I think Blizzard marketing is targeting me specifically. There is an actual Raptor With Wings in the trailer. 10/10 No Notes Definitely Not Biased.
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RaptorWithWings posted a message on Year of the Raptor Cinematic TrailerPosted in: News -
ArcyroX posted a message on March of the Lich King Card List, Release Date, & Expansion DetailsPosted in: Guideswa- wait.. what's the deal with Lor'themar Theron normal vs signature? isn't he supposed to be a neutral card? why he has unholy runes in signature version??
Strongpoint posted a message on Battlegrounds Season 2: Coming August 30th!Posted in: NewsThey actually promise it won't be the case Runestones will be available in bundles of various sizes, including quantities that correspond to our major products (like the Battlegrounds Season Pass), so you can buy exactly the quantity needed for that product or you can stock up on more for later.
ut those runestones are awful news... My excitement for any new modes is killed by those, chances are that they will also be P2W like battlegrounds. Currency that can't be earned in-game is always awful
Thanatos2k posted a message on A Less Friendly Game of Chess is This Week's Tavern BrawlPosted in: NewsThey banned Evolve and Devolve, but forgot about every other card that gives an evolve or devolve effect. Clowns.
Oh! Locations also are bugged, they take up a spot on the board but don't count at all for the chess pieces being able to hit two things at once.
ankha posted a message on 24.0 Known Issues & Hotfixes - Guff Banned in Duels - Collateral Damage Fix - Arena Balance ChangesPosted in: NewsCan Blizzard spend an ounce of resources on Duels and code hero-specific bans in the game mode? Twig and Mycelium were already hit, and Guff is now banned only because of Drek'thar. The other 2 Druid heroes are only going to suffer more because they can't make hero-specific bans. Another example of this is Wildfire being banned for Mozaki simply because Reno abused it.
Cold_Snap posted a message on Duels Reveal by Zeddy - New Warrior Hero Darius CrowleyPosted in: NewsOh great, another warrior class in duels. It's not like we already got Brann and Diablo...All I'm saying is make other classes.
B3ckemon posted a message on Legend w/ XL Shadowform Deathrattle Priest (Skawhomp's)Posted in: Legend w/ XL Shadowform Deathrattle Priest (Skawhomp's)You lost so much you dropped even from the checkpoint rank ^^
ankha posted a message on Ranked needs a class ban systemPosted in: General DiscussionQuest Priest is actually one of the worst decks I've seen in my life. Big Priest on the other hand can high roll a Neptulon (or Blood of G'huun + Neptulon) on turns 2-3, which is an actual problem they need to fix. Seek Guidance is so uncommon in Wild and I'm sort of baffled that your deck has no way to disrupt it.
Pacific_Onion posted a message on Murder At Castle Nathria Final Reveal - All 30+ Remaining Cards Revealed!Posted in: NewsKing Togwaggle + Steamcleaner means both decks get completely destroyed!
PepperPlay5 posted a message on Widowbloom SeedsmanPosted in: Widowbloom SeedsmanBesides the worthwhile Battlecry, it's funny seeing another low-roll in transforming.
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Idk, sounds like a good time to me, I love those games.
Undo the nerf to order in the court?
Twist is doing one of my favorites time periods since I started playing hearthstone.
Ah, so they changed the duels buckets to make their job easier rather than to make it better for the players. Excellent.
Something like this happens every time. Sad they can't even stick to their own schedule. Yes, I main Priest.
At least weapons expert curves nicely into outsiders axe?
Name checks out.
I def see this going down a bad path where gold is basically obsolete in a few years or less. Only used to purchase wild packs and everything else is runestones.
Sweet, maybe now I'll actually play alignment
Don't forget Steamcleaner. I run it already for the pesky mill rogues I keep running into with my quest priest.