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    posted a message on Gold rewards should be improved imo.
    Quote from Bee >>
    Quote from JarlBallin >>
    Quote from Pullaa >>

    Lol a pack or half a pack a day isn't even bad, it's actually okay

     It's actually really not. There is no hope of progressing in a short amount of time and get decent dust or cards from 6 cards every day. 

     The game has been out for like 5 years, what did you expect ? Of course you won’t be able to keep up with the veterans as a f2p player

     Yes? I know? I never said I expect or think that new f2p's can keep up with the "vets". What I DO think would be a nice little gesture is helping them out, starting at gold rewards.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Gold rewards should be improved imo.
    Quote from user-100326613 >>

    I spent like 70 € on this game since I started playing 2-3 years ago. I have a lot of fun and meta decks. I don't feel like I need more dust or gold. Plus, we have been getting much more free stuff and events that give you extra rewards lately.

     Now if they keep this up, I'm sure people will notice and be thankful. Hopefully that's the case.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Gold rewards should be improved imo.
    Quote from thebitterfig >>

    I think I'm fine with gold staying where it is, but it'd be really nice to see dust added to rewards.  Buying packs is fine.  But the thing which really sucks when playing Hearthstone on a budget?  Having to disenchant cards you don't have extras of, in order to craft something you really want.

    Destroying a maybe-cool, maybe-not super important legendary minion in order to make an epic you need for a deck stinks.

    Maybe it's rotation time, and you're faced with the choice of disenchanting the cards you loved most about a previous expansion, or not having dust enough to get into the new expansion.

    Destroying your own collection is FeelsBadMan.  It'd be nice if there was a source of dust where you didn't need to do that.

     I had to do that yesterday. Dusted some shitty epics and Zentimo to craft Valeera the Hollow for my Rogue decks to actually have a chance and contest the long game.

    I'm not looking back and have no regrets, but still. It does leave a sour taste in your mouth to dust your collection to play cards you want.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Gold rewards should be improved imo.
    Quote from Sinti >>

    The problem is, more gold rewards will not help in the long run. I am not against them, i just dont think they would solve the core issue - and that is: this game is not "install and play on the same (or similar) level (for free) as others already playing. This is a CCG = collectible card game. You are supposed to have a sense of progression and it is supposed to take time (or money) to get where you need to be. But the problem is, this model just doesnt work, not with the attention span of an average player today.

    Obviously im not saying you should just stfu and grind for a year and only then can you enjoy the game or have an opinion on it, that would be silly, but getting everything at once (or in a much accelerated rate) for "free" cannot be a solution, nor a business model.

    I rly dont have any good idea how to fix things myself, but i do hope we get to see some more proactive changes in the future. They are trying to better the new player experience, but as with everything, it just takes them too damn long to get it right.

     Exactly. I don't mean to tell Blizz how to run their stuff, I'm just a guy who loves HS and gave my opinion on what change would help start things in the right direction. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Gold rewards should be improved imo.
    Quote from Tygrest >>

    Yeah, let's completely ignore arena and all the freebies/events we get. If you play for like a year (you experience 4 expansion releases), you can easily afford multiple competitive decks if your dust management is good and you always strive to maximize your resources (except arena and 30 daily wins for 100 gold). By that i mean winning the tavern brawl weekly, doing event quests/activities, dusting nerfed cards, making the most out of hall of fame etc. The only exception is if your pack luck is significantly below the average or your decks get badly hit by multiple nerfs, but that's unlikely. This is also way easier to do if you play wild, because wild decks usually don't change much. Once you craft a wild deck, you don't need much resources to keep up with updating it and it's less likely that its relative power level will drop. I'm not even gonna talk about how much you can get if you can be good at arena and go infinite/almost infinite. It can be a huge help even if you just play it from time to time, but are good at it. 

    You could go through a full hearthstone year (un'goro release to witchwood release) and do the math for how much you could get in that time. Quests should be about 60 gold on average. There are mostly 50 gold ones, but also 4 pack ones, 3 100 gold ones and many 60 gold ones. You can keep up to 3 quests and keep rerolling the 50 gold ones. Then you also have weekly tavern brawl packs, sometimes free arena tickets (given directly or from retired arenas), dust refunds (hall of fame, nerfs), events (free packs/cards/gold/dust for entering the game, special gold/dust/packs quests), new expansion freebies (legendary, packs), solo adventure free packs (for beating the adventure [frozen throne] or just given when you join the game or do quests), packs for voting for a tourney champion (from outside the game), probably at least 10 gold daily on average from winning games. If you have friends, you can also get a bit of extra gold from the 80g quests. You would also have to add up all the stuff new players get. Lots of rewards for reaching rank 25, beginner's quests for packs, "hidden achievements". 

    There is also some extra free stuff a lot of people don't know about. You can recruit 5 friends to the game for a hero skin and 4 classic packs (you can even do it with yourself on new accounts, could probably average like 40 minutes for each pack). You can join the game from various devices and win a game to get even more free classic packs (can be done with an emulator/borrowed phone/tablet etc.). I'm not expecting everyone to do it, but it can still be quite a boost as a new player.

    I think the mistake most people do is either disenchanting the wrong cards or not dusting cards at all. When someone just decides not to play some classes at all, but gets great cards for them, then obviously they won't be able to make many decks. I think people who don't even have the time to do quests shouldn't even have the right to talk about hearthstone being P2W. You don't even have to do them daily, just join once a day for reroll and do them all at once when you have 3 quests stacked up. You should be able to do them while just getting your weekly does of hearthstone (if you don't even wanna play the game that little, then you can't expect to have a lot of decks). 

    Personally, i've been playing for almost 3 years with a break for a few months and on average i can afford 3 different archetypes that are able to reach legend for every class, if you count both wild and standard. That means some of them are tier 4 or even a bit below, but still fun to play and good enough for legend in the right hands. I've bought both welcome bundles and played quite a bit of arena, so that definitely helped a bit. I'm also guilty of using a glitch which let you get the 10 packs legendary pity timer for a few more expansions than it should have worked for, but getting like 3 more legendaries than i should have gotten is pretty irrelevant in the scale of almost 3 years.

     My "dust bank" is Warrior. Whatever I get for him, it goes in the dust jar. Never liked that class. So my dust management is good, no worries. Any legendary I get I always try to make it work, except for absolute memes like Millhouse or DF Aviana.


    See the thing is I made a new account like 1 month ago, so I can't really agree or disagree with the statement "playing for a long time guarantees you good decks." If that's the case for you, nice. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Gold rewards should be improved imo.
    Quote from Pullaa >>

    Lol a pack or half a pack a day isn't even bad, it's actually okay

     It's actually really not. There is no hope of progressing in a short amount of time and get decent dust or cards from 6 cards every day. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Gold rewards should be improved imo.
    Quote from Mangareader >>
    Quote from JarlBallin >>


    if you want to play this game seriously


     and not spend money on it

     Pick one.

     Basically. It's only a matter of time before you realize it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Gold rewards have to be improved imo.

    The site messed up and posted the thread automatically. I've done a new, slightly more detailed one. Ignore this thread.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on Gold rewards should be improved imo.

    Sure,if you do your daily quest then grind some wins for the 10-gold reward,you pretty much get a free pack of your choice. That's all nice and dandy, and I won't even get into how ONE pack a day is just insulting if you want to do good in this game as a new player. 

    I think we should get the 10-gold reward for three games PLAYED,not won. Of course there will be a system that tracks how many cards you play each match, how many minions you kill, etc, to actually prove you tried to win the game. Yes people could abuse this, but I'm pretty sure that if you have to play x-amount of cards and kill minions, you'll be invested in the match most of the time and try to win of your own accord, not because you just have to play cards.

    Once again, a pack a day is a joke if you want to play this game seriously and not spend money on it, but it would help out the f2p's and overall everyone who just wants to get packs easier until they spend money again.

    I'm p2w and have about 4-5 reliable and fun decks, but I was a f2p for a long time in any game I played until recently, so I know the struggle. And HS is sure as hell not forgiving to new players who can't/don't want to spend money, so I think this will at least help them a bit.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Gold rewards have to be improved imo.

    Bump. Redone.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Help a noob out?

    Like the post above said, Even Paladin is pretty decent. I assume you have some dust to craft essentials like Spikeridged Steed and Equality if you don't have them already?

    Posted in: General Deck Building
  • 0

    posted a message on What is a Good Deck to Play on Ladder Since the Nerfs (FTP)?

    Spell Hunter, Zul'jin is not 100% required. Though DS Rexxar is.

    Or Odd Paladin, but that also requires Leeroy if you want consistent results.

    I'll be blunt here and say straight up that if you want success on ladder, you'll need at least one legendary in any deck.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on What are you wishes for 2019 Hearthstone and the Next expansion?

    Remove Baku, more ways to earn gold, FASTER ways to earn gold, and 2 tavern brawls a week. And of course, more frequent nerfs.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Casual mode appreciation thread

    Same here. I hear "NONE WILL SURVIVE" coming from my Warrior opponent when I just wanna have some fun with cheesy Tesspionage and Evolve Shaman for example? Fuck you, I'm outta here. Go to ranked.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Losing rank is no fun, what else?

    Of course it sucks to lose, and winning feels good. What I think would fix the game is if they gave you the 10 gold reward if you made it to turn 10, despite losing. And played a certain amount of cards, to actually prove you tried to win. Could people abuse this? Sure, but it would help.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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