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    posted a message on Warpath

     2 Mana, deal 1 damage to all minions seems to be very inefficient. You cannot really trigger Rotface, Frothing Berserker or Val'kyr Soulclaimer since the mana costs for this combo is way to high. Also your board takes damage too, so triggering Frothing Berserker in round 7 2x, you may have a 10/2 minion, but you cant make use of it, since a 2 life minion on board at round 6/7 is nothing. Also your minion will get killed by nearly every aoe and you still need two cards for a comb, which still isn't worth it. Guess every player who plays a lot of warrior knows that there need to be way more synergy to use a card like that...


    Posted in: Warpath
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    posted a message on "We absolutely don’t think players are stupid." Ben Brode Talks About Fiery War Axe
    Quote from Imperiun >>

    Ben, you made the best weapon in the game, the worst weapon in the game. You'll have to come up with better excuses to justify that...

     I dont read anything above but bad statements who actually dont tell anything reasonable about the hard nerf of the FWA. Talking about strategy, pretty shure he is Drood/Priest main.
    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Discuss the Nerf - Fiery War Axe
    Quote from Sherman1986 >>
    Quote from TheWamts >>
    Quote from kaikulimu >>

    This is the only nerf that is unnecessary and unjustified. The other 4 changes are understandable, but this one just comes out of nowhere, serving no purpose whatsoever. Warrior is supposed to be the weapon class, but now Fiery War Axe becomes the weakest of all 3/2 weapons.

     Why does Fiery War Axe deserve to be overpowered?
    Why does Fiery War Axe deserve to be shit?
    So I play some exotic warri decks and I enjoy it pretty much, it's like 13 of my 18 decks are just different kind of warri decks and literally everyone of these decks is nerfed now.. and for my main deck I have no idea how I can replace this card. You just can't do that.. even if some people say this card is overpowered it's a card who makes the warri viable in this actually unbalanced meta. If you start nerfing cards which find plays in every deck start at the Northshire Cleric, Equality/Consecration, Fireball etc. other cards from other classes are huge too.. and are also basic cards..
    The only question I got after the nerf is: How do you play the Fiery War Axe without feeling sorry for yourself?
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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