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    posted a message on Piloted Shreeder Restriction

    It's a hard card to balance, it definitely walks the lien of being OP because all of the new 4 drops are unplayable in the current meta game as piloted shreder out classes them. When piloted shredder is essentially a must have 4 drop and any card that can't directly compare to it is unusable as far as constructed is there seams to be a problem. It probably depends on oyur definition of OP, is being the used in all non combo decks over other 4 drops and essentially the better pick in nearly any scenario considered OP? I mean it sounds OP but it could just be a weak mana slot or lack of versatility of competitors (I think water elemental is the only other 4 drop you'd play on 4). 4 drops are basically utility now like argus or void caller. However if you want value,tempo and stickyness outside of utility you are simply have no other option than shreder unless you stack multiple 4 drops. I can agree it really limits design space, you pretty much have no reason to bring the new 4 drops.

    Making trashy (out of shredder or non battle cry) 2 drops seams to be a step in the right direction but I would never play any 4 drop such as yeti, the battle cry crowd favorite or the new druid inspire bear over piloted as they are both less sticky and less versatile. Perhaps the negative 2 drops will be enough, but nerfing the card out right could break the card in a bad way, over nerfing cards is just as unhealthy as the bad cards they print in the first place. If it were a 4/2 I doubt it'd see play as 2 damage is common among 1 mana cards and common creatures like mad scientist. As a 3/4 it wouldn't trade up as well and basically sport the stats of a board control focused 3 drop instead of an aggressive style. You expect shreder to die, so having a 4/3 is way better than a 3/4 a majority of the time. not to mention weakening against priest. Possible nerfs I could see is making the death rattle grant a 1 drop instead of a 2 drop so you generally get less value, mostly getting a 3/2, 3/1 windfury or 2/4 at best and a 1/1, 0/4 or 2/3 enemy heal at worst.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Dr. Boom?

    Don't dust cenarious if you play druid, but dust bolvar since hes not run in any decks. Cenarious has high potential for decks especially if you like to play druid. That said the debate on if doctor boom is OP or not aside, currently unless you are going full agro your deck will always be better with Dr. Boom in your deck with little exception and he fits in almost any deck, you're hurting your deck by not playing him. He combos well with FON + savage roar too. This is all assuming you also use thaurisan and other essential parts. Dr. Boom is a great investment and should craft him way you can as he's the best 7 drop currently (druid happens to be the only class that mgiht play another card on 7 though, ancient of lore). However he's still the strongest 7 play in the game and he is also better than most 8 drops. unless you need the taunts right away, hes better to play than cenarius since he's a 9 drop, anything over 8 mana tends to be bad if they don't win you the game.

    Keep cenarius but craft boom if you can though.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on New Warlock Card - Dreadsteed
    Quote from Firebolts jump

     Has anyone mentioned Baron Rivendare?

    But then you're stuck with a board of 1/1s that you can't remove yourself and a 1/7 as your only flexible slot. It's more of a curse to forever be stuck with only 6 1/1s unless you play a spell heavy deck. You might not even be able to jaraxxus or use bane of doom effectively

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on New Warlock Card - Dreadsteed

    Permanent paladin 1/1 silver hand recruit PogChamp. Seriously though it has potential to be run in some kind void terror deck with buffs or anime golem, but earth shock / any silence just makes this card terrible. Cool concept but could it at least be 3 mana, it's very easy to deal with. Still you get ping every turn essentially. 

    The dream is sylvanising a warsong commander, infinite trades PogChamp. Over all it's not a good card though, combo only card. At least in arena I could see you picking this over pit lord or anime golem. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Astral Communion

    While a deck full of fatties sounds fun, I could see this card getting played in a cantrip druid deck that functions like zoo. Dump your hand early with your early drops since a big curve deck will drop a lot of good cards on astraling. Fill most of your deck with cantrip like drakes, gnomish and maybe a savage roar for a finisher.

    Posted in: Astral Communion
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    posted a message on New Warrior Card - Alexstrasza's Champion

    If you're holding a dragon this card is absolutely bonkers! pay 2 MANA! for a 3/3 WITH Charge so you get trade initiative, this card can snow ball super hard and beats pretty much every 1 or 2 drop save mini bot or creeper. A 2/3 for 2 is static base, a 3/3 for 3 is about average even though 3/4 is standard. A 3/3 Charge is what you'd expect to pay 4 mana for but you pay 2 mana!.

    SI agent weeps quite a bit, while his 2 damage doesn't hurt his health, he costs 3 mana and needs to be comboed, this guy is 2 mana and requires hand synergy.

    At least the dragon synergy is the one thing holding this card from making warriors sky rocket in arena dominance. Along firey war axe this card could potentially make warriors strong in arena.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Shaman Weapon - Charged Hammer

    Side note to pros listed previously on Harrison Jones. This card is worse to be Jonesed. on turn 5 drawing 3-4 cards wouldn't over draw your opponent and late game it's enough to get a huge advantage without risking fatigue as doom hammer does. Sure you get a 2 damage hero power but your opponent gets board tempo with a 5/4 and draws 3 cards (assuming you used 1 charge) wasting your 4 mana the previous turn.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Charged Hammer

    This card is the ranked metaphor of rag vs nef. Try not to get rekt by agro decks like nef while you waste charges in a rush to dump your weapon so you can replace your bad hero power to get a better one. A worse shadow form if you swap weapons right away, needs at least a few hits to get value. Sulfuras 0.5 basically.


    Will fit in crusher shaman with no swarm mechanics or mass minion buffs, although it's not quite a true silver. 4 Mana is steep for a 2 damage weapon though but the long game pay off is nice.

    Posted in: Charged Hammer
  • 2

    posted a message on New Shaman Weapon - Charged Hammer

    If you are playing control this card seams like an upgrade from shadow form (especially considering no soul priest and shamans totems scale crappy late game). Synergizes great with other weapons too, too bad the hero power improvement card justicar wouldn't effect this. Crusher shaman has been begging for a card like this to remove board swarm synergy such as flame tongue not being in the deck, if the totem synergy cards also end up being bad (outside of totem golem) then this will be the savior of shaman hero power.

    This is all assuming of course shaman doesn't just die flat out. Reminds me of ragnaros in the rag vs nef brawl in a way, try not to get owned by face decks (nef) while you turn your bad hero power into a good one. Sulfaras 0.5 here

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warlock Card - Fist of Jaraxxus

    DEATHWING Synergy PogChamp. But really it's MTG madness. Can be amazing or awful depending on the circumstance. A nerf to burgle and nef though.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on New Card - Injured Kvaldir

    Looks great for the return of crusher shaman! Injured blade master and black knight alone weren't enough for ancestral healing synergy, but with 1/6 of your deck synergizing with a 0 mana cost spell I could see control shaman decks running this. Along with totem golem, shaman will have reasonable early game to play a control game, a 2/4 taunt for 1 mana isn't to shabby even for mid game if you combo it. Also synergies with healing totem just as blade master does, so if you can't combo it with ancestral there's always hope for healing totem value. While zombie chow is better for most other decks, Resurrect +Coh Priest and Crusher shaman will use this over zombie show. It's basically a 3 drop (2/4) for 1 mana. Priest might prefer Zombie chow for soul priest but this card fits right into shaman. Perhaps Earthen ring farseer could get value with a 4 mana 2/4 + 3/3 for a later play, thats a 2 card combo for a 4 mana 5/7.

    Other notes on this card, not as good as zombie chow vs mirror entity but still gives the mage a 2/1 instead of a 2/3 so not completely obsolete. Makes an already struggling Hungry dragon that much worse. The new 3/4 legendaries with on target effect also create value for ancestral healing making this card fit in that deck a little better. Perhaps Dragonkin sorcerer or violet teacher could see play in addition with the shaman self spell variant.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Card - Master of Ceremonies

    Imagine if a spell power card coming out in TGT that isn't released to us yet becomes an amazing 2 drop. Then this card could be a meta defining 3 drop. Imagine a 2/1 Divine shield +1 spell power 2 drop or a 1/2 +1 spell damage 1 drop. Something of that nature.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on New Card - Master of Ceremonies

    Synergies pretty well with Bloodmage, Kobold and overall shaman, maybe judicar could help finding a spell totem. It's basically a 3 Mana volcanic drake if you have spell damage.

    Mage can turn 3 coin soot spewer, or priest with velens on the coin can get this out turn 3 (assuming they use it on a chow or northshire). Shaman is still probably the best class to play this in, although shaman is very clogged for 3 drops atm.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Silent Knight

    Definitely looks bad compared to giblin, mini-bot and shade. However, for arena vs flame strike or for set ups to blood knight maybe it has a few gimmick opportunities. Maybe for a follow up kings turn 4 for paladin to trade, but a wild pyro or fan of knifes or any other small aoe which are common really shut down the other options. Also very slow for a 3 drop, at least the only stealth divine shield card.

    Also technically, if you trade with a 3+ attack minion, it technically has an advantage over harvest golem resulting in a 2/2 instead of a 2/1 after the trade, but cannot be taunted with argus and defend the same turn.

    Posted in: Silent Knight
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    posted a message on Clockwork Knight

    Great follow up to Mech Yeti in arena and possibly piloted with board control, probably a high tier pick for arena 5 drops. However 5/5 for 5 with the possibility of being a 6/6 for 5 in constructed isn't unfair enough and is additionally way to slow, something at 5 mana better massively impact the game as every play you make must be tempo orientated with the addition of needing mechs to stick on the board, playing this without board control doesn't add much, shattered sun comes out early enough and works on any creature to utilize the first trades of the game, this card with the same battle cry but mech only on a scaled up card doesn't offer enough utility.

    Maybe it might see play in mech shaman, if mech shaman as we know it is still a thing over Fel reaver only to dodge BGH and freeze, however the new shaman cards are so strong tempo wise mech likely will shift out of shaman if the other shaman cards have similar quality.That said I love the art.

    Posted in: Clockwork Knight
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