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    posted a message on Is heroic too easy?
    Quote from Thaumius >>

    my 3 hardest bosses were Kel'thusad, Sapphiron and Maloriak #1

     Maloriak #1¸, Sapphiron and Loatheb :P
    Posted in: Adventures
  • 0

    posted a message on Is heroic too easy?

    Hi Thaumius

    Yes, Kara heroic is a lot easier than the previous heroic adventure modes. The chess is the only challenging heroic (based on the opinion of a vocal majority) which is a shame because the bosses really had a lot of potential based on their hero powers yet it seems like all of that potential was unused.

    Posted in: Adventures
  • 2

    posted a message on Pantry spide

    Hi Buckbeard,

    Pantry Spider is less than a 2/6 minion. You have a 1/3 minion that summons another 1/3 minion. While 1/3+1/3=2/6 the big difference is that if your opponent has a 3/2 minion on the board you will lose both of your 1/3 minions in an effort to destroy it while a 2/6 minion would easily take it out and survive. The 1/3 body that you get is not really cost efficient which is why you probably don't see that many pantry spiders being played.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Eternal's Crafting guide: Legendary minions with eternal value

    Hi everyone,

    Please allow me a quick moment to introduce myself because I am completely new here and this is my first post. I go by the name EternalHS and I am a Hearthstone enthusiast, an aspiring blogger and a tcg veteran with almost over two decades of experience. I mostly play wild format because I have a soft spot for eternal formats (hence the name) and I have reached legend before. I am hoping to be able to help other players with any issues regarding Hearthstone and, if necessary, other TCGs with the knowledge that I've accumulated so far. I know that this introduction is probably not why you came here but I just wanted to use this opportunity to introduce myself.

    Lately I've been doing some research, like most Hearthstone enthusiast, regarding the great ''What legendary to craft?'' question. This is probably the most asked question on all Hearthstone boards and for a good reason. Gathering 1600 dust is not an easy task for most players so it is only natural that when a player accumulates enough dust to craft a legendary minion that they want to make sure that the dust is well spent. These days when people ask that question they mostly think about what legendary minion to craft for standard format. However, standard is an ever changing format and the legendary minion that you craft now will rotate out eventually. If you are like me and you love playing wild format then you won't have any problem with this, but there is also a large part of the community that cares only about standard format. If you are the ladder then this guide may not be perfectly suited for you but I will talk about legendary minions which are in standard right now so you might want to stick around if you want to hear what I have to say. If not then I thank you for sticking with me so far and I hope that my next ''blog'' post will be more to your liking :)

    What I want to do here is to give you my guide regarding crafting legendary minions that will have an eternal value.

    How do you define eternal value?

    Eternal value means that the effect of these certain legendary minions aren't just valuable now in the current format but they will most likely retain their value forever. These are minions with effects that won't get weaker over time with more cards being added to the game. Some of them will even become stronger with more cards being added to the game. All of these minions are 100% safe to craft if you don't mind having them rotate to wild eventually.

    For example, Malkorok is a warrior legendary minion that sees a large amount of play in tempo warrior decks. Malkorok is great because of the limited variety of weapons available in the current format. However, Malkorok is less seen in the wild format because of a much wider variety of weapons that RNG can bless you with and there is a larger amount of not so great weapons that you can get from him. Because the value of his effect is affected by the amount of useful weapons in the format where he is used, Malkorok is not a card with eternal value.

    Are all cards on this list going to rotate into wild?

    No, they won't. Some of the strongest legendary minions in the game are the ones from the classic set and those minions will forever remain in the standard format. However, please note that this list is also ever changing with each set as each sets adds several new legendary minions to the game.

    Are there tiers of eternal value?

    Well, yes and no. Some minions on this list have a far better eternal value than others but they all have eternal value nonetheless. I've decided to add three tiers because of two reasons: It is easier to separate legendary minions by the ''amount'' of eternal value and posts like these are easier and more fun the read in a ''list by tier'' format. The three tiers that will be present on this list are: ultimate eternal value tier, eternal value tier and potential tier.

    With all that out of the way, let's being, shall we? :)


    Tier 1: Ultimate eternal value tier 

    Legendary minions that go into this tier are the ones that not only have eternal value but their value will just keep increasing with more cards being added to the game. These minions don't rely on RNG effects to gain value and, unless nerfed, will never lose their value. If you are looking to craft a legendary minion that won't just remain an amazing card but it will become even more amazing as time goes by then these are the minions for you.

    There are only three, yes, three, legendary minions in this tier and those are N'Zoth, the Corruptor, Fandral Staghelm and Brann Bronzebeard.

    Why are these guys on this tier? The reason is quite simple. These minions have synergy with one specific mechanic. N'zoth has synergy with deathrattle, Brann has synergy with battlecry and Fandral has synergy with choose one: mechanic. These minions are made for the sole purpose of getting the most out of those three mechanics and they will forever interact with them. This means that whenever a new deathrattle minion comes out, N'zoth will instantly increase in value since there is another card that he can interact with. Brann is to battlecry minions what is N'zoth to deathrattle minions. While he doesn't bring them back he does allow them to trigger twice which can result in huge amounts of value. Much like N'zoth and Fandral, Brann will never lose value and will always gain an increase in it with each new battlecry card. Same goes for Fandral who will get an increase in value the moment a new choose one: card comes to the game. Another important thing to note is that neither of these three rely RNG to be affective. No, I don't mean the ''draw RNG'' but I mean the ''effect RNG''. You choose which cards to add to your deck and by doing so you choose with which cards will these tow interact. With no ''effect RNG'' in play here and the ability to only gain in value as more cards come out, N'zoth, Brann and Fandral and definitely the cards with most eternal value.

    Tier 2: Eternal value tier

    Cards in these tier are the ones that have what I've previously described as eternal value. Eternal value means that the effect of these certain legendary minions aren't just valuable now in the current format but they will most likely retain their value forever. These minions don't take much to trigger and have an ability that will always be useful. The last factor, and this is a huge one, is that these minions rely to no ''effect RNG''. Since there are more minions in this tier and there is more to say about them I will quickly go over each of them.

    If you don't wish to read a lot of text and you are only interested in what minions are these and the shortest explanation why are these minions chosen the click the spoiler tag.

    Archmage Antonidas: A unique and reliable ability to always give you a fireball when you cast any spell.

    Tirion Fordring: Class legendary minion with the most keyword value.

    Loatheb: A unique spell stopping effect that will always be valuable and powerful.

    Emperor Thaurissan: A unique effect that can provide a huge discount on the cards in your hand.

    Alexstrasza: Most reliably burst combo enabler.

    Archmage Antonidas:

    The old hairy man who shoots fireballs out of his eyes is one of the only two class legendary minions on this list. The reason for Archmage on this list is a powerful and reliable effect and the fact that he has been included in every mage archetype since his introduction. What makes Antonidas especially powerful is his ability which is not only reliable but also consistent. For every spell that you cast, regardless of its cost, you will get a Fireball. This is especially powerful because not only do you get a powerful spell but you will always and forever get that one specific spell when you cast anything else while Antonidas is on the board. No matter how many different mage spell are introducted to the game from this point on, you can always rely on good old Antonidas to give you a fireball in exchange for them.

    Tirion Fordring:

    Tirion has been encouraging players to put their faith in the light since the dawn of Hearthstone. Much like Antonidas, Tirion has made his way into every paladin archetype since his introduction. The main reason why Tirion in on this list is because of the sheer amount and power of mechanics that are attached to him. He is a huge taunt minion which can absorb two attacks thanks to divine shield and he punishes your opponent for killing him by giving you the arguably most powerful weapon in the game, a 5/3 Ashbringer, which deals 15 damage over the course of three turns. This is 1/2 of the starting life total. This is a powerful ability which can be avoided only by silence and polymorph effects which are not that common. The insane amount of value that Tirion will always provide lands him a spot on this list.


    Lucky are those who have had the chance to purchase Curse of Naxxramas and get their hands on this spell stopping monster. Loatheb is on this list because he has a unique and reliant battlecry that acts as a spell stopped and, more importantly, a combo stopper. There was a time long ago when combo rogue with pre nerf auctioneer and Leeroy was the bane of the ladder. The community demanded and answer and Blizzard had provided one if the form of Loatheb, a plague infested spell stopping bog beast that had the most broken and rage inducing heroic encounter that I have ever seen. Did Loatheb managed to do his job? Yes, though he didn't manage to kill miracle rogue. Loatheb has eternal value because he is the only minion in the game that is capable of saving your board from aoe spells, saving your minions and your face from single target spells, preventing opponent from healing himself or drawing cards with spells and canceling combos for one turn. Loatheb will always be here to help you combat those spell heavy and combo burst decks.

    Emperor Thaurissan:

    While Loatheb is here to stop combo decks, Thaurissan is here to enable them. Thaurissan came out in the first wing of Blackrock Mountain and he instantly became an auto include in all combo decks. This legendary minion has a unique ability to grant you a (1) mana discount on every card in your hand at the end of your turn. This is huge for two reasons: it gives you a discount on every card in your hand and the effect is activated at the end of each turn which means that once Thaurissan hits the board there is no way of preventing him from granting the discount and in most cases if he survives two turns and you are facing a combo deck with a good amount of cards in its hand it is usually GG. This guy has an eternal value as he will always and forever be played in combo decks where he will allow you to preform combos much sooner and for far less mana.


    It is ironic that the Lifebinder is usually the minion that brings death to your opponents. Continuing the theme of cards that enable burst combos, Alextrasza is one of the key cards for some burst damage combo decks. Her ability allows you to put your opponent in the range of lethal. Believe it or not most burst combo decks have no problem dishing out 15 points of damage on turn 10 (freeze mage is a great example) and Alexstrasza is the card which enables them to seal their victory. This card can also be used as a defensive tool to put you out of lethal range though lately it has been used to set up lethal. No matter in what format, as long as a spell burst decks exists you will find Alexstrasza included in solid portion of them.

    Tier 3: Potential tier

    Legendary minions in this tier are those who have the potential to provide eternal value but are either held back because of ''effect RNG'' or their effects simply can't benefit most classes and archetypes. These minions have the potential to always be useful and provide you with great value, but they are usually held back by the ''effect RNG'', the current metagame or the deck viabilty. Please note that these minions are not bad minions but their effect is just not as reliable as the effect of those mentioned in the previous two tiers.

    If you don't wish to read a lot of text and you are only interested in what minions are these and the shortest explanation why are these minions chosen the click the spoiler tag.

    Sir Finley Mrrgglton: A great and unique ability that can provide huge value and change the play style mid game.

    Bloodmage Thalnos: Small Azure Drake which does wonders in spell combo burst decks.

    Harrison Jones: A very powerful weapon removal effect that has the potential to draw you cards.

    Reno Jackson: Most powerful heal ability in the game but only useful in a very, very, very specific type of deck.

    Justicar Trueheart: A very powerful ability that provides great value but is only good in three classes.

    Sylvanas Windrunner: Extremely powerul deathrattle that forces your opponent to play around her.

    Dr. Boom: huehuehuehuehuehuehue

    Sir Finley Mrrgglton:

    This murloc explorer came out in the third wing of League of Explorers and has since been played in a large variety of decks. Finley has a unique ability that lets you discover a hero power to replace your current hero power. This ability is amazing in aggro decks other than hunter because it can give them a hero power that deals damage, in tempo decks where it can give them a hero power that draws cards or provides some kind of sustain and sometimes in control decks where it can do a large variety of things. Although Finley will most likely always see play he is placed on this list simply because of the ''effect RNG'' nature of his battlecry.

    Bloodmage Thalnos:

    I have a strong feeling that Bloodmage Thalnos hungers for vengeance against Azure Drake for having a almost identical ability than him but seeing play in more decks. While Bloodmage lacks the body and battlecry draw that Drake provides he more than compensates for that in his inclusion in all spell burst combo decks due to his low cost and while Thalnos can be replaced by Kobold Geomancer the later lacks the ability to draw you a card which is why spell burst combo players prefer Thalnos over it.

    Harrison Jones:

    Harrison has a disturbing obsession of breaking other people's weapons and putting them into museum. Famous explorer, museum owner and the bane of all Doomhammers, Harrison has an ability that will always guarantee value but it varies in power depending on the metagame. The more weapon heavy classes dominating the metagame the more powerful and valuable Harrison is but in a metagame which is dominated by classes (warlock, priest, bruid, mage) and decks that don't really use weapons, Harrison is as good as an Acidic Swamp Ooze.

    Reno Jackson:

    We're gonna be rich! Reno Jackson was introduced in the first wing of League of Explorers and has since been the bane of all smorc decks. He has, without a doubt, the most powerful healing ability in the entire game. However, while Reno's heal will always provide constant great value, he is a card that is limited by design. While Reno can work in any class it can only work if a deck is build specifically around him. While this does hold him back I can assure you that Reno will always have decks built around him and you'll always be able to count on him to make you rich and to make Rexxar cry. 

    Justicar Trueheart:

    Welcome to the Grand Tournament, warrior/priest/paladin. Justicar Truehart has a unique ability that upgrades your hero power and thus provides a huge amount of constant value since the upgraded hero powers are predetermined which means that you always know what you'll be getting out of her. However, while Justicar has eternal value, she had found herself in this tier simply because she really shines only in warrior, priest and paladin.

    Sylvanas Windrunner:

    For someone who has no time for games, Sylvanas is a neutral legendary minion that has seen more play than any other (because Dr. Boom isn't standard legal). She has a simply amazing deathrattle combined with a great stats and those who make her an immediate threat to your opponent. Syvlanas is powerful because she forces your opponent to play around her to minmize the value of her deathrattle. Although Sylvanas will always be played in control and some tempo decks, she had found herself in this tier because of the ''effect RNG'' of her deathrattle.

    Dr. Boom:

    I couldn't exclude Dr. Boom. The good doctor has been dominating the metagame since his release and is now still seeing play in wild format. Boom is so insanely valuable and powerful that he is the one legendary minion that had found a home in almost every deck up until Whispers of the Old Gods. No other legendary minion has seen this much play and since he is still seeing play, still is overvalued and still is the single most powerful neutral 7 drop in the game I simply couldn't exclude Boom from the list.

    Honorable mention:

    Before I finish this guide I would like to mention one card that I believe will have eternal value in the future and that is Cho'gall. It is just my personal belief that one day the developers will forget that he exists and give us a couple of highly cost but brutal warlock spells that Cho'Gall will then abuse :P


    If you've managed to get this far then congratulations, you are a true trooper and I thank you for having the nerves to read this wall of text. These are the cards that I recommend to each and every one of you who wishes to craft cards that will be good forever. Do you agree with the list and what cards would you add as ''eternal value'' cards? 

    I hope that this guide helps you and thank you for reading ;)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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