Your card may phrase this however you feel best exemplifies this, but the phrasing we suggest is "This minion's Health is used to deal damage." We are leaving it open this time, so as long as it deals damage based on Health, however you want to do that, we're supporting it.
Is a custom keyword permissible? For example, something like this:
Ok, Singularity fits the competition rules. Shadow Word: Horror destroyed ALL minions, after all. I'm not so sure this is worth 4 mana though, since you don't actually get huge value unless your board is a whole lot of deathrattles. I'd put this at 2 mana, balanced against Feign Death.
Power Word Absorb should probably be an epic. That wording is very strange, and no playable cards (I think, correct me if I am wrong) use "opposite".
Maker's Mark is solid. I don't remember, are you able to attack after a random attack? If not, then it's balanced. If so, this is very strong.
Thanks for the feedback.
I think you're right about Singularity, at 4 it doesn't stack up well against Feign Death.
You're right about the "opposite" mechanic, it's only existed in adventure content so far, but I've always like cards that use positioning, like Crushing Walls. I thought about using "steal 1 attack and health," but that seemed kind of wonky as well, and more rogue-ish. Might just scrap this idea.
I don't think you get a free attack after a random attack (Kobold Barbarian), however, you can definitely attack before one.
OK, so this doesn't destroy enemy minions, but it does destroy minions. We've seen a similar effect before in solo player content, but it could be useful in a Deathrattle Priest deck.
This is a variation on swap effects (Vol'jin) and drain effects (Holy Ripple) that we've seen in Priest before.
Is a custom keyword permissible? For example, something like this:
Thanks for the feedback.
I think you're right about Singularity, at 4 it doesn't stack up well against Feign Death.
You're right about the "opposite" mechanic, it's only existed in adventure content so far, but I've always like cards that use positioning, like Crushing Walls. I thought about using "steal 1 attack and health," but that seemed kind of wonky as well, and more rogue-ish. Might just scrap this idea.
I don't think you get a free attack after a random attack (Kobold Barbarian), however, you can definitely attack before one.
OK, so this doesn't destroy enemy minions, but it does destroy minions. We've seen a similar effect before in solo player content, but it could be useful in a Deathrattle Priest deck.
This is a variation on swap effects (Vol'jin) and drain effects (Holy Ripple) that we've seen in Priest before.
And this...because wordplay.