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    posted a message on Blizzard does itself a disservice by removing an entire set


     - Powercreep and ban/nerf cards to the ground to keep people interested. This didnt happen when TGT was released, and as a result people thought it was the worst expansion/adventure the game had and were becoming extremely bored with the game. Some pros even said they were quiting it (looking for other options) at the time.


    and dont put a lot of cards every years...balance all the others first...and a lot of new players come


    Dota/LoL business...not Magic business...Magic gamers is the cancer here

    You obviously dont know enough information. Following patterns from a card game that has even the most successful card gamending since the 80's is a good thing. Now you might say "this is a digital card game and needs innovation instead of tried and true formula" which could be true but an unneeded plan. 

    IMO: I think they should keep the cards available to purchase, however, the Magic veterans are correct in their reasoning for this. There is a reason Blizzard is doing what they are doing. They have a lot of people in their team and obviously think all of this out. If you think that Blizzard is doing this out of greed you are incorrect. They are rolling in stupid amounts of money from this game without the change, and if it really was about money dont you think they would have chosen to keep the GvG packs around for purchase? 

    TL:DR If you aren'the apart of the "cancer" MTV group then you should listen to them. If you want hearthstone to be a game that lasts another 30 years of fun, then the MTV vets are the ones that know how to do it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Looking for Hearthstone friends? Post your BattleTag Here 2.0

    Battletag: Baelim#1107

    Region:Portland, Oregon, US
    Usual Play Times: All of the times of everytimes
    Level of Experience: Intermediate-ish
    Preferred Heroes: Paladin, Priest, Mage
    I’m Looking For: Practice Partners, Friends, Teachers, All around fun time buddies :D
    Tell us something about you: I've been playing card games off and on since yu-gi-oh blue eyes days. My favorite all time is DBZ:CCG>Hearthstone>MTG>Hearthstone>Yu-Gi-Oh. I can't wait to start playing Force of Will at my local shop. I'm 25 if that means anything lol. Can't wait to build a friend base on hearthstone cause I frackin' love it.

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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