I've done this one a ton before and a lot this year .. this is really a show and tell on how people really are .. i've been playing this brawl seriously today .. and its rly nice .. for once you arent against your opponent but working with ... just wish they would update this brawl with new decks .. druid/rogue only for all those years is a big shame on HS ...
You do have to take into consideration , not everyone gets a TON of cards from a new expansion on release . Previous expansion i had maybe 12 packs to open , so you can guess i went and used the same deck i did before that expansion. This time i had 94 packs to open , but im at lost on what to try out so i might go netdeck one to get me started ...
Having friends to play games is also fun , you can make up your own rules
As for recommendations ... i do play yugioh duel links on mobile .. it has a useful pve aspect and pvp alongside events and quests all year round .. but like any card game theres also a META being followed that you'll often see the same 6-7 meta decks ..
MTG arena , also a fun game , but same issue as above .
But you should definitively try a new card game , you'll at least have the freshness until you start to notice the metadecks , which could take a few days or few hours depending on the game !
so druid get a 5/5 taunt and priest gets discover a legendary , seems quite unfair unless im missing something ? Then again its hearthstone , not once has a mechanic that goes into all class been fair (colossal , quests , heroes)
I mean i think its somewhat fine like it is .. i just love packing as many discover/add random card in a meme deck in wild :( Any change would ruin this kind of fun tbh ..
better they adress the problem card , if you can discover X steadily , then it might need a nerf if its too oppressive !
Happens with more than just druids ... every now and then i seem to come across a "bot" but its probably someone who is just busy doing something else and forgot he was playing(netflix n HS or something along those lines.
Then there is those who just Q and put pressure while doing something else .
Maybe 0.5% of those are bots ... and they come from all classes ...
Don't get why we get these each and every single expansion these days ... They NEVER EVER do balance change until after 2 weeks in a new expansion , they will always let us see if there isnt a sleeper deck that can put X into its place .
There is some balance change coming but you wont hear about it until its close to decided , which is NEVER in the 1st two weeks ..
Its kinda bad when you start your post with ramp druid , forcing aggro , which can be beat by control but what does control do vs ramp druid ...
Shows how little you know or even care about the rock paper scissor aspect of HS , 1 deck cant beat them all ...Otherwise i wouldve read further but that just irked me enough to simply stop and reply right away , because if anything , the rest was base on the false concept that what beats aggro should also beat ramp druid ...
Seriously with how insane HS can get , idk why you arent running 2-3 silences at least ... Similar to when weapons are relevant , you run 1-3 weapon removal ...
click on the card , you'll see it .. if thats what you meant ^^
Come celebrate HS 10th in another game only ! :P Where's the events for the actual game we're celebrating 10 yrs ???
also costs 1 less than pit lord :P
I've done this one a ton before and a lot this year .. this is really a show and tell on how people really are .. i've been playing this brawl seriously today .. and its rly nice .. for once you arent against your opponent but working with ... just wish they would update this brawl with new decks .. druid/rogue only for all those years is a big shame on HS ...
You do have to take into consideration , not everyone gets a TON of cards from a new expansion on release .
Previous expansion i had maybe 12 packs to open , so you can guess i went and used the same deck i did before that expansion.
This time i had 94 packs to open , but im at lost on what to try out so i might go netdeck one to get me started ...
Having friends to play games is also fun , you can make up your own rules
As for recommendations ... i do play yugioh duel links on mobile .. it has a useful pve aspect and pvp alongside events and quests all year round .. but like any card game theres also a META being followed that you'll often see the same 6-7 meta decks ..
MTG arena , also a fun game , but same issue as above .
But you should definitively try a new card game , you'll at least have the freshness until you start to notice the metadecks , which could take a few days or few hours depending on the game !
so druid get a 5/5 taunt and priest gets discover a legendary , seems quite unfair unless im missing something ? Then again its hearthstone , not once has a mechanic that goes into all class been fair (colossal , quests , heroes)
Druid of the Flame and Maiev Shadowsong
Druid and priest card ? We getting 2-class cards again ? That would be awesome!
For the bugs ? Sure . To find out every single card interation , no ... thats what shape card game , how people use and abuse X cards ...
I mean i think its somewhat fine like it is .. i just love packing as many discover/add random card in a meme deck in wild :( Any change would ruin this kind of fun tbh ..
better they adress the problem card , if you can discover X steadily , then it might need a nerf if its too oppressive !
Happens with more than just druids ... every now and then i seem to come across a "bot" but its probably someone who is just busy doing something else and forgot he was playing(netflix n HS or something along those lines.
Then there is those who just Q and put pressure while doing something else .
Maybe 0.5% of those are bots ... and they come from all classes ...
They didnt say anything prior to 14 days into an expansion is what im getting at ....
Don't get why we get these each and every single expansion these days ...
They NEVER EVER do balance change until after 2 weeks in a new expansion , they will always let us see if there isnt a sleeper deck that can put X into its place .
There is some balance change coming but you wont hear about it until its close to decided , which is NEVER in the 1st two weeks ..
Its kinda bad when you start your post with ramp druid , forcing aggro , which can be beat by control but what does control do vs ramp druid ...
Shows how little you know or even care about the rock paper scissor aspect of HS , 1 deck cant beat them all ...Otherwise i wouldve read further but that just irked me enough to simply stop and reply right away , because if anything , the rest was base on the false concept that what beats aggro should also beat ramp druid ...
Seriously with how insane HS can get , idk why you arent running 2-3 silences at least ... Similar to when weapons are relevant , you run 1-3 weapon removal ...