• -3

    posted a message on Rewards Track Client Patch - Updated With Gold Swaps For Packs

    I posted this in another thread as well (mods if it's a prob feel free to remove the post)

    First and foremost - all the complainers out there check this article about the rewards track as quoted form Ben Lee:

    Second here is a link to show the XP and time requirements to level upon the new rewards track (though as stated there are still unknown parts yet to come so this is only preliminary):


    Here is some of my own Math presuming you ONLY go for level 50 -
    It's a 4 month rotation for each Reward track and "SHOULD" be possible to hit level 50.
    Levels 6/7/9/11/13/14/16/18/19/21/22/24 = 100gp (total 1200 gp)
    Levels 16/28/29/31/32/33/34 = 150gp (total 1050 gp)
    Levels 36/37/38/39/40/41/42/43/44 = 200gp (total 1800 gp)
    Levels 45/46/47/48/49 = 300 gp (total 1500 gp)
    Grand total of GP earned by lvl 50 = 5550 gp

    Note: every level there after is 150 GP and still creates the same scaling xp need per additional level.

    Even taking the lowest GP quest previously at 50gp we see this:

    50gp * 7 = 350/week

    350 * 16 = 5600 gp

    So as it sits right now WITHOUT additional leveling or even the 10gp bonus per win we had before, the new ranked rewards are only 50 gp lower than before in a 4 month cycle.

    If we take into account the wins per day for an additional 10 gp – and assuming you ONLY go for the single 10 gp reward of 3 wins. (meaning you only play till you win 3 games that day).
    That is an additional 1220 gp in that 4 month time frame.

    Now the gap between the old system and the new system a total of 1270gp.

    That is the equivalent value of another 9 levels (level 59) on the new system
    Or another 38,300 xp – Which is another 3 weeks of XP grinding as per outofcards calculations.

    Now that I have laid out a BASIC idea of what the math looks like – you can decide if it’s adequate or not.


    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on People are standing firm!
    Quote from Daulphas >>



     When you did the 10g = 3 wins math did u used the 30wins = 100g or only the 10g daily from this method to achieve this number ? =1220 

     I only did 3 wins - 10 gp
    I didn't do the 100 gp cap of 30 wins.
    This was meant to showcase the LEAST amount of returns available through the old system.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on People are standing firm!

    First and foremost - all the complainers out there check this article about the rewards track as quoted form Ben Lee:

    Second here is a link to show the XP and time requirements to level upon the new rewards track (though as stated there are still unknown parts yet to come so this is only preliminary):


    Here is some of my own Math presuming you ONLY go for level 50 -
    It's a 4 month rotation for each Reward track and "SHOULD" be possible to hit level 50.
    Levels 6/7/9/11/13/14/16/18/19/21/22/24 = 100gp (total 1200 gp)
    Levels 16/28/29/31/32/33/34 = 150gp (total 1050 gp)
    Levels 36/37/38/39/40/41/42/43/44 = 200gp (total 1800 gp)
    Levels 45/46/47/48/49 = 300 gp (total 1500 gp)
    Grand total of GP earned by lvl 50 = 5550 gp

    Note: every level there after is 150 GP and still creates the same scaling xp need per additional level.

    Even taking the lowest GP quest previously at 50gp we see this:

    50gp * 7 = 350/week

    350 * 16 = 5600 gp

    So as it sits right now WITHOUT additional leveling or even the 10gp bonus per win we had before, the new ranked rewards are only 50 gp lower than before in a 4 month cycle.

    If we take into account the wins per day for an additional 10 gp – and assuming you ONLY go for the single 10 gp reward of 3 wins. (meaning you only play till you win 3 games that day).
    That is an additional 1220 gp in that 4 month time frame.

    Now the gap between the old system and the new system a total of 1270gp.

    That is the equivalent value of another 9 levels (level 59) on the new system
    Or another 38,300 xp – Which is another 3 weeks of XP grinding as per outofcards calculations.

    Now that I have laid out a BASIC idea of what the math looks like – you can decide if it’s adequate or not.


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on You people deserve sweet f all - Opinion on the community

    F2P players who put in the time and effort. F2P players who have a vested interest in the game, F2P players who play more than the 1 game every few days.
    These are the people that can articulate and give meaningful feedback to the community and Blizzard.

    That is the point the OP is trying to make.

    Yes the game would die if there was no F2P - that was never part of the post he made.
    Yes there are specific situations where what was commented on and offered was NOT what was given or followed through on.
    Yes the game is getting more traction and focus on the P2P community.

    But if you aren't part of the solution through $$, Time, Effort - then quit complaining when you don't get your way.
    I don't put a lot into the game, and I don't expect much - I only had 4300 gold this expansion - But I have only ever complained about ONE thing, and that is balance.

    To phrase the OP's TL;DR in another fashion: You get what you put in.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Is level 50 reachable by a f2p?
    Quote from P4dge >>
    It's crazy how much hard work this seems to be for this player base. My 11 year old understands how this stuff works in his games for crying out loud.

    Some understand but don't want to accept.
    Some accept but don't want to understand.
    Some just don't want to understand.
    Some accept.

    No matter what a game does there will be a part of the community that will have problems understanding, accepting or both.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • -1

    posted a message on New Hunter Epic Card Revealed - Jewel of N'Zoth

    so it's ok for a broken mechanic (according to many players) to be given to a class that has a very common high amount of play and win rate (again according to many players)

    And it's ok that at the theme of the classes in the game are becoming blended so none of the classes are unique?

    Or is it ok that one class (priest) has all the other classes take it's theme so that it doesn't have a theme of its own?


    Posted in: News
  • -3

    posted a message on New Hunter Epic Card Revealed - Jewel of N'Zoth

    Oh it's not priest, rez is ok!
    It doesn't matter that it's been a HUGE issue for the hearthstone community for multiple expansions!
    It's not priest!!

    Soon we'll have Hunter Rez decks Warlock Rez decks and everyone will be shouting for glee because...

    You guessed it! It's not priest.


    Now that the rant is over, I do have to say it's not the best for curve but it can definitely make for a comeback in those aggro decks.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on New Druid Legendary Card Revealed - Greybough

    Let the shenanigans commence!!

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on New Druid Legendary Card Revealed - Greybough

    Carnivorous Cube + Greybough + Naturalize = Massive Wall as well

    Just have to be wary of silence effects as usual.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Libram of Hope = Auto Concede

    As a priest player I want to point out a few things.

    First: Life gain is a stall tactic. As was pointed out - the purpose of the game is to get their HP to Zero. Gaining life without something to keep your life there or to defeat your opponent faster than you lose life, it's just attrition.

    Second: Card Value, yes you want to get more value per mana you spend over your opponent, but there also comes skill. Sometime you have to take the value loss in order to advance your win condition. If taking out an 8/8 body and having to instead contend with 8 hp is a value loss for you then take it but work towards your win. The 8/8 body is more value than 8 hp considering the minion requires a spell/minion (sometimes 2-3) to get rid of it. where as HP requires one good turn going face or just out lasting your opponent and letting the hero power do it's work.

    Third: There will always be a card or cards that make your life miserable when playing a specific deck, why do you think people hate on priest so much. Don't let it get to you, it's a game and you can't win them all. If you can't handle losing then don't play games that are competitive - even casually competitive.

    You seem like an intelligent level headed person so I can imagine you've thought of this before, but this post makes you seem needy and are only looking for validation to feel like a victim.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on I'm so sick of aggro. What's the most meta anti aggro deck out there?

    Can't escape aggro, it's the cheap and easy way to play.
    This doesn't mean its for unskilled players, it just means it's easy.

    Play minions, go face.
    Play minions, trade efficiently.

    The other side to this is the "Instant gratification" crowd:

    "OMG I had to play to turn (x) this game takes too long!!!"
    "OMG my opponent kept controlling the board that's OP!!!"
    OMG my opponent played a combo/control deck that's OP and takes too long!!!"

    On a business level, aggro is the bread and butter newbie deck, it's the cheapest to build and the quickest to pilot.
    Without aggro new players would not be able to join in as quickly or effectively on ladder or other areas of the game.

    I don't like aggro either I've been playing MTG since beta and I can't tell you how many aggro decks I have faced over the years...
    In Hearthstone it frustrates me to no end when I encounter 5 Hunters, 3 Paladins, and 7 Demon hunters all playing aggro.

    It's boring, it's monotonous, it's tedious, and in my opinion the games go by too quickly...
    I do get a large amount of enjoyment though when I keep the board controlled and cause the aggro players to have to sit through 12-16 turn games...

    TL;DR - aggro won't go away and it's unfortunately a necessity.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Since hearthstone has given up the gold economy, are f2p players now unable to compete in standard?
    Quote from Nargacuga15 >>
    Quote from Daulphas >>

    Free legendary every expansion – F2P and P2P

    Ever changing pack economics - F2P and P2P

    No duplicate epics/legendaries - F2P and P2P

    10 pack feel good legendary - F2P and P2P

    Classic cards - F2P and P2P

    You spent a great deal to show how both F2P and P2P are equal on many terms, which is great.
    My curiosity is this, can you show how P2P is privileged compared to F2P?


    I am an F2P player, have been, will always be.

    My only complaint I have about this thread is this:

    F2P community has a large quantity of entitled, “I should get this for free because I showed up” mentality.
    P2P community has a large quantity of elitest, “I spent money so I am better than you, just quit if you don't like it” mentality.


    For all of the F2P players out there, ask yourself this:
    if you go to the store and purchase a brand new computer with the latest hardware and software for $2000, how would you feel if the person who only ever comes into the store to ‘shop around’ and test all of the equipment, then gets the same computer for free?

    That is what you are asking for when you come on here and complain about F2P v P2P equality.

    Again, I AM AN F2P PLAYER, and I agree that there should be a separation of value for those who pay and those who don’t.


    However, I DO NOT believe that the P2P players should be given an advantage in game play or win rate because they spend money.

    F2P and P2P NEED to be able to play the game on EQUAL footing and have an EQUAL chance of winning their matches. This is achieved (for the most part) by understanding your class, card mechanics, the meta, card play value, and personal skill.

    Blizzard has tried to enforce an ELO of sorts but I still feel (no proof) that it is glitchy…

    There are things that need to be improved for sure, but making a monetary decision to separate F2P v P2P is normal business practice.


    TL;DR: for those who have short attention spans and want to feel justified for not reading, Blizzard needs to work on game still, P2P and F2P are not the same, equality should come in game play not value, you get back what you put in.

     It’s hard to tackle everything you said and not make this thread an essay. I’ll keep it short, but please feel free to reach back out to keep discussing:

    The only privilege I see of P2P over F2P is faster access to the meta and the ability to go wider with decks. It’s a pretty sizable advantage, but really just a time sink bypass. I feel that’s fair. My points were to show F2P players that we ALL get pretty good handouts from the game. 

    As far as your points, the problem is the fair value you’re looking for can’t exist. There is no way to equate the value of F2P vs P2P otherwise no one would be paying. The balance of spending money vs not is as close as it’s going to get to “value balanced”. You’ll have to offer some ideas to balance the value if you think there are decent answers. 


     I agree completely, it would be quite the essay.

    When it comes to 'value' it is a broad spectrum, and though I don't think there needs to be any specificity in that respect.

    It's quite right that the largest value a P2P individual gets is the time freedom instead of having to grind nearly as much.

    What I can see so far from the new structure is that the P2P individuals will be getting customizability and cosmetic bonuses in addition to the time freedom.

    This doesn't give an unfair advantage to winning, however, it can feel like an unfair game-play advantage. But again, that is the benefit of paying.

    The largest QOL that can be put into effect to limit the gap between the 2 player bases is to fix the ELO/Match making system to be more intuitive and accurate.

    Until the new structure is available (or I get a chance to test it personally) I will not be able to accurately give feed back or ideas on improvements.

    So currently it's speculation on the future vs current "feelings".

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Since hearthstone has given up the gold economy, are f2p players now unable to compete in standard?

    Free legendary every expansion – F2P and P2P

    Ever changing pack economics - F2P and P2P

    No duplicate epics/legendaries - F2P and P2P

    10 pack feel good legendary - F2P and P2P

    Classic cards - F2P and P2P

    You spent a great deal to show how both F2P and P2P are equal on many terms, which is great.
    My curiosity is this, can you show how P2P is privileged compared to F2P?


    I am an F2P player, have been, will always be.

    My only complaint I have about this thread is this:

    F2P community has a large quantity of entitled, “I should get this for free because I showed up” mentality.
    P2P community has a large quantity of elitest, “I spent money so I am better than you, just quit if you don't like it” mentality.


    For all of the F2P players out there, ask yourself this:
    if you go to the store and purchase a brand new computer with the latest hardware and software for $2000, how would you feel if the person who only ever comes into the store to ‘shop around’ and test all of the equipment, then gets the same computer for free?

    That is what you are asking for when you come on here and complain about F2P v P2P equality.

    Again, I AM AN F2P PLAYER, and I agree that there should be a separation of value for those who pay and those who don’t.


    However, I DO NOT believe that the P2P players should be given an advantage in game play or win rate because they spend money.

    F2P and P2P NEED to be able to play the game on EQUAL footing and have an EQUAL chance of winning their matches. This is achieved (for the most part) by understanding your class, card mechanics, the meta, card play value, and personal skill.

    Blizzard has tried to enforce an ELO of sorts but I still feel (no proof) that it is glitchy…

    There are things that need to be improved for sure, but making a monetary decision to separate F2P v P2P is normal business practice.


    TL;DR: for those who have short attention spans and want to feel justified for not reading, Blizzard needs to work on game still, P2P and F2P are not the same, equality should come in game play not value, you get back what you put in.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • -1

    posted a message on Fall Reveal Stream - New Cards!
    Quote from CookieFamous >>
    Quote from Pukistan >>

    What if one of Cthun spell countered is? Like from Counterspell. No battlecry?

     I haven't seen the stream so i don't know the exact works, but wouldn't it be that he would "assemble" when all four have been played. If one is not played (countered) then I doubt C'thun will appear in your hand.

     It doesn't state Battlecry nor does it state When Drawn, so the wording is misleading.
    I would presume this is a "When Drawn" effect for the bolded text but when the card is played it can be countered and the spell effect is negated.

    This is of course hypothetical until actual game play can be seen.

    Posted in: News
  • 6

    posted a message on Evocation & Solarian Prime Nerf!
    Quote from nexit1337 >>

    well, if the problem is the apprentice, then nerf the apprentice,
    blame the root of the problem, not the result


    I agree with the Apprentice nerf - I addressed this on a different thread.

    Apprentice should follow the same philosophy as more recent nerfs - change it's text to read:

    "reduce the cost of spells in your hand by 1. (Spells can not go below 1 cost)"

    Posted in: News
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