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    posted a message on "Ben Brode on how long until Pirates walk the plank"

    Spirit Claws was intended for a new type of Shaman deck, and not for the current Shaman decks at the time.

    Ben worries about a big expansion concept / theme failing to land.

    I wonder.. which game they play when new content is under "testing stage"? Seriously, I mean, used to imagine a team of gametesters with deckbuilding expertise, people that actually knows wtf they do (consider the metagame, predict it), but, after this, I can conclude: seems pretty easy to release a TCG, especially under a well stated label (for thematization, ex.), but it looks hard to make its quality last longer when you have no expertise in such type of development.

    Yep, Ben, you really know how to make a low budget game earns a f** lot in return. Exactly about this game (if it really is relevant), however.. oh.. so sad.. You should spend some vacation at Wizards of the Coast’s place and see if you can learn something worthly.

    I’m done with these developers.

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    posted a message on Ben Brode: "We Might Rotate Some Additional Classic Cards to Wild"

    My point is: theres something that is never assumed by Brode or other devs, their true main "goal" as employees on business field, witch is KEEP THE SALES. The result is a speech full of rhetorical $hi..

    off course I want to play new cards, expansions, adventures and stuff, but also want to see devs more careful with the REAL desires of theirs consu... I mean, community of players.

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    posted a message on Ben Brode: "We Might Rotate Some Additional Classic Cards to Wild"

    "it's important to keep a lot of the power of the cards in the expansions, and not in the basic and classic sets", says Brode. So, the (commercial) logic seems pretty clean: they want a meta substantially based  on new cards (from expansion and adventures) instead of classic and basic cards that you ALREADY HAVE in your collection. So, you have aways to prepare your pocket, more than one time per year, if desires to stay tuned with the meta game and competitive play.

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    posted a message on [75% WR] Are you ready for a miracle?

    Ye, its the hardest matchup bcause not always you have the tools to dealt with them. Although, there are some tech choices u can pick and tips to keep in mind.

    1. When climbing the rank, u need to observe the predominance of aggro/control decks. If its too much aggro, better use a more effective control deck (got legend last month racing from rank2 with a tech dragon priest). With this deck I went from rank 16 to 2, then on the legend rank until top500.

    2. Considering the main goal of the deck (stabilize the board then ramp and active the synergies), its not difficult to pick some tech choices and nullify aggro. Since the ramping is pretty favored, u can use an Ancient of War instead of a card that isnt crucial for the main synergy, like Bloodmage Thalnos or even take off one Jade Spirit. Through this logic, even a Second-Rate Bruiser fits the hole, since all u need its to get time to draw relevant cards.

    3. What makes me satisfied about this deck is the two consistent paths that leads to victory: thanks to the Fandral Staghelm and Gadgetzan Auctioneer, u can choice between ramping or drawing, depending on the tools u have. Both synergies will lead u to a stabilized board, clear (with removals) or filled in your favor (with giants or golens).


    Posted in: [75% WR] Are you ready for a miracle?
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