• 27

    posted a message on New Card - Evil Heckler

    These greedy fucks. We all ran booty bay so much. Oh em gee I can't believe the greed right now. Heckler's going to make them so much money these greeds. Everyone loves booty bay and always runs it poor booty bay im so upset RN.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Decks which require zero thought.

    Does anyone else just hate losing to the decks that require absolutely zero thought? I'm facing so many of them lately. It's absolutely ridiculous how many players run decks like these. I don't get what's so fun about dumping every single card that comes into your hand onto the board and going face. It's not even a game at this point. It's just slamming every card you draw onto the board without any thought. And facing this deck is absolutely boring even if you win. Oh I've been able to clear the board twice and he's out of cards? Guess I win. So much fun. 

    The metas really adapted to absolute boredom. I don't know if it just seems like pointless bitching but I seriously want this to change so badly. I've completed my card collection so the main joy for me right now is just playing matches. When I get matched up to 4 of these decks in a row, even if I win, I generally just decide to stop playing for the day. I understand the decks can be good to climb with because the games are quick and require very little thought but I find that to be a problem. 

    Does anyone else feel the same way about this? I understand aggro has it's place in the meta and I have no problems with it. But I find that the opponent shouldn't be able to just have a god draw that I can't do anything about and it's just a loss I can't do anything about. It all seems so very boring and it makes me feel like when I press the button to match up I'm just spinning a slot machine and I'm going to win or lose. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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