  I personally don't mind pirates, face hunter, aggro shaman, or whatever.  I beat those types of decks far more often than I lose to them.  But I just can't stand playing against freeze mage or Reno anything.  I agree with the developer here: when you sit there trying to play YOUR deck's strategy, and all the while your opponent just lets you play (because he has double Ice Block + Reno + OTK) or just completely shuts you down over and over with Frost Novas or what have you until he can set up some infinite Antonidus combo, then that's not fun.  It might be okay every once and a while to try to make a go of it and take one of these guys out, but if one of these decks becomes too strong and begins to account for 20-30% of what you see on ladder, then we're all just gong to hate life.  For confirmation, just go back in time to when early Miracle Rogue was a thing and look at all of the forum posts about that mess.  Blizzard is right: folks aren't happy about that crap.

    Posted in: News
  • 8

    posted a message on Some Classic Cards Moving to Wild, Three Expansions this Year, New Rogue Hero - Year of the Mammoth

    I am disappointed about the dropping of the adventure for this year.  Paying once for all the cards in an adventure was the best-feeling Hearthstone purchase you could make.  Now we're just paying out gobs of money for more RNG packs.  Sure, sometimes spending $50 or $70 bucks can feel good - if you get 10 legendaries or so (happened to me once) - but it also totally sucks if you only get 1 or 2 (which happens WAY more often than it should).  I don't mind paying good money for Hearthstone - it's my favorite game, after all - but I don't like feeling that I'm being robbed.  And sometimes it DOES feel like that, but I never once felt bad buying an adventure.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Any emote is BM

    BREAKING NEWS: Millennial generation cannot now tolerate ANY interaction without feeling abused.  Up Next: Trio of kittens now feel time is right to conquer pansy America.

    Be strong and courageous.  Welcome your opponents' interaction.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • -1

    posted a message on Ben Brode On The Meta, Balance, and Shaman

    Well, if you ever get wrecked by someone running dual Savagery, be sure to come back here and check to see if it's the same person.  But, of course, now that I've talked about it there's going to be a whole bunch of copycats, and soon it will be a tier 1 deck, and no one will remember the source...oh well... ;-)

    Posted in: News
  • -4

    posted a message on Ben Brode On The Meta, Balance, and Shaman

    I'm just going to have to disagree with you there. Making new deck designs in a CCG is really the whole point.  Otherwise, we should just be playing checkers.  Or maybe just play with our hands face up on the table.  Surprise and creativity are what this game is all about to me, and I think that the reason why so many people complain about a stale meta is because those two things are missing.

    Posted in: News
  • -3

    posted a message on Ben Brode On The Meta, Balance, and Shaman

    Seems as fair as any other tactic to me.  The element of surprise is a big part of any conflict or contest. :-)

    Posted in: News
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