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    posted a message on incredible run to legend!! 74% win rate

    He is always negative so don’t bother to argue with him. Just take a look at his comment history. Nice work btw 

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Mini-Set Meta First Impressions?

    Why do you even play the game when you obviously hate it so much?

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Do we have a date on when Warlock will be fixed in Standard?

    I have never claimed that disco doesn’t need a nerf. It sure does.

    the last time you wanted to nerf demon seeds lock though, a tier 3 deck at best.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Do we have a date on when Warlock will be fixed in Standard?

    OP is known for complaining without hsving a clue about the real problems 

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Warlock Will Get Nerfed

    I don’t really want to nerf it, miles more enjoyable then mechpala even shaman etc pp

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Warlock Will Get Nerfed

    Funny how you again manage to complain about the tier 3 deck while there is an actually broken warlock deck in the format ^^

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Why you should boicot Twist

    Hunter has a viable tempo deck 

    Posted in: Twist Format
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    posted a message on Why you should boicot Twist

    Hunter beats rouge and warlock when built right

    Posted in: Twist Format
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    posted a message on Twist - What a shame ...

    There you go again: blabla „complain in bad English“ blabla „ random combination of letters as an argument“ blabla „I am right because I am right“ blabla

    Posted in: Twist Format
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    posted a message on Wow... What an ugly meta

    Meanwhile even warrior performs incredibly well, but who cares about facts…

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Wow... What an ugly meta

    Yeah, yeah. Keep complaining in a way only a chimp could do. 

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on How does Deathbringer Saurfang's deathrattle work when copied to other minions?

    It gives the minion you copied it to when you use the 1 mana spell. Did this a lot already 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Warlock Will Get Nerfed

    Better they release powerful stuff and tone it down then making unplayable garbage. Just salt here 

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Wow... What an ugly meta

    And I don’t know where you see all the tony druids. I see more questline. It’s the better deck, but it’s at least playing the game

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Wow... What an ugly meta
    Quote from dmhWarrior >>
    Quote from Anarchy1 >>

    And o doubt you read that much of it in the last 2,5 months you are on this forum. 

     Heres the deal:  For the vast majority of decks/games you can tell whos going to win by turn 3/4, max.  How so?  Easy:  I play Res priest because I have no other choice as its a braindead cancer deck that does well against other braindead decks.  So, if I pull a fatty minion by turn 3/4 against any aggro deck they are DONE.  Game over.  If I do not, I am done, game over.  BP is an auto loss to Druid and usually the rare control warrior.  Its an auto win against secret mage as they cannot deal with your board & their secrets dont bother you.  This is all very simple and based on actual game play & experience. 

    Its OK - it is what it is.  But to pretend that you or some other "genius" can play around my big board on turn 4 or that you can play around a loaded Pirate/Totem board on turn 3/4 without GOOD DRAWS/REMOVAL is just a lie.  You know it. 

     So you are funny. You complain about the game being no skill, while playing big priest. A deck that a) takes no skill (even pirate rouge is a high skill cap deck in comparison) and b) not only punishes aggro but also anything slow while promoting combo - what you claimed you dislike

    1. you are not forced to play cancer, you want to. We play at similar levels, and unless you want a high legend finisher, you can play litteraly anything.

    2. Many decks that aren’t aggro lose to turn 3 neptulon

    3. You are right. There is no skill involved in your turn 3 highroll. But there is a lot of skill in the control vs big priest matchup when the bp doesn’t get his I win button.

    4. Much of skill is about mulligan. And about  your turn 3/4 pirate/totem boards: you often have to decide when to clear and when to greed. Especially against even shaman, since that deck can go late.

    5. Aggro isn’t brain dead. Aggro mirrors are very interesting because the control/beat down roles can swap a lot.

    6. I repeat: Deckbuilding takes skill. Netdecking big priest doesn’t.

    7. Meta is very diverse right now, with some reno decks being playable, aggro and combo is there too. And jank is playable, not like it was during stormwind

    Posted in: Wild Format
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