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    posted a message on The elephant in the room

    Salt thread purporting not to be salt threads are the best. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Priest Is Dead Again?

    Silence Priest is competitive and exceedingly fun. 

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on Any emote is BM

    Unbelievable that this thread is still alive.  Perhaps there should be a trigger warning at the title screen for all of you very sensitive snowflakes.  You are seriously maladjusted if you take offense at every emote.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Uninteractive aggro decks need to be nerfed!

    This is a particularly dumb thread, which is really saying something around here.  Every playstyle is represented in the current meta.  Move along to the salt thread.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Which was your 1st Golden Hero?

    Warlock for me. Wrecked secret pally, combo druid, and all kinds of other annoying meta crap pre-WotoG

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on why are you not rewarded for playing the game ?
    Quote from Wiziwig >>

    I was wondering whether this game is still the #1 in card games or not. You are literally rewarded by nothing for being loyal and logging in over and over. 

    You are literally rewarded with nothing for being loyal and logging in over and over. No daily bonuses, no chance to ever get in-game gold apart from 3 wins = 10g which is like nothing, packs are expensive, drop ratio for epic + legendary are blatantly low. What is even more interesting are the types of Quest you do get in HS: win 5 games as ....., which means if you aren´t capable of winning with the particular class you have 0 chance of getting experiences as a new player. Furthermore, as a newbie player winning 3 games even at rank 25 is kinda impossible because this place even in casual is rot by pirate warriors and defeating it with a basic card deck? - good luck :)

    I play many card games let´s compare it a little bit. 

    When I started playing ShadowVerse I was literally just given 3x14 pack as a starter. When I started playing "the elder scrolls legion" I was given an adventure where I was given for free many playable and interesting cards, even 2 - 3 legendaries. When you start playing HS you are given nothing but a slap in your face. 

    For a new HS free-to-play player in the current state of the game, it is possible after a year or more to play decks like zoo or face hunter with a few basic cards because you have nothing else literally.

    To conclude, do you think Blizz should somehow reward their players for actually playing this game or keep ignoring this case because players are "somewhat" like satisfied? To start with I would add Daily login rewards or a way to earn dust without disenchanting your cards ( for example in TESL you earn 15 vials for defeating NPC opponents - yes there´s a daily cap but if you really want to try hard you are rewarded for that).

    What is your opinion are you mostly satisfied with rewards you are getting or not?

    PS: I really hope someone from Blizzard reads this shit ( I know naivety at its finest ) but I would appreciate it xD

    EDIT : text

    What exactly do you expect?  The game costs money to develop.  You are contributing nothing and should be happy for whatever you receive.  If you want to be a leech and not pay for content, you have no room to complain. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why is Jade Spirit not an elemental?

    This thread is silly. Everyone knows that HS does not diligently follow the lore of WoW. Jade Spirit isn't an elemental because it would be busted AF. End of story. Only fan boys care about WoW lore in HS. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Pirate warriors, really?

    Quit whining. People play decks they can win with. Nobody is under any obligation to run some theorycrafted garbage just so you can run yours without getting punished. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why didn't Thalnos go to wild Hall of Fame?

    Well, the obvious comparison here is with Azure Drake, since Drake is an identically-scaled card with virtually identical effects.  With the tribal tag and the battlecry effect as opposed to deathrattle, Drake is the more powerful card in a vacuum.  There are some exceptions, obviously, primarily in combo decks that will leverage the cheaper spell damage and don't care about the body or tribal tag.  So, (1), Thalnos is not quite on the same power level as its closest comparable card.

    Also, there's the question of how a given card impacts the playabilty of other cards.  Azure Drake is more or less the default option in the five slot.  Sylv is the gold standard for 6-drop value outside of combo decks.  Rag is essentially the only 8-drop that sees play.  Thalnos does not have the same priority in the 2-slot.  Shaman runs it because of Spirit Claws and because its cheap AOE really benefits from the boost.  It makes sense in a lot of mage and Rogue decks, which can leverage cheap spell damage and appreciate the cycle.  That's really about it.  There's also the fact that so many decks run a number of 2 drops, while even the heaviest of decks will not run more than say 4 5-drops and 1-2 cards in the remaining heavier mana slots, many of which are AOE or removal.  So, Thalnos isn't keeping people from running cool cards that just don't have the same power level or utility in the 2-drop, unlike sylv, rag, and Azure.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Jade Barnabus Druid
    Quote from SchruteBucks >>
    Quote from Unknown27 >>

    As i already said before,i'm considering cutting off the second auctioneer,thats another spot for something bigger and more impactful.Nourishes are very important to draw those discounted minions after the quest is done.And as for earthen scales,they are a substitute for the cards that are rotating out.And they can help you sustain more when it goes to aggro matchups.Or a 10+ armor up on a huge Jade golem vs mid range decks that are pushing for lethal,it might not be enough but it can buy you a turn to try and turn the table.

    Also an easy activator for auctioneer,and a spell count for yogg.

    As wild growth,i cant imagine any druid being without them,except maybe beast druids.Its a very important card to be left out.And in the worst case scenario,its a draw.And aswell a good auctioneer activator too.

     It just seems to me you're hoping for a perfect world ideal situation still (completing the quest, but only having 3 actual minions with 5+ attack, so you rely in Jade Golems, but then the minions who's cost would be reduced to zero who's attack ISN'T 5 is things like Gadgetzan, Thalnos, Druid of the Claw, Fandral, etc, since you're not running any actually big minions).  You say you want to use Nourish to draw the big zero cost minions - where are your big minions?
    There's no reasoning with the OP.  He made his Timmy deck and won't hear anything other than it being a great idea.  He will get crushed by netdecks and come back to the site to serve up fresh salt threads about aggro.
    Posted in: Druid
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