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    posted a message on End of Season Chest Rewards: what are you hoping for?
    Quote from Hatnisch jump
    Quote from Necronomnicon jump

    I must say reading about the hasty disenchants has certainly made my day. It is not nearly as delightful as hearing about the people who lost nearly everything a couple or few weeks into the defiance game though around the launch. My god my pain of losing my best oragne gun was instantly soothed by hearing about people who lost nearly everything ha ha. I enjoy the pain of others. Feed me Seymour!

    What the hell is wrong with you?


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on End of Season Chest Rewards: what are you hoping for?

    I must say reading about the hasty disenchants has certainly made my day. It is not nearly as delightful as hearing about the people who lost nearly everything a couple or few weeks into the defiance game though around the launch. My god my pain of losing my best oragne gun was instantly soothed by hearing about people who lost nearly everything ha ha. I enjoy the pain of others. Feed me Seymour!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Finally a working Fjola and Eydis deck.
    Quote from Windzy32 jump
    Quote from Bananasuit jump

    Do you think the twins could work in mech decks for other classes?

    I think mage is the best fit just because of all the control that comes with mech-mage.  You can keep them alive and have board control for an entire game.

    a priest could do the same , it'll be quite a while I think before anyone uses her to her full potential though. it'll take alot of experimentation and a lot of matches through it all against just about every type of deck to fine tune it. being a lazy person myself, I'm probably not going to get around to making the effort for quite a while but I am internested in the mal dreadsteed  deck though. considering crafting them but I'm going to wait a while and see what people can do with them first.  

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Legendary Tier Crafting Guide
    Quote from Kanekinumb jump

    i have dust for two legendary cards, but i want 4 T-T. What should i craft? Prophet velen, Aviana, Eydis or gormok? (i have all the good legendaries)



    I guess it depends on what you play eydis and gormok are both good but I would say gormok for now unless you use a priest. but if you use priest velen is probably better than eydis. unless you plan to buff the heck out of her. when you proc her a couple of times though, it is pretty sweet. and very helpful in the early turns. gormok is good if you're sure you'll have enough minions to use him, like a token paladin or a zoo warlock or maybe a totem shaman. with a paladin it's easy to flood with muster and justicar and the totem spawners like murloc knight and the reagent, with warlock an implosion can let you follow up with gormok. eydis and gormok depend on how oyu plan to play I guess. eydis can also work with spare parts and paladin buffs, but I haven't seen much yet about how well she works with spare parts. I have no clue about aviana, but the other three are nice depending on how you wanna play. velen with an auchenei can do a lot of damage, and dragon priest and velen you could heal for a lot more but I think ysera might be better for a dragon priest.


    to be honest, I really hate that new priest legendary, the confessor I think it's called. I've seen it about 6 times, and won once because i was lucky and drew a garisson commander which let me double tap the hunter and do 4 damage to face. another time i only won because I already had a few things on the board, once i afk'd sicne I had no cards and nothing on the board by the time it came out and the other times it snowballed itsself until i had nothing left on the board or to throw down since it's usually saved until the game is very dragged out when it's safest to use it to turn it around. I haven't seen it a ton, but the time I have seen it it's been a major pita most of the time because of the timing of it's use. you wind up removing and silencing other things just to stay in the game up until the point, so it's very useful for a priest also but it's a very late game card. more of an annoying turn around card once you burn the other player out of resources to remove it or anything that it summons

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Should I dust Golden Confessor Palestress?

    I'd dust her, I've seen her a lot at this point and she is rarely useful. I usually win against her. she might get better, but I would put the dust into something more useful to you at the moment. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Mill Rogue
    Quote from DonLeopardo jump

    If you use Beneath the Grounds while the enemy is in fatigue, it's really good. Try it, try only one copy of it.

    they would pop you out three ambushers and draw once for fatigue, but at that point you would probably sitll have at least one coldlight available form gang up that would cause them 2 fatigue draws per coldlight. I usually win playing 2 or 3 coldlights and throwing them way below zero in fatigue lol. 

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Finally a working Fjola and Eydis deck.

    you should throw a beneath the ground sin there somewhere, since later you might have spare mana to throw it out once they've drawn around a dozen or more cards and you have a better chance of them drawing one of them ambushers. bolf looks good for rogue and warlock, and priest since they could protect him and dragon priest could protect it with the new cheap taunts while buffing the crap out of it. rogue won't take face damage using weapons with bolf so he was a good choice imo, still haven't tried him much yet myself though. he will basically act like the hunter epic weapon in effect making her immune to face damage removing minions. you may also be able to conceal him to protect him. one of those taunt sin there would also do that, the taunt delaying minion damage while bolf delays spell and hero power damage. I can imagine a taunt and especially a buffed bolf pissing off a face hunter actually. something I thought of while typing that, though admittedly playing face hunter and zoo warlock myself while trying to get gold faster in casual often. I wouldn't use more than one burgle, seems a waste and you can't always rely on what you get with it. from the few times I used it I think so anyways. 

    EDIT: didn't notice you already popped beneatht he grounds in there on the refined deck. my bad. for 3 spare mana or a preparation for a combo turn that card is crazy on the returns. 

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Legendary Tier Crafting Guide
    Quote from Hatnisch jump
    Quote from Broke jump

    Is Gormok the Impaler staple in the new midrange paladin?

    Its in general a very descend card, but if he gets to popular there will be lots of Mind Control Tech to counter swarming decks... i guess. 

    and turn 7 Mind Control TechGormok the Impaler to agro counter an agro counter swarming agro

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Is this game getting too expensive?

    I remember buying 2 starter deck packages, and at least half a dozen, but not quite a dozen (recall unclear on the exact amount) of boosters when i started Magic the Gathering in 95 or 96 cause a girl I met played it and i wanted to play it with her lol. I met a few other people I played it with beside her, though i didn't play it too often. I have spent 60 to 100 dollars on countless mmos I have played for 1 to 3 weeks usually and lost interest in. besides my first one, which i played for 3 years with a few short breaks for other mostly single player games and a couple of multiplayer shooters. so even though I generally see through the frequent shams of the ftt (free to try/trial) genre, and have seen some incredibly successful and balanced models within it, I suppose I have become accustomed to spending a lot more on one game than I (my parents) spent in the 80s/90s. I also bought new map packs usually for the shooters I played on xlive in the mid to late 2000s. 

    Thinking about how it could easily run someone 100 dollars, even more, to get a decent entry into magic at least back then (don't imagine it's any different now, the starter deck boxes i bought were 30 or 40 each iirc and the booster 2 or 3 a piece) you had a fairly decent start here. the main issue is that enough content has been introduced and enough players have been collecting for a while so that some changes do need to be made to compensate. The one thing that I believe that would help with that, besides blizzard having a link in the launcher to info about hidden quests, would be simply making players able to individually choose wings of the adventure packs to purchase without being forced to purchase the previous wings first. tada. it could save someone up to 2800 gold, depending on what they were after and how many wings it required. rather than an (up to) 3500 card or 2, it would become 700g cards. it would also encourage more creative design in future wings, to discourage skipping 'crap wings' and if people were to skip some in the future it would enable some impressive sleepers down the road in some cases depending on 'meta' shifts and future cards introduced to the game. 


    The small amount of money blizzard would lose with the people who would skip a wing or 2, would be made up for by the game becoming more accessible and less frustrating for newer players. the game would feel more rewarding for new players, and more fun, encouraging them to play more. some of those players, would eventually spend a little once hooked. the most I had spent actual cash on was 9 packs or so until i decided to pop the 50$ on the grand tournament prepurchase. there will be some people who do that, and they are not instant cash, but they could be considered 'money in the bank'. to be pulled at a later time.

    if I hadn't started in beta (kinda late in it, but before open beta) I can't imagine that I would have stuck around in ftt mode once nax came out, in spite of the first wing being free (which was a great thing to do though they only did it to showcase the pve). which would have meant I would not have popped that $50 into the game a year later. I believe at this point, they are more than sustainable enough to simply allow players the choice of the wings they purchase, whether with gold or non-monopoly money. perhaps the next expansion they release, they could design around the idea and experiment with it. if they don't lose much off of it, well then they could go back and do that with naxx at the least, since there isn't much to be made from it after having been out for so long now. 



    TLDR they simply need to make adventure pack wings purchasable, without purchasing previous wings. let people choose the wings they want, and ignore the ones they don't want/need. simple solution. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Tavern Brawl Ranked Matches?
    Quote from Tahladnas jump

    With the way brawl is set up, i don't think it makes sense to do a ranked play.

    A win in tavern brawl means nothing. It doesn't even mean you outplayed your opponent. It just means that u were given a better deck, and the RNG swung your way.

    Don't see the point of a ladder for RNG fest.

    like the rng swings my way when i get the extra card, mana coin, and the better draws for a low cost opening hand and I make the game not worth finishing past turn 4 or 5. it takes MAD skillz to get all that, AND keep drawing not only low cost cards, but ones that are perfect for the way things are going while the other guy with NO skill and the bad opening hand keeps drawing higher cost or inappropriate cards. he totally deserves to lose to my MAD RNG skillz. Ranked matters so much in this game, anyone that doesn't realize that has no skillz and probably plays something like hex, infinity wars, or some less complicated and skill based tgc on their interwebs.

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on Drunken Dragon - Nozdormu Brewmaster combo

    It's called the 'speedhack' option in cheat engine.

    Posted in: Drunken Dragon - Nozdormu Brewmaster combo
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