• 14

    posted a message on Insulting and racist player behavior. Reporting?

    It's really disheartening that people are blaming OP for being offended at this person's comments and why he should just get over it and flame back. Yes, this is a children's card game and as such it should be monitored like one. Not being able to report in game for vitriolic behavior tends to lend itself to a terrible cycle of bad manners and poor sportsmanship.  Also, who is anyone to determine whether or not should be offended by something, it's not a game of measuring of who gets offended the least versus the most. If it affects a person's experience in a game they enjoy it should be looked at and responded to accordingly. Also the OP explained his situation and provided context and simply asked the community for a way to report. Slamming him for asking just perpetuates the stigma that the Hearthstone community is just as toxic as the League of Legends community and it's something I've noticed is more and more prevalent as the game progresses. Good on you OP for speaking out against it and trying to find the proper solution!

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Decent alternative to Hearthstone?

    I think I have reached my breaking point with this game, with this expac. Ive never been more angry or upset with the current meta, but I espoused those feelings in the proper thread and won't go down that road here. That being said, Ive played Shadowverse and while ok, it didn't grip my attention like Hearthstone did. Is there a decent alternative that's more balanced and has a bigger variety of decks that are playable? Also, preferably with considerably less RNG than HS? I get how sometimes flipping the script is fun and causes, "Oh wow!" moments but if I outplay/ out tempo/have the upper hand and should win, having the rug pulled out from under you with cards like Yogg, etc have an immediate tilting effect and make it to where I would rather invest my time/miney elswlewhere. Thanks for time and your responses.

    Posted in: Other Games
  • 4

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    Long time lurker first time poster in this thread. Is anyone else at their absolute boiling point with non stop druids or high rolling priests (seriously, that deck is an abomination and shouldn't fucking exist, all it fucking is hoping to pull Barnes or survive to drop endless fatties). Fucking clear the board 4 times and still lost to a fucking stupid obsidian statue. Im having the least amount of fun I have ever had in this game. I think im done for a while, maybe permanently. I actually regret the money I spent. More than anything im just sad that the game I genuinely loved turned into this fucking train wreck of shattered hopes.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on [Top 10 NA] Faceless Shambler Druid

    I like the concept of the deck, but after playing it for an hour or so I can't find any traction with it and a lot of dead draw. I'm glad it works for some people but I cannot get it to function. Oh well I'm sure I'll find something else to play instead. 

    Posted in: [Top 10 NA] Faceless Shambler Druid
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