• 9

    posted a message on This new ranked system is a joke.

    I just played agaisn't a diamond player, I added them just to see what rank they were... why is bronze players playing agaisn't diamond players? jesus christ.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 27

    posted a message on This new ranked system is a joke.

    I'm on bronze league yet all I am fighting are players with tier 1 decks that play like robots. No fun decks at all, no funny mistakes, endless amount of galakrond Rogues and highlander mages with 6+ legendaries.

    If this new system was supposed to make it more fair, I honestly don't see it, my experience has been the absolute worse. I had way more fun back in rank 5 matches than this lower league bullshit.

    Edit: I found a workaround, just auto-concede a bunch to get your "MMR" down. After about 30 games of mostly doing it, I am mostly fighting fair decks now and I'm enjoying being in Silver. Its quite sad that it had to come to this but gotta do the workarounds for such a feel bad system.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    I am getting tired of so many braindead decks that can both remove my board + drawing cards + developing their own godamn board at the same time.

    There used to be a time where you had to sacrifice tempo in order to deal with your enemy's board. Nowadays you gain tempo by doing it. Its incredibly unfair to Paladin, which is my favorite class.

    Rogues with their infinite lackeys + combos bullshit, mages with their infinite generate/cheat cards. Not to mention Warrior.

    Mid-range decks are just trash in comparison and it makes me sad.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on Return of Mechazod! is This Week's Tavern Brawl

    The fact that there's a lot of nerfed cards on both decks really doesn't help :/

    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on Return of Mechazod! is This Week's Tavern Brawl

    How do you stop the boss from upping his attack damage?

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Blizzard rewarding afk players ? what about the loyal players ?

    To be fair, its reasons like this why people become afk in the first place, Blizzard doesn't reward loyal players so they leave, but they reward when they come back.

    Its part of their business plan to make you spend more, if you stop playing and then come back later, you'll have to pay or be left behind in the competition even with the coming back rewards.

    The only thing you can do is roll with the punches or leave forever. Only way to win is to not play. Especially true with blizzard lately.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Year of the Phoenix: The Death of Aggro, Year of Value

    I think its safe to say that this post hasn't aged well after all the demon hunter cards revealed.

    I seriously didn't expect Blizzard to go full on cancer aggro with the new class. Instead of multiple classes being able to burst, seems like they want Just Hunter and Demon Hunter to do the job.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Demon Hunter Rare Card Revealed - Priestess of Fury

    What the hell is this abomination? Poor Reno.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    I am so glad that zilliax is rotating out. 

    I am tired of aggressive classes getting a reliable healing source that can also be used to stack damage.

    A Hunter should not be allowed to heal for 10+ while being able to do face damage to you. They just shouldn't.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Anyone else think the new pack protection thing is great?

    When does this change start, march 26th or when the next expansion hits?

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Year of the Phoenix: The Death of Aggro, Year of Value

    The upcoming changes boils down to removing Leeroy, which was the last card that allowed aggro decks to close games, and a giant buff to Priest's classic set, the class that naturally counters aggressive decks. 

    Its safe to say that the days of rock paper scissors are counted. Hello games of average length of 20+ minutes. Its safe to say that this is why they are adding the duplicate protection to all cards now, because you either get a high dust value control deck or you'll be unable to play the game.

    It all fits perfectly. And I for one welcome our value overlords. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    I'm getting godamn tired of so many decks that aren't highlander playing alex and zephyrs with no penalty. That isn't smart deck building, that is just abusing the system. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Anyone else sick of Lackeys?

    The only reason why lackeys are a problem for people at the moment is because of Rogues and shaman being able to generate so many of them and exploiting them with their mechanics. 

    Especially Rogue being able to combo with them and generating so much random value that is impossible to realistically counter because of its random nature.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Suggestion for highlander cards changes

    A big issue that is happening right now, is that decks that don't start as highlander are putting these cards in their deck and still able to get their effects without any penalty.

    Another big issue that is happening is that thanks to Draconic Lackey, every class technically has access to these card effects even if they didn't even put them into their own deck, biggest offender of this is Rogue with their dozens of lackeys per game always having at least one alex go off. Which I feel is a very unfair advantage to the people that actually try to build highlander decks.

    If your win conditions can be used by everyone else in the game, it makes the decks way less unique and special to use, which is supposed to be the point.

    So the suggestion is simply to change the text of the highlander cards to "If your deck started with no duplicates..."

    This is a big nerf to 80% of the decks that have used these cards in some fashion, while a small buff to highlander decks themselves because they cannot get disrupted by albatross. However, considering how the problem with highlander decks is they only have one copy of each card already, they have never been that consistent. So I think its a fair trade off. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Am I bad or just inexperienced?
    Quote from Alp2760 >>
    Quote from Roadie >>
    Quote from abupaco >>
    Quote from ManThighs >>
    Quote from Lightsaga >>

    You can't get good at this game though.

    You are either lucky or not. there is nothing else to it.

     So you're telling me that only difference between the players that consistently hit Legend and the players stuck at rank 25, is luck?

     ill try to answer... only difference between the players that consistently hit Legend and the players stuck at rank 25, is.......the amount of time they invest - spent - waste - lose - entertain their self - have fun playing that game.............so 14-15 times legend, only  means that this guy played literally thousands more games-hours than a casual 25-20 rank ''bad'' player.

     Yeah - thats mostly it.  There are tons of decks that can maintain 51% win rates but the amount of games required is just brutal.  Plus, how "fun" is it?  Just win one, lose one, win one, lose one.  Totally random and very matchup dependent.  Wins dont feel earned and losses cause rage.  Its too bad - they are sucking the fun out of this game....slowly but surely with the horrible mechanics and ridiculous power creep/randomness.

     Keep telling yourselves that. People have a real problem admitting they aren't all that great. Many of the top players don't simply grind a 51% win rate deck. If you think they do then you're ignorant, stupid or both. Most pilot good decks to Kuch higher win rates and even poor decks to good win rates. There are some great creators and streamers who have had good success with certain decks which certainly aren't T1, when I've used them I've then struggled to get near 50% with them. 

    Decisions are key, discover isn't the death of skill, those choices matter. Reading the game, knowing what your opponent has and is likely to play, what mana is available and what is likely to come next etc. I've watched streamers and tend to think of the decision I would make as they're thinking and it isn't unusual for them to do something different, go a totally different way with navigating the game and win. My decisions, with hindsight, likely would have lost me the game. There are times I've seen people use a card like Zephrys and been bemused by it, definitely not something I would have done but they go on and win the game. Knowing when to use him on turn 2 or holding him to use later can be the difference between winning and losing. I'm assuming you haven't watched many of the top players because a child can see they know what they're doing and don't simply grind a 51% deck.

    I'm not a great player, I can get to rank 5-3 and that's about my limit and I absolutely see the difference between me and a top player. Sure, they out in more time and as a result they know the game better, can grind a bit more and make better decisions but a pro athlete also spends more time training than me and they can compete to a higher level in their given sport than I ever could as well.

    I've seen almost every game I've ever played have its salty, whiny section of player base that says there's no skill in the game. Funny that. Either an awful lot of games require little to no skill or people like you are talking shit and I'd out a lot on it being the latter.

    Stop lying to newer players to try and make yourselves feel better. It's pathetic. i see top FIFA players being accused of 'simply' abusing the mechanics as well, go check out their forums and you'll see similar whiny bitches to yourself. Almost every game that involves PvP has the same complaints as well as the tired, age old 'the game USED to require skill, but it doesn't now' haha, it isn't just this game people like you repeat the same crap about.

     The only person that seems pathetic to me is you, thinking that RNG and time aren't the main factors in getting to top ranks.

    Imagine if you played all the time you used watching those streamers, you would probably be rank 1-2 or legend. 

    But again, you want to pretend that using a zephyrs to get the perfect card is very big skill, that discovering 10+ answers as Rogue with Lackeys is total skill. 

    You are also suggesting that if you want to get good, you have to consider every single standard card for every deck out there. Are you even reading what you write? You are telling people to expect a Rogue to have Plague of Death, or bloodlust, or a warlock to have an equality + hellfire. Or a Mage to pull out a tirion on turn 8. No, the discover mechanic has been taken too far and has removed any sense of structure in decks. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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