• 6

    posted a message on Living Mana

    Why the hell are people talking about a garbage card like Mass Dispel? No one never ever used Mass Dispel, so how can someone think that all of a sudden, just because Druid has a new card (that most people are saying that is bad), every priest will use Mass Dispel?
    Devolve is the only real threat because most jade Shamans are using at least 1. But even so, does not make this card bad.

    Just think using it with 1 or 2 Innervates and then you get the creatures and the extra mana crystals when they are destroyed. Can be pretty OP if used that way.

    Edit: Potion of Madness is actually a big threat as well.

    Posted in: Living Mana
  • 0

    posted a message on Living Mana

    That's exactly the idea of this card that I didn't see people talking about, I think that no one realised that card can be used to ramp with innervate! It can be insane if used that way.

    Posted in: Living Mana
  • 1

    posted a message on Tol'vir Warden

    There is no reason to say that Hunter will be weak in next season... The trap hunter deck, which I got legend before MToG, will be almost intact for the year of Mammoth. The deck only needs 2-3 new good cards (looking forward a new good trap) and I am pretty sure that it will be a strong deck.
    And can you guys imagine if hunter's quest got printed like "Play X traps"? It can be a INSANE deck.

    Posted in: Tol'vir Warden
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