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    posted a message on Prepare yourselves for Priestone

    if jade druid falls out of favour after the nerfs, priest will be the number one deck and then deads man hand warrior will become a thing because current razakus priest decks lose mill decks and greedier decks than them.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Asmodai Rank 1 legend

    a different deck

    Posted in: Asmodai Rank 1 legend
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    posted a message on [Legend] Secret Tempo Mage + Guide

    oh shit its true hahahah well then how necessary are those two cards? are there viable replacements that dont lower the decks power level?

    Posted in: [Legend] Secret Tempo Mage + Guide
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    posted a message on We need a report button.
    Quote from MrShmoove >>

    While I agree that ropers are pieces of garbage.  It's still within the games mechanics.  What I WOULD like to see is either the time per term lowered or maybe change the time lengths by turn.  For example

    Turns 1-3 = 30 seconds

    Turns 4-6 = 60 seconds

    Turn 7+ = 90 seconds

    There IS NO reason to rope especially the first two turns.  This would help eliminate that.

     I disagree because there is sometimes a legit decision to make on the first turns of the game and using or saving a card can be the difference between winning and losing. You can be playing around doomsayer as an aggro players going first. you have to count your damage to see if you can kill it, knowing that there is a chance that it can be coined out on their turn one. 
    I although agree that people that do rope to BM is annoying AF. But like you mentioned is within the rules of the game and they arent doing anything wrong. They are just being assholes.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on In Response to all of the Nerf Requests
    Quote from Werkntwerk >>

    We can cross that bridge the day that Blizzard prints a 1 mana draw 5 cards, deal 5 damage, 5 armor card

     that isnt what he is saying. he is saying that if you are seeing a lot of one deck that counters yours, try something else and dont whine that this deck is OP. 
    The case with Jade Druid is different. Jade Druid has all the tools needed (minus a large board clear like twisting nether) to win unfavoured matchups. I was at Dreamhack Montreal this weekend and 2 players brought lineups that specifically countered Druid (Secret Mage, Murloc Paladin, Pirate Warrior and Jade Druid). These two players strategy was not to ban druid and ban paladin or priest in most cases. Both made it to top 8. One faced Muzzy in the Semi Finals and he got 3-0ed vs Jade Druid even though his lineup was tailored to beat it. 
    Jade Druid did need a nerf and I dont think they got hit hard enough. Personally I don't think UI is the problem. I think the fact that the synergies in the deck are so good that it makes it so hard to beat. If you think about it, Rogue and Shaman with Jades arent OP. you dont see decks made around Jades in Shaman and Rogue, but more as a sideline synergy, especially in shaman running 2 claws, 2 lightning and Aya. Blizzard made the mistake of letting druid build a deck around Jades with Jade Idol. If they didnt have Jade Idol or it had a different text, Jade Druid wont be an issue. 
    I think they needed to nerf Idol if anything and the problem would have been solved. I think they didnt do that because it would put the deck 6 feet under. Idol offers too much value to them in slow games and even decks running Skulking Giest cant beat them. 
    The nerf to plague will make a difference but it wont solve the issue (IMO). But with the nerfs that came in, they nerfed the counters to druid (pirate warrior and aggro druid). So now I think Druid will be better than ever. Like the deck will be -2 plague, -2 innervate and there is 4 more spots that they can use to add more minions and more answers. 
    The best nerf to the deck would have been Jade Idol reading : Choose one. Summon a Jade Golem or Shuffle 3 Jade Golems into your deck.
    This would have been fine making the deck above average but not broken. They wont have infinite value against control and it will slow down the jade train. Leaving plague as is with this nerf would be fine because the meta IMO would shift towards more control and pirate warrior, aggro druid and murloc pally would fall out of favor. 
    These are my opinions and what I think would solve the Jade Druid problem. Some of you may agree and some may disagree. Opinions on why or why not you agree with me would be much appreciated.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on [Legend] Secret Tempo Mage + Guide

    how necessary is archmage antonidas? I wouldnt wanna craft bully bc hes rotating soon and is only good in like 2 decks. but opinions on Archmage Antonidas would be great

    Posted in: [Legend] Secret Tempo Mage + Guide
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    posted a message on Did I catch a mistake?

    the lifesteal keyboard says (not exactly, but something along these lines): damage dealt also restores health to your hero. Blizzard doesn't want Tidal Surge to have lifesteal because 4 mana deal 4 heal 4 is already great. The card would be busted if it said: "deal 4 damage. Lifesteal."  See the difference?

    I have spoted other cards like this. One being Warlock's drain life has the same effect as Tidal Surge just to a lesser extent.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard, Decide on a Class For Rafaam Already

    not true... i could be wrong but the cards dont say discover a paladin secret, discover a warlock card, discover a mage spell... so they can discover other classes as well. like if somehow you get hydrologist in mage, you discover mage spells. it doesnt specify on the card

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on Rag the Firelord VS the Lich King

    rag is stronger imo because he deals damage right away. he has an immediate effect on the board and with the lich king, there is an rng factor that is used in the card and you still need to play the card you get from him. im not saying that the lich king is a bad card by any means, he is an insanely good card, just rag is better... but an argument for lich king is that the opponent has to play around all the death knight cards rather than just dealing with an 8/8 body. lich king also has taunt so thats a little plus. 

    Rag Pros and cons:

    Pros - immediate effect on the board, must be dealt with asap

    Cons - RNG based

    Lich King Pros and cons:

    Pros - opponent must play around all death knight cards, must be dealt with asap, taunt

    Cons - must spend more mana to play death knight card, no immediate effect on board

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Home page deck

    About a year ago i put a midrange druid deck with a couple beast synergies on here for fun, just to keep track of my decks in case i deleted it. with my surprise, i totally forgot about it and took a little break from hs and the deck made the home page... idk how it happened or why... the deck wasnt even that good. there was no guide, i just just wrote "enjoy everyone" and left it. today it has 87k views, 37 comments and +82 rating... i was surprised and disappointed that i wasnt there to respond to comments and modify the deck upon suggestions... hahaha oh well...

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Help me decide which legendary to craft.

    wait until the nerfs... if i were to say today. malfurion. but that may change in two weeks. i want to craft guldan bc hes the only card im missing for a control warlock and i wanna get warlock golden. but ya wait till the nerfs. i think jaina and guldan and gonna shine after the nerfs but who knows... last thing... the lich king is probably the safest craft bc priest, mage and warlock are all slow decks and will use him. he will give you the most value to play in a variety of decks and its just an insane card. dont craft the warrior hero bc he is only good in really niche situations are the hero power and battlecry is weak comparing it to jaina, guldan, anduin and malfurion. dont even bother with the 2 mana prince because he is only good in swarm type decks. unless you plan on playing a lot of token shaman (wont work bc of 0/3 totem than summons murlocs and other cards) or zoo (which is the weaker deck of the warlocks atm).

    Consensus: Lich King > Jaina or Guldan or Anduin (preference) > Malfurion > Garrosh > Prince Keleseth

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Easy Rank 5 Low Dust Druid

    i think its fine, just dont go off on crafting this deck if you dont have all the cards bc of the druid nerfs. it will still be playable until the nerfs come but if you dont have the cards, dont waste your dust.

    Posted in: Easy Rank 5 Low Dust Druid
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    posted a message on The Naga Giants deck is at the point where if my opponent sees I'm playing either Warlock, Druid or Hunter, they just concede

    i saw toast playing it on stream and it was kinda busted. quick wins and i think an insta concede or two lol

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Why is everyone against Priest? (Especially Kazakus Priest)

    give priest a break, it hasnt a tier one deck in forever... dragon priest was never tier 1 so dont go off on me please!

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Why is everyone against Priest? (Especially Kazakus Priest)

    people are so suddenly against priest is because druid just got nerfed and now the second best deck in the game, will now be the best.  I understand where they are coming from because the priest deck is filled with removal (kazakus) with raza, shadowreaper anduin and kazakus so games are slow and if they can get raza and shadowreaper anduin down then use their extra cheap spells to machine gun you to death. my comment on big priest is that is it a little obnoxious... the 9 mana 4/8 lifesteal and deathrattle destroy a random minion is actually really good in that deck and the fact that they can get it out so early... TWICE than respawn twice and then play the two copies in their deck is crazy, same with lich king and other fatties. im not saying its OP because it isnt, but its annoying to play against.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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