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    posted a message on Logged onto my US account after a couple of years... and

    Hmm, I guess I highrolled massively on the card pool I picked. I had 2 Azure Drakes, 2 Fireballs, 2 flame strikes, Sylvanas, shredder, Sky Golem and everything else felt like insanely good quality with a more or less perfect curve. I guess there is a wider pool of newer players to arena now as well considering the free arena, added to which US generally feels like a poorer quality from times in which I have laddered and played arena in the past. Thanks for the support. 

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Logged onto my US account after a couple of years... and

    I just felt a little bad considering I felt like I had an unfair advantage and felt the need to point this out if it wasn't what was intended. Jeez you try and do one good thing... 

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Logged onto my US account after a couple of years... and

    I had an old arena in progress. Included cards like Haunted Creeper, Azure Drake, Recombobulator etc, you see where I'm going. Was able to queue up and play a game against regular opponents without these cards that are not allowed to choose from the pool I had. Should there be something in place to stop this? I feel like this isn't as intended. I only logged in for my free arena on that side since I was going to turn it into a free to play account. Just pointing this out since I played one game and felt a bit disgusted because I Recombobulated into a Scumbag lethal. 

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Pirates Everywhere, it's getting stale. - Petition is now Open.

    It bothers me so much to see so much of it. It's like, I'm playing 30 cards in my deck, if Blizzard want HS to just be completely dominated by Pirates then why make HS decks with 30 cards, why not 10?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Pirate Warrior Coaching Please

    Best advice I can give you is don't grow a brain, then you might realise there are other decks that are out there and make HS metas a fairly nice place with good interactions and fun, and we wouldn't want that! Wait a second...

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Pirates Everywhere, it's getting stale. - Petition is now Open.

    I have no problem in beating it, it's just boring to play against over and over. Read my thread and you'll see that I put that.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Pirates Everywhere, it's getting stale. - Petition is now Open.

    So I stopped playing Standard because every other game was against Pirate Warrior. I then moved to Wild and it was really fun for a day, and now it's just pirate warrior everywhere, mostly not even running the wild cards. Is this really supposed to be fun? I've heard 'Fly Polly' thousands of times. I'm not QQing because of losing, it's just making Hearthstone really really stale. What is worse, so much focus in the next expansion seems to be around these 8/9/10 mana new hero cards. How is that ever going to work? Sorry, but you're either dead or have won by at least turn 6. Once again it feels like all the super cool cards coming out are going to be too slow. That Rexxar cards looks super fun, but it looks worse than Jaraxxus and about the slowest thing I've ever seen to get going. 

    Something really needs to be done about pirates. I don't think it's overpowered, it just feels like it is all people are playing and it's just not fun anymore. I actually feel like I'm being punished by owning close to every single card in the game but having to run the same old rubbish, non fun or interactive cards to shut down a silly pirate deck. Once more, it's not about the balance, it's about player experience. I know I'm not the only one out there who hears 'Fly Polly' or 'Haha' and thanks 'Oh, great, another five minute game whereby I just hope I topdeck useful cards that I have a chance of playing'. The Un'goro meta was so fun, I was able to play every single class successfully, even warlock at the start. I just don't think I can stand it if in a few months time I hear the same pirate voices again over and over. 

    It also feels like the people I've asked who play it don't even enjoy it, some even feel ashamed. But enough is enough. When I'm queueing up in Wild and end up against Secret Paladin and am actually really thankful and happy that I get to face something other than pirate warrior against one of the biggest abominations Hearthstone has ever produced. 

    I have made a petition, if you hate Pirates then please sign, then in a few weeks if this works out then we could be pirate free. I want to do something about Pirates, I'm done with moaning, they need to go. If you are, sign the link below.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Frozen Throne Mage, Paladin, and Warlock Legendary Death Knight Leaks!

    But Pirates kill you before turn 9.... Plus you don't need this with Iceblock. Unless they are really pushing out more elementals which I doubt then this card is too slow and no great supporting archetypes. Hero power will have to be the nuts, something that Hunter is not.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Icecrown Tours - Part 1

    The Bonestorm joke got a bit old towards the end, much like Hodor does, but not bad. Memories of a better time in WoW! 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Wild is really fun, but I have a question for you pirates...

    Honestly Wild feels great at the moment. So many different creations and ideas, it makes for a really good player experience, that's for half the time at least. But then comes the Pirate Warrior. Now I'm not complaining here, far from it, in fact it's making it really easy for me to climb ATM. But... Pirates have been a thing for a while now. Played all the time pre-Un-goro. Played a lot post-Un-goro. And now, pre-LK people have just taken to spamming it in wild, most of the time not even using cards like Death's Bite or Ship's Cannon. Are you people not completely and utterly bored? You're making easy targets for me at the moment, but you know what I've had some incredible games that last a little while today, I've had some cool ones that do not. The warrior does not greet, does not say well played, nothing. Just face, face, face. I had an 8-1 Van-Cleef while they had a First Mate on board, still hit face with it, despite me at 23 hp and they are 14, at the time I even had fewer cards in hand. 

    It is my ambition to make a new deck every day in Wild with new themes and I am having so much fun and I commend those of you who are doing the same. It's not like Pirate Warrior even feels good in wild, it may be good I don't know, I haven't tried it in wild, but it just feels really bad. I've made a couple of tech choices in a deck that goes really deep and I'm 15-2 vs Pirates today, one of those defeats being while I didn't have Healbot, SI7 and Golakka Crawler. Those of you just spamming games with Pirates, I urge you to just have a look and maybe consider playing something different or exciting, let's make the Wild meta a really decent place for the last few weeks of the expansion. At the moment you're just making my climb to legend ridiculously easy at the moment, and blandness is why I stopped with standard recently. 

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on How much wins did you get with the free Arena Run?

    10-3, went amazing until a priest Forbidden Shaping'd a Tirion, followed up by 3 Free From Amber, Y'shaarj, Deathwing and Soggoth. Despair.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Arena is flooded with noobs

    Yeah jesus just won my first 3 (4) games in record time I think. I guess all the twits are taking a break from their face decks. 'What? I have to pick a card with taunt? Where is my charge!'

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Hearthstone Leagues

    So I was thinking over my dinner while watching Trump whine about having to face lower rank players over mid-way through the month. Now, this idea may have been done before, but I was just wondering why doesn't Hearthstone rank systems develop several leagues. Here my initialy thoughts, feel free to add your thoughts and ideas, but it may help players feel like they are growing and perhaps on a journey as well as playing with players at their level.

    Bronze League - Newer players join, you have rank 1-25 and then hit legend same as it is now. If you finish in Legend at the end of season you get promoted.

    Silver League - Same as before, 1-25. Finish at top 50% legend and get a promotion. Finish below Rank 10 and you get relegated to Bronze.

    Gold League - Exactly the same as before.

    Platinum League - Legend only, bottom 25% of players get relegated. Players who finish in the top 25% get some form of special reward.

    Newer players will mostly start together and with players who haven't played for a while, if you haven't played for a long time you should have to climb again. Promotion is something players will really push for. The pro players can be in a league of their own. If their form fails them, then they'll be into the gold league too. They probably don't really want to do the climb every time, especially if busy at the start of the month. Sometimes the climb gets tedious for me since I have already reached legend, there isn't too much pushing me to do so at the moment, but if a promotion were in order and high level of prestige/bragging rights with friends were there, then I would push to do it.

    Obviously the %'s would have to be balanced, but I'm not a Game Designer and probably don't have time to do all the number crunching to find good stats. I feel like this system would bring something to Hearthstone that has been needed for a long time. If it has been said before, then credit goes to the person who thought it up obviously, if not, then let me know what you think and if people like the sound of it then hopefully Blizzard can introduce it to the game.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Card Draw with Priest?

    Cleric is similar to Mana tide, it takes 3 mana to get going and also has 3 health. Be mindful of when you play it, it is your engine. This is the first time I have ever heard someone say Power word shield is bad, when you think that drawing 2 cards is worth 3 mana, a 1 mana cycle is perfectly fine and the amount of synergy it has with other cards is great, you can tempo aggro decks out of the game with that, Radiant Elemental and Potion of Madness. 

    Secret Agent is probably one of the most efficient/powerful card draw engines in the game, plus you can play many considering Netherspite Historian and the 400% increased chance or whatever it is. 

    Purify was never intended for immediate competitive play, but Silence Priest is a thing, it's at least better than Ironbreak Owl, however it is not intended for Control Priest. The same can be said of Mass Dispel, some cards are just there for flavour or to be filler cards.

    Thoughtsteal is a pretty impressive card if you're facing a lot of slower decks, especially if you're running Twilight Drakes. 

    Shadow Visions is fine, in fact it's a card they have to be careful with. 

    Un'goro Pack is a great source of card draw, so is Lyra.

    You're probably playing the class wrong, or on a losing streak, it happens even to the best players. RNG is a pain sometimes but you should really draw up a large sample size if you just want to call things bad. Bar Warlock, all classes are playable to a very high level. Do some research and play more games.

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on Nerf the F!@K#$ Bloodlust

    It's one of the few surviving original cards that was actually done well. Requires huge setup + 5 mana, plus you will most likely not kill your opponent on turn 5, especially since the token shaman isn't a mindless face deck. What would be OP were if it gave your hero attack as well, which it does not. If you are dying every time to something like that, then do something about it with your deck instead of a forum post. If you can't show a little bit of initiative with the vast amount of options out there able to counter these things, yet still moan about it then you deserve to be crushed by it every single time. If you are new to the game, then make a post that asks for help on ways of dealing with a problem. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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