I dont have a problem with him in standard, but in arena? Every effect that generates a random demon is 5 times more powerful than it used to be, I cant count how many times someone got him out of the 3 mana 4/2 guy, and it just made me lose 2 games in a row to this exact same scenario, what are the odds?
I feel you man, there is just no escaping aggro decks when they are so damn quick and effective, especially when someone plays on mobile and cant afford games to last a whole lunch break.
I found myself crafting pirate warrior back after taking a break from this deck for like 3 years, just cause I need my last 60 wins for the Golden Garrosh portrait, and theres just no way I can reasonably achieve that playing Highlander Warrior or a similar deck.
This makes me so happy, I was patiently waiting for them to do something about old cards, and it's finally happening! Can't wait to hear Hallazeal the Ascended again after so many years, it was my favourite card back in the day <3
I feel like every class is getting some lackluster cards just because death knight is being released this expansion, like who wants to play a standard version of Random Mage when they could have played a better version in wild for the past 5 years or so. The meta is going to be 50% death Knights with newly released cards looking like that
It's funny that rastakhans rumble was one of the worst expansions ever, yet it gave combo shaman decks the best draw engine possible. You can easily kill your opponent the turn you drop your quest reward, because double overload=double debt damage
5\40 cards are messing with your opponent, and you call that a Disrupt Deck? I'd say that a typical secret mage list with double objection and double counterspell is as disruptive as this deck. I'm sorry, but there is just nothing special about it
Dude, that explains so much. It's literally insane when in 2 games I stole my opponent denathrius back to back, like what the hell is that. Retarded card, I hope it gets obliterated, because it's stupid when you win thanks to him, and annoying when he steals your win condition
Ever heard of powercreep? It dates as far as the first expansion ever released for Hearthstone, when War Golem was in the game and they released Dr. Boom , so yeah nothing new to see here
I also thought it's really bad against aggro, but in practice theotar can steal something like Herald of Nature from druids right after you clear their initial board, or steal Denathrius from imp warlock, cause some lists run him. And yes, both of those happened, the druid didn't concede straight away but it was a lost cause, and the warlock greeted me and then conceded. Saying that it's a bad tempo play may be correct, but I still think he's broken in 90% of the games
I used to think quest priest is just smashing your cards on curve and winning instantly, but as I've tried it, it's actually far from that. In my humble opinion it's actually pretty hard to pilot the deck properly, one time I actually resorted to playing Finley just to shuffle my quest reward to the bottom of my deck, so that they can't steal it instantly. And about saving my theotar, it won't do anything, because they play the quest reward instantly. Theotar is actually insane in slower matchups, because a lot of those decks have 1-2 big finishers that you can steal, and then it's game over unless they theotar you back. I really despise this card.
Now I know how annoying this card can be, because I tried playing Quest priest today. Theotar was used against me 4 times, and 3 out of 4 they got my Xyrella and instantly played it, despite me trying my best to stay at 7-9 cards in hand. It's just not fun to lose this way, and this card kinda made me want to uninstall hearthstone
I haven't tried imp warlock in standard, but in wild it's actually tons of fun. I don't think my deck is refined or anything, but galakrond package feels insanely good with the imp package. Moreover, I was very hesitant to craft Imp king rafaam, because I don't feel like he has a place in my list, and I still managed to climb from bronze 10 to diamond 10 in few hours (no bonus winstreak stars)
The standard beast hunter with Nagas works great, going first with Vicious slitherspear into doggie biscuit means an almost auto win from my experience, they just cannot contest the board that well in the early game
I dont have a problem with him in standard, but in arena? Every effect that generates a random demon is 5 times more powerful than it used to be, I cant count how many times someone got him out of the 3 mana 4/2 guy, and it just made me lose 2 games in a row to this exact same scenario, what are the odds?
I feel you man, there is just no escaping aggro decks when they are so damn quick and effective, especially when someone plays on mobile and cant afford games to last a whole lunch break.
I found myself crafting pirate warrior back after taking a break from this deck for like 3 years, just cause I need my last 60 wins for the Golden Garrosh portrait, and theres just no way I can reasonably achieve that playing Highlander Warrior or a similar deck.
This makes me so happy, I was patiently waiting for them to do something about old cards, and it's finally happening! Can't wait to hear Hallazeal the Ascended again after so many years, it was my favourite card back in the day <3
I feel like every class is getting some lackluster cards just because death knight is being released this expansion, like who wants to play a standard version of Random Mage when they could have played a better version in wild for the past 5 years or so. The meta is going to be 50% death Knights with newly released cards looking like that
It's funny that rastakhans rumble was one of the worst expansions ever, yet it gave combo shaman decks the best draw engine possible. You can easily kill your opponent the turn you drop your quest reward, because double overload=double debt damage
5\40 cards are messing with your opponent, and you call that a Disrupt Deck? I'd say that a typical secret mage list with double objection and double counterspell is as disruptive as this deck. I'm sorry, but there is just nothing special about it
Dude, that explains so much. It's literally insane when in 2 games I stole my opponent denathrius back to back, like what the hell is that. Retarded card, I hope it gets obliterated, because it's stupid when you win thanks to him, and annoying when he steals your win condition
Ever heard of powercreep? It dates as far as the first expansion ever released for Hearthstone, when War Golem was in the game and they released Dr. Boom , so yeah nothing new to see here
I also thought it's really bad against aggro, but in practice theotar can steal something like Herald of Nature from druids right after you clear their initial board, or steal Denathrius from imp warlock, cause some lists run him. And yes, both of those happened, the druid didn't concede straight away but it was a lost cause, and the warlock greeted me and then conceded. Saying that it's a bad tempo play may be correct, but I still think he's broken in 90% of the games
I used to think quest priest is just smashing your cards on curve and winning instantly, but as I've tried it, it's actually far from that. In my humble opinion it's actually pretty hard to pilot the deck properly, one time I actually resorted to playing Finley just to shuffle my quest reward to the bottom of my deck, so that they can't steal it instantly. And about saving my theotar, it won't do anything, because they play the quest reward instantly. Theotar is actually insane in slower matchups, because a lot of those decks have 1-2 big finishers that you can steal, and then it's game over unless they theotar you back. I really despise this card.
Now I know how annoying this card can be, because I tried playing Quest priest today. Theotar was used against me 4 times, and 3 out of 4 they got my Xyrella and instantly played it, despite me trying my best to stay at 7-9 cards in hand. It's just not fun to lose this way, and this card kinda made me want to uninstall hearthstone
I haven't tried imp warlock in standard, but in wild it's actually tons of fun. I don't think my deck is refined or anything, but galakrond package feels insanely good with the imp package. Moreover, I was very hesitant to craft Imp king rafaam, because I don't feel like he has a place in my list, and I still managed to climb from bronze 10 to diamond 10 in few hours (no bonus winstreak stars)
Kinda funny you mentioned the random Felsoul Jailer, he single handedly won me a game against Holy Paladin https://imgur.com/a/tUwPpiw
Why not play both in a wild totem deck? Also stonewright buffs your hero power, eysor does not
The standard beast hunter with Nagas works great, going first with Vicious slitherspear into doggie biscuit means an almost auto win from my experience, they just cannot contest the board that well in the early game