Ooooooo... Pauper format for Twist? That sounds lovely.
- Dieseloctane
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TuesdayTaco posted a message on Early Drop of February Twist Rules and Excavate Coming to Shaman and Paladin!Posted in: News -
Andrei2007 posted a message on Balance Changes and Patch Notes Teaser - Constructed & BattlegroundsPosted in: NewsJust because you can't play it it doesn't make it unplayable
DatMageDoe posted a message on The Void Singularity is This Week's Tavern BrawlPosted in: NewsFinally, it's Korrak the Bloodrager's time to shine!
xskarma posted a message on Introducing Hearthstone’s New Mode: Twist! - Preview With Drops Is Coming Soon!Posted in: NewsAbout the Beta season though. No Neutrals. I hope there's not a class that gets a benefit from not using Neutrals, and has a bunch of cards to boost such an archetype, right in the time frame of this Twist season, cause that would be kind of broken, I suspect...
Bad8Max posted a message on The Dark Wanderer is This Week's Tavern Brawl: Week 2Posted in: Newsbest brawl this year
b1ak1ce posted a message on New Warlock Legendary Card Revealed - Fanottem, Lord of the OperaPosted in: Newsnah im dumb and thought it reduced based on the number of cards not equal
TuesdayTaco posted a message on New Warlock Legendary Card Revealed - Fanottem, Lord of the OperaPosted in: NewsI'd be very wary about playing Dirty Rat against a Warlock when the miniset comes out...
D_Lord posted a message on New Warlock Legendary Card Revealed - Fanottem, Lord of the OperaPosted in: NewsTo all those people who don't understand this: You want to play this with a near-empty deck, so b1ak1ce assumes that we will get cards that add more stuff to your deck to mitigate the fatigue problem AFTER you played this card. We have at least Symphony right now, though
Darksun20 posted a message on New Warlock Legendary Card Revealed - Fanottem, Lord of the OperaPosted in: News"The implications" meaning the team didn't want this to have the Demon tag purely because of cheating out Demons (ex Voidcaller) not an oversight imo. A smart choice.
b1ak1ce posted a message on New Warlock Legendary Card Revealed - Fanottem, Lord of the OperaPosted in: Newslooks like "add card to deck" is coming back to warlock in the next few expansions
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Usual indie company jokes aside, this whole Azerite Snake thing was a massive fuck up. In a game with so much bounce, how did they not expect this card to be a problem? The only thing they could have fucked up worse with this would be to have given it to rogue.
Raise your flippers to the sky!
I too smell a new season of a whole new mode of Pure Paladin. Reeks of sweaty boots and self righteousness.
Everyone thinks the game is dead, yet they still put out new content and plenty of people shoot for the epsorts crown. Bots aren't killing the game. They exist in gold a bit and mostly on classic ladder throughout. Not enough reason to make an assumption about the state of the game.
Nerfs are coming to pally. Should lower their win rate a tad.
This. Expansion might be underwhelming now, but for only 2k, it's a steal for what you get. Plus, nerfs and buffs are bound to happen, and suddenly these cards won't seem so bad. I'm definitely picking up the mini set.
You wouldn't pay five health for ANY of those minions, and this isn't free. How is this any kind of comparison?
This just seems really good. No matter which mage deck you put it in, it has a versatility to fit in to all of them. I'll be trying this out for sure in my Big, Mech and Casino mage decks. 4/5 stars.
This card will most likely see a nerf to three mana. This is good and will most likely be the new subject of a dozen individual salt based threads.
That's not true at all. Any decent control player can turn around an unfortunate roll. Odds of getting a shit roll aren't as high as a decent/high roll.