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    posted a message on Can't use mercenaries mode for daily quests?

    I noticed this too (and lost 1000 exp thanks to it). I am not aware of this being an intentional change that was mentioned in patch notes, and I'm pretty sure I would have noticed. There's also a thread about this on the official forum (that got no official response).

    I assume it is a bug, but have little hope it will get fixed.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • -1

    posted a message on Balance Patch Tomorrow - Teaser of What's Coming for Constructed, BG & Buddies

    Today I pulled Raylla, Sand Sculptor as my only tourist; unlike most other tourists, it sees no play whatsoever, AND it doesn't get buffed... but Concierge gets nerfed, which was the one thing that made the Paladin set for Mage somewhat interesting (sunscreens and drinks).

    I know that Concierge gets nerfed for a good reason, but there goes what little excitement I had for an underwhelming card as collateral damage.

    But I guess it's better than getting no tourist at all, and it was good enough to get the event quest done. -_-


    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on No new board = is it the end?
    Quote from Zizka >>

    So based on the answer of Blizzard:

    When we decided not to make a board for Perils in Paradise, we should have let you know earlier. Moving forward, we will ensure that you get early visibility on changes like this and give you more information on what we’re working on instead.

    Couldn't agree more.

    We are still planning to release one new board per year, but we also have some ambitious ideas that we know will be a significant undertaking. Pulling back from three static game boards per year to one allows us to begin work  on the coolest possible dynamic stuff - like a system to choose your favorite boards, and pets(!). We’ve also heard so much positive feedback about C’Thun and so are working on some truly groundbreaking new hero skins. It’s TOO SOON to go into more detail about what’s coming, but we will fast-track putting all existing Hearthstone boards into the Standard format board rotation.

    I don't speak PR maybe someone can translate for me? One new board? Didn't each expansion get a new board in the past? I'm confused. 'Pulling back'? Is that PR lingo for: ''I'm letting you know we'll go from three boards to one''?

     I don't know if this is meant to be a joke or not, but in case this is an actual question with some "stuff" added for flavor:

    Instead of having three boards per year and a Standard set of boards consisting of those that are currently tied to Standard expansions, the plan moving forward is that they'll only release one new board per year, but also add Wild boards to Standard, let you pick favorites, and add customization options (pets).

    They stress that they still continue to release one new board per year, so that people don't think they give up on them entirely, and "pulling back from... to...." is a way of saying that they shift their efforts.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Trail mix doesnt do what it says
    Quote from xskarma >>

    There's more quirks with Trailmix. Fairly sure I used the spell to get to 10 mana, but it did not reduce my Bouldering Buddy to cost 1.

    It was just something I vaguely noted while concentrating on other stuff so not 100% sure this was the situation, but it would fit with the crystals not being "real" crystals for effects like this and Nestmatron.

    I always assumed Bouldering Buddy has Manathirst that isn't called Manathirst. Only the maximum mana is relevant, temporary mana from coins and the like would not matter; just Hearthstone's law to never use keywords as keywords outside of their respective set again.

    Omega cards like Omega Agent or Omega Assembly also worked the same. Perhaps a bit counter-intuitive, but this is hardly unprecedented.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Oder of opening packs after expansion goes live.
    Quote from IDBY >>

    I am trying a new stagey. The goal is to get as many cards from the new expansion as possible. I have a high number of cards from the card sets before it. I saved all my standard packs from this expansion. I will be opening about 142 packs from the new expansion tomorrow. I think opening the standard packs first is likely a good idea, but I am not sure. Should I open a perils in paradise pack first to make sure those cards open in the standard packs? I am not sure if having cards from the new set in your collection is required to get cards from that set in standard packs.

     First of all, you don't need to have PiP cards before you can find them in Standard packs. Standard packs contain cards from all Standard expansions, including the newest one. And just because some people misunderstood this in the past: Your current Standard packs can contain cards from PiP as soon as the expansion is out. Their content is not set on the moment you obtain them (rareties allegedly are, but not the cards themselves).

    So, when you open your packs and want to get the most cards from the newest set, you should open Standard packs first. However, there are a few things to keep in mind: When you are still missing commons and rares from other Standard sets, you might want to open PiP packs first, so you can find the missing commons and rares in Standard packs. If you open PiP packs first, you will find epics and legendaries from PiP (obviously), it will make the pool of epics and legendaries you can find in Standard packs smaller, thus the chance would decrease that you'll get some from PiP and not from other sets. On the other hand, if you do want to find epics and legendaries from other sets, open PiP first.

    Maximizing the cards from the newest expansion makes sense since this will routinely give you a decent stock of possible nerf candidates. For epics and legendaries, it may come down to preferences. Other than that, dust is dust and the differences are negligible in the long run, depending on how much you spend/open per expansion and how large your collection is.

    Short answer: Yes, you'll get more cards from the newest set if you open Standard packs first.



    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on 30.0 Patch Notes - Expansion, Theorycrafting Streams, Events, Modes Updates & More!

    I agree. Well, honestly, I found the outrage a bit silly, but I do like new boards and most importantly the communication of this is awful and embarrassing. Instead of coming out and saying they won't do it for reason XYZ, it was just silence and shrugging it off. I really hope it will remain an exception.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on 30.0 Patch Notes - Expansion, Theorycrafting Streams, Events, Modes Updates & More!

    In what old days were mini-sets only available for money? As far as I know you could always use in-game gold for all mini-sets that came out since Darkmoon Faire (also for Galakrond's Awakening beforehand).

    There was a time period when adventures could not be purchased with gold anymore (at least if you didn't own at least the first wing), but even then, the access was only temporarily limited, so it was still possible in the "old days", and fortunately again nowadays.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Hearthstone it's a scam game?

    I know, it seems like a provocative question but let's go in order, was Blizzard born as a charity company? No... obviously... So what's the point of Hearthstone? Make her earn as much money as possible. Hearthstone allows you to achieve maximum profit with maximum speed compared to old physical games like MTG, why? 1- Because it can manipulate everything through fake random events to quickly eliminate all problems, such as card imbalance (have you ever tried to simulate a game by creating fake physical cards and REALLY doing random events? Hearthstone becomes crap, everything is unbalanced) . 2. Because it can break down the morale of those who use bots or those who never pay a dollar through "random" unfavorable moments, or in the case of the arena (which is the maximum expression of Blizzard's "cash-making" through a sort of slot rigged machine) by creating closed pools into which to throw those players who in his questionable opinion use automatic systems like hearthranger or in any case are not very nice to blizzard, and don't tell me that I'm making up this last statement because it was published in the news by blizzard itself. Do you still love Blizzard? Do you feel scammed? I feel cheated and for this reason I try to make it clear in forums all over the world what Blizzard is capable of doing and unfortunately what governments don't see since being a simple "video game" no investigations are carried out on the truthfulness of the declarations (a random event It MUST be random and you can't manipulate it). Let me know what you think!

     1. "Card imbalance" is likely not the primary impairment for other card games to maximize profits, and adding random elements to the game neither solves imbalances (or else the subreddit and this forum would be a lot more chill), nor is it likely the secret juice to make the cash roll. It's not like other games don't use any random elements.

    2. It's probably debatable if any steps taken against bot use are for maximizing profit, and not simply because everyone hates cheaters. The idea that F2P players are punished through unfavorable random events is plain ludicrous. Spend a few days with a lot of other players, and you'll see more than enough examples of bad luck and good luck from everyone, regardless of how little or how much the've spent on the game.

    Sidenote: I kinda doubt that Arena is the biggest cash cow for the game, even though there are no official numbers. I'd think it would be way more advertised (and maintenanced) if it was the biggest income generator.  

    Also, I'd like to mention that some governments and authorities do look into things that video game companies have pulled off over the last decade. Which (presumably) led to the introduction of rune stones, by the way. There are institutions which actually work on these issues. Maybe apply for a job there and find out that it is slightly more difficult than just pressing buttons and pulling levers to change legislation.

    As for the whole "random must be random" thing - feel free to assume that something is not perfectly random, feel free to write an essay on what perfect randomness would entail to and at which point exceptions in expectable variance "prove" that a system is not perfectly random, but there's a little difference between "outcome x has a slightly higher chance of occuring" and saying "I got scammed".

    Anyway, I'm still emotionally very indifferent to the company behind the game. Can't say I like it for a number of reasons, but I also see no profound reason to stop playing the game as long as I still enjoy playing it from time to time. If your text was meant to convince me that I get "scammed", I'm afraid to say that you don't make good points. But good luck with your efforts to inform people "all over the world". Fortunately, most websites are already accessible all over the world, so you won't have to make so many expensive trips.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Aranna Fatigue DH

    Brain Masseuse is just a bad idea. You hope to survive, so you should not give your opponent more opportunities to inflict damage. It will almost never inflict damage alongside Aranna, since either Aranna gets killed first, ot the Masseuse is already dead.

    Narain seems unnecessary and might end up filling your hand too much. You aim to draw a lot of cards, which makes a card that adds 2 pretty clunky.

    Rest in Peace is a cute idea, but probably also unncessary and it can seriously backfire. I think you'd be better off focusing on a massive draw with Glaivetar and see Aranna as a pure combo card. Giving your opponent a free Yogg/Aman'thul/Eonar/whatever gives them both a damage sponge (remember that Aranna targets randomly) and a potential comeback.

    Adding more ways to deal with certain boards seems like a better idea. You might run into opponents who actually do something on their first 6 turns.

    All that said, I'm not sure you can draw quite enough and fast enough. Your win condition is to overdraw a ton once you hit fatigue, but to actually win games that way, you need to draw very fast and very efficiently and see the combo arrive on turn 9 or 10, not turn 15. Even Reno decks typically have some threats developed before turn 10, and you cannot stall at all. You also have to expect that some of your fatigue damage (10 or 15?) hits minions. You need huge draw to compensate for that.

    A nice idea, but I have some doubts that the DH toolkit is actually sufficient in Standard to support it. I don't think it will work out very often, even against control decks, but just for fun, it's still worth trying out.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Too Many Portals Is This Week's Tavern Brawl

    I just had the exact same thought when I saw this, and I was almost certain that it can't be more than a few months.

    So I checked, and as it turns out this is a different brawl, not the very similar "Party Portals", which was in fact on 6 March last time.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Patch 29.6.2 - Splish Splash Whelp Banned In Standard

    Ramp is a key element, and the card is fine on paper, but I suppose in the current meta, the early whelp is just too impactful, even if you don't curve perfectly into Doomkin. Too many good followups, and it's one of the main reasons why you even use dragons. Remove Doomkin, and the deck itself is more likely to remain, just missing one particular punch.

    It's by far the strongest deck, the most popular deck, and this heavily discourages people from playing it any longer. I think a temporary ban is a good solution here: nuke a deck people got sick of, which makes the new expansion more interesting, and then see where the meta ends up before (potentially) allowing it back in.

    That said, I can understand the frustration of crafting a deck and see it disappear because one common or rare gets trashed all too well. Spending dust should never feel like a gamble.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Multiple New Demon Hunter Cards Revealed

    Would it really have been too good if All Terrain Voidhound just had Rush? In Arena perhaps, in conjunction with Window Shopper probably, but the way it is, it feels like a card from TGT; just a big expensive minion with stats and a decent effect if it ever lives a turn.

    I know, the idea is to give it rush by other means, but the design feels so outdated.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Multiple New Demon Hunter Cards Revealed

    It's probably not that good really, but these cards make me think of Field of Strife, and I can't wait to try that out.

    Though I think Dangerous Cliffside could cost 3. Most of the other reopenable locations can get burned through in just one turn without much of a setup; this would require exactly Multi-Strike, and all you get out of it is 6 damage, which is ok, but not amazing. Horizon's Edge is just way more exciting for that cost.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Priest just ruined Wild or what ?
    Quote from Thonson >>
    Quote from Dunscot >>
    Quote from Thonson >>

    Imagine thinking Thief Priest is a problem in Wild!  LOL

    Just wait until you face a never ending onslaught of Shadow Aggro Priest, Demon Seed Warlock, or any kind of good Rogue deck!  Then you’ll wish for more Thief Priest opponents.

    There are so many more decks in the format that are much bigger problems than Thief Priest.

     Imagine shoehorning your own gripes into a thread and derailing the topic instead of actually answering a question.


     Imagine thinking I did that?  Posted title is about Priest ruining Wild.  I told him no, and gave examples of decks that are much better and more egregiously “ruining wild”.  They want ways to beat that deck?  Play a better deck.  Is that not answering the topic?

    The question isn't really what is or is not "ruining wild" despite the title, is it? When someone, allegedly, faces a certain deck "about 80% of matchups", the question they probably want to have answered is "is there anything that counter it?". Or am I just imagining things?

    With that in mind, I think saying that deck xyz is "a much bigger problem" doesn't really help someone stuck in a pocket meta where it doesn't really matter what they might face if they progressed much further, which they apparently can't right now.

    Also, saying "play a better deck" is not quite as instructive and helpful as you might think (aside from you not having said that).

    To me, it's all just white noise at this point when people complain about "broken" things, especially in Wild. It's almost always nonsense. So, when someone complains about a deck that actually isn't particularly good but still ruins their day, I see it as a great reminder that the game is a little bigger than "the meta", and can be frustrating to newcomers/returning players even long before they get to the ever depressing 5-legend grind, which so many people see as the only relevant portion of the game.

    So, I think this topic deserves better than permantenly miserable people just naming their most hated decks that are "the real problem", and resort to "git gut". But I admit that I am part of the problem, because I want the internet (and people, and the world) to be something it so obviously will never be. Managing expectations and all that. Life can seem like such a waste...

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 1

    posted a message on Priest just ruined Wild or what ?
    Quote from Thonson >>

    Imagine thinking Thief Priest is a problem in Wild!  LOL

    Just wait until you face a never ending onslaught of Shadow Aggro Priest, Demon Seed Warlock, or any kind of good Rogue deck!  Then you’ll wish for more Thief Priest opponents.

    There are so many more decks in the format that are much bigger problems than Thief Priest.

     Imagine shoehorning your own gripes into a thread and derailing the topic instead of actually answering a question.


    Posted in: Wild Format
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