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    posted a message on Does Dr. Boom Need to be Nerfed?

    For all the people still defending Dr.Boom, either buff all OTHER 7 mana drops to be on the power level of Dr.boom or nerf Dr.boom. Very few reasons to actually play anything other than Dr.boom in the 7 mana slot because he overshadows them. Want to add Obsidian Destroyer? Dr.boom spawns with two 1/1s and guess what, they explode. Fearsome Doomguard? He can come out of the hand for free with void caller! Except he dies to one removal, Dr.boom can die but his boom bots live on to deal damage to the opponent. What about Stormwind Champion? He gives the whole board +1/+1! Except that he is a 7 mana 6/6 that needs two minions ALREADY on the board to get some value out of him. Dr.boom doesn't need a condition to be of value unlike Rend Blackhand. (I genuinely gigled when I thought about mentioning Wargolem, I'll refrain)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on In Praise of Axe Flinger

    It's a tough call to add Axe Flinger into your deck, if your opponent runs any kind of healing then he becomes significantly less effective. What you had are some lucky matches with him against people who didn't have an answer, hardly noteworthy. I can put Millhouse Manastorm or Micro Machine in the same boat, if the opponent doesn't have an answer than they are suddenly "good".

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on Which class is your least favorite?

    Least fav: Rogue. It is the single class that I simply can't play without following a strict deck code.

    I enjoy playing with all the other classes.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The correct prediction gets a cookie

    Plot twist: He never starts his arena run and no one will ever get a cookie.

    I'm not an Arena player but I'll toss my vote as 5 wins.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Hunter needs more variety

    Replace "variety" with "viable decks" please. Also I would like to have a better variety with Hunter's beast minions. Right now the beasts are ok but I would like to see getting some more cards like Houndmaster, Stablemaster and Tundra Rhino to help give my beast decks directions. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Summoner from Final Fantasy Series [24 Jan 2016 Updated]

    Where are the Magus Sisters!? Also I expected Ifrit to have Taunt and more attack and less HP. Personally I would have wanted the Summons to actually temporarily replace Yuna (similar to dead Onyxia replaces Nefarion in the final fight on BRM *the hearthstone version, not the WoW*) and each would have a different hero power (ok perhaps this part is a bit too much).

     Edit: Also I see you brought the most despicable, evil and ruthlessly brutal enemy in Final Fantasy.... the cactuar....

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Zoo or Demon Zoo? 2

    Zoo is more much more strict than demon zoo. I'd vote regular zoo currently but if the meta goes more towards swarming the board then go with Demon Zoo. Also I don't feel like Demon Zoo is that much alike regular Warlock Zoo(demon zoo being slower but more combo-ish).

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on Malygos, Ysera, or Alexstrazza

    You will have a lot of fun with Malygos (if you manage to put him in play). You will be saved by Alextraza's effect but she isn't much for the dragon theme. Ysera will push your Control decks the farthest of the three. Personally if you want some fun, I'd recommend playing thief priest and stealing all of your enemy's minions(Regardless if you win or lose you have to keep track of how many minions you stole). 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Help on Sapphiron Heroic

    I remember that it took me two days to beat this guy on my free time, I tried freeze mage with stalagg and fuegen and I think I had some kind of Druid deck.

    I won by pure luck, the fight reminds of Heroic Maloriak where it feels completely unfair.

    I eventually won with the 3rd Thadius but it was not fun to say the least.

    Posted in: Adventures
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    posted a message on Why Dr. Boom is good for the game

    Nevermind the fact that it overshadows most of the other cards in the same cost AND higher cost. Get out with the "Dr.Boom is a foundation for every deck", a 1 mana 6/6 would also be a good foundation for every deck and there is no difference. If you want cookie cutter games/matches then maybe you should play tic tac toe with your friends.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Now that Hunter's the worst class

    We ask for more midrange and Secret/weapon oriented Hunter decks. Face hunter can go to heck and stay there. Keep in mind that face hunter is still good against decks that do not run Reno.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 10

    posted a message on Is Divine Favor broken? nerf?

    All I see is someone playing an extremely slow-greedy deck against someone who is playing a more tempo-aggresive deck. You are losing and also at a natural disadvantage. Did I miss something else?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Is the lack of Rogue because it is hard to play?

    Everyone can have his opinions and likes/dislikes but A through E were made by observing others and looking to why I myself did not like rogue (Rogue is currently 56 on my HS account). Every time I get a Rogue quest I either pull off a netdeck or make something myself and I can tell you that I never really enjoyed playing Rogue nor did I find the moments I combo'ed someone "amazing"(keep in mind that I am decent but not amazing with Rogue). About point D, I feel I need to rephrase that, I meant that has a more strict entry (2X preperation, 2x Bladeflurry,2x tinker oil, 2x SI:7 etc) to play the more standard decks (I'm still not sure if I am being clear enough). That last line was statement made from me to the reader, not one of my points to display my findings as to why I believe most people avoid Rogue. Just because you liked Rogue does not mean it is appealing. Similar to other games I play, very few people enjoy the hardest possible difficulties available to them but the majority stay away from those challenges (similar to how the majority avoid Rogue for its high difficulty).

    Take what I said at face value(smorc?). As I'm sure you've already heard "I'm a random guy on the internet, so everything I say must be true", do some research of your own or look at other sources.

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Is the lack of Rogue because it is hard to play?

    A: Rogue is hard to play

    B:  Rogue's best decks are on average close to the best decks of other classes (the other classes being with easy to play decks) in terms of winrates

    C: Rogue is punishing when you are losing, and winning hardly feels worthwhile

    D: High entry cost(still not as bad as CW's but it is still one of the higher ones)

    E: Rogue is generally inconsistent, similar to Shaman.

    On top of all that Rogue is just not worth exploring for new and slightly experienced players.

    Posted in: Rogue
  • 3

    posted a message on Help! I've become a face hunter

    Every Player Knows That The Face Is The Place.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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