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    posted a message on Playing since beta. My first real try at climbing ladder.


    Quote from t0rmentus >>

    I have been a hearthstone player since open beta. I follow pro HS and watch a lot of streamers. I never bothered actually trying to reach legend until this season


    I really like the metagame. I am climbing with a Control Warlock deck and this morning reached rank 5 which is the best ive ever reached. Struggling the most against Big Priest and Secret Mage. I see probably 20% warlock 25% Priest 20% Paladin and just random other classes for the rest.

    I just want to reach legend one time so I can say im in the upper 99.5% or so of players lol.

     As you've probably figured out reading through this thread, this forum is much more about complaining about the meta than actually thriving within it. I doubt most people on this site's ability to reach legend. Head over to a more competitive focused environment if you want tips. For example I really like reddit.com/r/competitiveHS. They have a lot of rules about what can/can't be posted so don't go starting a topic asking for tips. It will get removed. Instead, look for writeups on Control Warlock and/or hit up the daily askCompetitiveHS thread.
    If I had tips to give you I would but I'm not experienced in Control Warlock.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hearthstone Number Addon?

    It's HS Deck Tracker. Iirc, in options Card History is the numbers over the cards at the top showing when the opponent drew them. The timer will show the time left. Chances to draw, I forget the name of but its in there. There's even an option to show damage available on board. So if you have a 5/6, 3/3, and a 4/8 itll show a lil 12 in the bottom corner. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on The Q&A was Cancelled. When is the new date?

    I'm anticipating an announcement today of a new time for the QA sometime this week. To the point that I'm refreshing this site once every 30-45 minutes whereas I usually check in once every 2-3 days. However there has been no announcement yet. We are entirely in the dark at this moment. 


    Keep in mind that they announced that they had identified the problem in the evening on the 2nd and had it patched and fixed by like 6am on the 3rd (pst of course) so obviously there was some overtime done by some of the team. I wouldn't be surprised if they let everyone come in late this morning, or even gave them the day off, as thanks for that effort. We may be in for a bit of a waiting game on finding out the new schedule.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Blizzard Cancels the Year of the Raven Livestream Due to Ranked Play Issues


    Quote from batterystaple >>

    It was described as a Q&A stream and I imagine it would have been very hard to find questions they wanted to answer among the flood of questions about the ranked play problems. 

    As for the community reaction to the problems itself, I have mixed feelings. As a player, it's a minor inconvenience that I have to complete daily quests in casual instead of ranked, but nothing more than that. But as a software developer, it seems to me that this kind of issue a) should have been caught during testing and b) shouldn't take so long to debug if proper error detection and logging is in place. Perhaps Hearthstone became a success more quickly than they expected and they never had the time to replace their prototype quality code with robust code, because they're always having to add new features.

     Specifically it was a "Q&A session about the new Hearthstone year". Either they were going to reveal an expansion or go into more details about implementation/design of tournament support, quest changes, rotation, etc. Either one of those, I'm super hyped about. I understand what you are saying about good questions being hard to find, Im just saying that if the community wasn't so toxic then they could have addressed those questions at the top, continued through the presentation then addressed questions that actually pertained to the topic at hand. Then after the stream gone back to the engineering team who is actually working on fixing it and checked in on that whole process. But you and I both know that 2 out of every 3 questions would have been trolling, abusing team 5, or just copy pasta about when ladder will be back. And that's why they canceled the stream.

    You're right that the bug should have been caught. The community is right to hold them accountable. And if they don't make good via handouts, promotions, etc then the community should be as bonkers as it is now **when we get to that point**. But the level of toxicity about everything that happens is insane. We could have held them accountable and still had the stream but we're too busy screaming to realize that our ears are bleeding.
    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Blizzard Cancels the Year of the Raven Livestream Due to Ranked Play Issues

    xX_Clerk_Xx: "I think the reason they cancelled is because they need time to work on ladder, not because us."

    Well now that I got my rant out, I'll take a deep breath and be civil. Short answer: I disagree with you.


    Longer answer: While it being Brode and Woo makes what you say have some merit, I'm willing to bet that everything for the stream is ready and if not, none of the people who are working on graphics and video production are helping fix problems with ranked ladder. If Brode and Woo can't step away from the chaos for 45m-1h to do this stream then their management skills suck. They should be able to trust their engineering team to keep working on the problem while they do some community outreach. But the optics of two of the biggest guys in the company doing a live stream hyping whats coming next while the game has one of its biggest bugs ever is bad. IMO, they canceled it for that reason. Admittedly, that doesnt mean its the communities fault. They might have cancelled it anyways just to avoid those bad optics. But, they certainly can't let that be the public perception when the community is in the state that its in.

    Posted in: News
  • 8

    posted a message on Blizzard Cancels the Year of the Raven Livestream Due to Ranked Play Issues

    All the dumb whiney bullshit memes in this comment section are exactly the attitude that causes them to have to cancel this. If we actually had some god damn civil discourse in the community then maybe they would be able to have an adult conversation with us even when difficulties are happening, but instead they have to shut it down because we're all too big of children and are spamming the FAQ with bullshit they already know about. Im so freaking mad at the community right now. I was super god damned hyped about the stream and its not happening because of us. Not because of them, things break. They know this and are working to fix it. Its because we can't give them an inch of fucking breathing room when things arent perfect for us. If the community wasnt such a shitpile then they'd still have the stream and just open up with apologies and an explanation of what's going on. Instead we get banished to the quiet corner while the adults fix the problem.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on [K&C] Miracle Rogue (74% Win Rate)


    Quote from SentralKont >>

    Because it doesn't miracle as much 

     What does that even mean? It runs double Auctioneer, double backstab, double counterfit coin, double prep, double shiv, double Fan, double sap, double cold blood, double eviscerate. It has 3 less spells than the miracle rogue list Firebat ran in the first championship and if it werent for the Blade Flurry nerf, it'd probably run Double Poison and a Blade Flurry too. It runs the same number of spells that Ostkaka ran in his Miracle Rogue deck in year 2. It runs 1 more than Pavel ran in his Miracle Rogue in year 3. How does it not "miracle as much"? It's as miracle as it can possibly be.
    Posted in: [K&C] Miracle Rogue (74% Win Rate)
  • 3

    posted a message on [K&C] Miracle Rogue (74% Win Rate)

    The deck can play very tempo heavy for a miracle deck.... but what the fuck are you talking about? How many cards different do you need before you consider them different decks? There's like 11-12 cards in common between this and tempo rogue. How could you possibly equate the two? 

    Posted in: [K&C] Miracle Rogue (74% Win Rate)
  • 3

    posted a message on [K&C] Miracle Rogue (74% Win Rate)

    I've tried a few different Shadowstep builds and never found the situations that it was good to be all that common. Leeroy pairs better with multiple Cold Blood/Eviscerate and if you're using those then you usually dont have mana to Shadowstep him at the same time. SI, Minstrel, and Vilespine don't often live another turn when you're in a situation that you need 'em and that's like the entire list of cards that its good to shadowstep. I guess you can use it to pump Van Cleef, hide an Auctioneer for a future turn, or put more Spiders in the deck but I think those aren't worth it.


    Silence is so prevalent that pumping Van Cleef isn't enticing in a lot of matchups and the matchups where silence is rare, you can usually win with a 6/6 or 8/8 about as easily as you would with a 10/10 or 12/12. Hiding Auctioneer means that you are investing a lot of mana without advancing your board. Admittedly if you get a few Spiders at the same time then you did advance your board but in that situation: why would you want to pick Auctioneer up? Next turn you draw a few more cards but you already drew your spiders. IMO, might as well leave him on the board and have the most threatening board possible. Lastly, putting more spiders in your deck is a fun pipe dream but theres one of two possibilties. First, its an aggro matchup and thats too slow of a play or second, its a slow match: if you couldn't get the job done with 6 free 4/4s then what makes you think that you're going to get there with 3 more? Even without shadowstep I had a few games where my board was full and I burned an Ambush! or two. You should be able to get the job done without more spiders.


    I mean, there's some pros who run it so if you want to give Shadowstep a try, then throw it in. See how you do. But I'm not a fan. I'd rather run Shiv or a tech card.

    Posted in: [K&C] Miracle Rogue (74% Win Rate)
  • 7

    posted a message on [K&C] Miracle Rogue (74% Win Rate)

    Since the nerfs, I've played mostly this exact list. It's very good but I often found that Shiv wasn't quite worth it. A few days ago, I ended up hitting Legend with -2 Shiv, +1 Hungry Crab, and +1 Harrison Jones. I'm not saying those are necessarily the best tech cards or that's the best version of the deck, but I hit the matchups that I was teched for enough that it worked out. If anyone wants to play this list, the two shiv are the flex spot. If you feel like teching something in or experimenting, shivs aren't 100% core.

    Posted in: [K&C] Miracle Rogue (74% Win Rate)
  • 0

    posted a message on the Internet has destroyed Hearthstone

    Ok, lets think about this critically for a second. Casual play in Magic compared to casual play in Hearthstone.

    If you want to build a Magic deck, what do you do? You take out your big stack of boxes, probably organized by color. You decide which color you are making and take out the cards that you want. Then you decide to splash another color in and have to go to another box. You take the cards out of that box that you want. You count the mana counts of all the cards that you have. You do some math about whether you think itd be better to have 19 lands or 22. And if its 22 is it better to go 10 and 12 or 9 and 13? You go to your mana box and take those cards out. You count out the number of cards and make sure that you did indeed only pick 60. If you're over by a few cards, we all know that it just makes the draws worse so you might as well pare down to 60. So you take the time to decide which of those cards you're cutting. Then you have to take those cards that you ended up cutting and make sure they're organized back into the right boxes. So get the first color box back out and put 'em in the right slot. Get the second color box out and put 'em in the right slot. Maybe even get the mana box out if that paring down of cards changed your mana composition. Now you call your buddy up and invite him over to play a game because you're excited to try your new deck. Oh... he can't play at the moment. Well you can just proxy it versus one of your other decks and play with him on Friday. You do that, dont like some of the draws end up having to get all those boxes out again just to change a few cards. Then on Friday, you finally get to actually play with your new deck and see if it worked.


    Now lets do the same thing in Hearthstone. You click "New Deck" pick your class. Leaf through the pages slotting in whatever you feel like and press play.


    Is it any wonder that the meta gets solved quickly?

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Kingsbane issue
    Quote from Nighthrash >>

    By all means you guys are cry babies.

    Instead of giving your opinion about the subject you instead write names to blast. Mostly because its a deck you own and you dont want it to be change.

    I though this is a forum... i was wrong there is nothing here except kids that adds nothing to the discussion and probly even dont bother read the damn comments before posting.

    Instead of calling me ignorant why dont you teach me your knowledge.

    Why cant nobody be civilised in a forum why is it needed to be such an agressive behavior all time for no reason at all.

    This was my first topic and my last because clearly im too old for this kind of ignorant poorly though bullshit that i get from it.

    Goodbye and thanks for showing me the true color of this crapy forum website.


     Saying that the card could end up anywhere, including the next card in the deck, and that it is completely fair is people giving you their opinion. Stop accusing people of not giving their opinion. They are. You are just taking things super personally for no reason. Don't project that age bullshit. Stop making yourself the victim. Stop blaming other people's opinion on what deck they play. I don't play Mill Rogue and I agree with everyone else here saying that it is totally fair. Does it suck when it happens? Absolutely and if you're frustrated when you get unlucky, you're right to be frustrated. That's fine. But stop bringing all this other bullshit into it.
    People don't agree with you; that's all that has happened here. You can claim that it "shouldn't" happen but statistically, it should. 1 out of every <their decksize> times. That's how shuffling works. If you don't like it, then don't play card games.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Does anyone enjoy the ladder anymore?
    Quote from EternalHS >>
    You've never played a physical card game on a competitive level, haven't you?
    There is ''injustice'' because you don't like the way that the game is made. I've never seen a more deluded opinion and here you can find a lot shit being posted by minute.
    ''Game is unbalanced! Game is too aggressive!'' welcome to every card game out there. It is the nature of the beast. You can try, and you can try, but competitive card games will always be unbalanced and aggressive. Look at MtG. One unbalanced mechanic, two tier 1 decks. That was the metagame for 6 sets until the recent bannings which will result in another 2 tier 1 decks. You talk about change can't be reached. There can't be perfect balance where there are no ''mindless'' decks. The second a deck becomes popular it will be deemed ''mindless'' anyhow. I really wonder what HS decks aren't mindless to you?
     Bro, when someone drops "Hiding behind relativism: your opinion, my opinion, doesn't negate the moral obligation to battle injustice" in a discussion about card games.... its time to just let it go. Either the dude's a troll or a nutter. 
    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 0

    posted a message on 2018 HOF predictions
    Quote from Konf >>

    Hey guys, sorry for not having much to add to the conversation, but I just got back to the game after leaving post Mean Streets, and stumbled upon this topic.

    Just to educate myself a bit more on yet another aspect of the game I only witnessed remotely - did they confirm that they would keep adding cards to HoF every single standard cycle? Or is it more of a "if we need to, we will" situation?

     Definitely a "if we need to, we will" situation but I think that we will continue to see at least 2-5 cards rotated per year for the next 2-3 years as they continue to shift their design. As the game ages the inexperience in card game design of the team that developed the base set becomes clearer and clearer. The design of the game now is much more nuanced than the original. 
    As for the topic at hand. One card that has not been mentioned that I think should is Inner Fire. I know it's not a huge problem, and that most people that ask for it to be nerfed are new/bad/scrubs, but I really think it is unhealthy for the game and limiting design space. It probably won't be because that is a deck that a lot of newbs build and can be very meme-y. It's a great build-around trap card. But it severely limits the amount of health-buff that can be given to Priest (an archetype I would like explored more) and promotes exactly the kind of burst finishes that Blizzard has been systematically eliminating from the game.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Americas release time (Hours counting down)

    12 pm is noon, not midnight. So you might wanna strap in for disappointment if you're looking to open packs tonight.


    I think they've said 12pm PST on other launches and yet it was actually up between 8am PST and 11am PST. My guess is they lie about the start time to give themselves leeway if something goes wrong internally (server dies, power outage, somebody shows up late to work, whatever), lessen the impact of launch-day bugs like the Gadgetzan triple chance to open Tri-class cards (thereby limiting the freebies that they have to give away to those affected), and lessen the server load on the first rounds of packs being bought/opened(we have seen the store crash multiple times on launch days, if the first few thousand pack openings is over 5 minutes instead of 5 seconds then the servers have a better chance of staying up).

    Posted in: General Discussion
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