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    posted a message on [Wild] Barnes Ancestral Spirit Shaman to Legend [60% Win Rate]

    Thanx for your feedback. I tried master of evolution and he won me some games getting me a injured Blademaster of my flame tongue in mirror. Sylvanas is obviously one of the best Barnes minions, especially when you stick ancestral spirit on her, she will take two minions with her. If you run sylvanas reincarnate can be a one of as well. Also i got deathwing of recombulator so that was funny. Was worth the 400 dust to craft it. I think master of evolution is good as a one of. Since he is only good if you have minions already on board. (With hero power its kinda a waste). I would classify, the reincarnate, the ancestral spirit, recombulator and master of evolution as support cards. So the key is finding the right balance of the meat and the flashy cards. Also if you run two shredders, aya, Sylavanas plus reincarnate, you have a good n'zoth esp. if you steal deathrattle cards. This can get you potentially 8 Sylvanas in a game, (2 of barnes with ancestral) (2 with combo) (4 with N'zoth) I know N'zoth is historically not a good card in even Shaman but Sylvanas can make it worth it.

    Posted in: [Wild] Barnes Ancestral Spirit Shaman to Legend [60% Win Rate]
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    posted a message on (Legend) Spell Hunter With Rhok and Barnes

    Hi I found perfect card for your deck : Masters Call on 3 garantees Barnes on 4

    Run 2 of these and you will have barnes on 4 in approximately 60 percent of games.

    Posted in: (Legend) Spell Hunter With Rhok and Barnes
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    posted a message on OTK Boomzooka/Zul'jin

    Nice Idea

    I played secret Hunter to Rank 1. So i I know the Meta well. This build will be very bad vs Even Shaman and Odd Rogue. As it takes to long to set up. The only way that I am able to beat aggro is Spellstone. It will work well with Revenge of the wild. I would put them in as you have 10 secrets, and play it vs Even Shaman and Odd Rogue as well as Pirate Warrior. You can chose not to play spellstone vs lets say Odd warrior ect. Also your secrets are suboptimal. Bear Trap is very good vs aggro. Also Rhino with Spellstone is 12 Damage to face. So you can use your Zuljin charged Spellstone to do remaining Damage after your OTK.

    If you want additional Feed Back you can as Duwin that The creator of Sub nine Hunter. He has a hunter Channel on discord

    I like that you go all in one the OTK Plan, but most of the time you will not survive till you get there. The best package in secret Hunter is 1-2 secret keeper 2 huntress shaw sub nine. For your deck I would defitivly put in Sub nine to thin your deck.  Also he will have Charge on OTK Turn If he is still in deck.

    Posted in: OTK Boomzooka/Zul'jin
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    posted a message on [Wild] Barnes Ancestral Spirit Shaman to Legend [60% Win Rate]

    I have been having Succes with Sylvanas and reincarnate. It fits well in this list. I stole a lich king last game this way.

    I am testing this build with barnes for the new Op legendary Undertaker. Even Shaman will profit greatly from it as he will be able to steal it with the sylvanas reincarnate combo.  Then on Ten you can play your own undertaker with with double sylvanas/ double Aya Deathrattle deathrattle if you are lucky. Also this goes well with Barnes that can cheat out a sylvanas on 6. For immediate combo.

    I predict also there will be a even paladin in wild as well with this new card. The have gained a good 2 drop and a insane 4 drop. And they have strong deathrattles  in Sylvanas and Tirion as well. However I look forward to even Paladin playing Undertaker into my Sylvanas Combo on 8. The I will trade Sylvanas on 9  to Steal their Taunt. Go Face with the underataker and Reincarnate it for shuffling it and stealing a minion as well as getting a 5/3 weapon.

    Also the 6 mana Legendary will give you second set of spells like another devolve another reincarnate ect.

    Posted in: [Wild] Barnes Ancestral Spirit Shaman to Legend [60% Win Rate]
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    posted a message on New Neutral Legendary - Da Undatakah

    Amazing in hadranox 3 deathrattles only in that deck. If you want you can add brann for 5 "Hadranoxes".

    The other deck I see this is cube lock in wild esp with Sylvanas Voidlords Voidcallers, Appebaum ect.

    9 mana Turn play with doompact.

    f this card had taunt it would be amazing. There are was to do that. You might add in one sunfury protector and play this on 10. People will have used silences on your sylvanas Voidlords and Voidcallers before. This would steal a minions recruit Voidlord/malgianis and put 3 3/5 taunts in the way. 

    Another scenario is emperor thaurassan on 6 after having played 2 voidcallers on curve. Turn / play this card and doompact for 7 mana.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Yogg/Mill/Reno Shudderwock Shaman

    You need mukla for milling cards even better bran mukla coldlight is cracy mill


    Posted in: Yogg/Mill/Reno Shudderwock Shaman
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    posted a message on Mecha'thun Hunter

    Nice Idea but. The setup is to complicated to many cards are needed. Also you need to play Mechatun before and N'zoth. What if they hex Mechatun then its over.  Its cute but will lose hard to aggro since your draw will be very bad. its better to run 2 goblinpranks hemet and no double above 3 (except spellstone) and reno the rest is up to you just put good cards in and you can win. like highmane silvanas loatheb boom  lich king. This will also impr0ve your tracker .If you want fast draw but in katherina with 2 more beast like king krush and Dregd. 

    Mulligan for spellstone and secretkepper and rexar if vs control

    I got to rank 1 in wild with sub nine hunter so i have some experience

    I will make that deck quick and post the code so you can see

    [deck]### Fun Mecha
    # Class: Hunter
    # Format: Wild
    # 1x (1) Secretkeeper
    # 2x (1) Tracking
    # 1x (2) Bear Trap
    # 1x (2) Cat Trick
    # 1x (2) Explosive Trap
    # 1x (2) Freezing Trap
    # 2x (2) Goblin Prank
    # 1x (2) Quick Shot
    # 2x (2) Wandering Monster
    # 2x (3) Cloaked Huntress
    # 1x (3) Eaglehorn Bow
    # 1x (3) Stitched Tracker
    # 1x (4) Houndmaster Shaw
    # 2x (5) Lesser Emerald Spellstone
    # 1x (5) Loatheb
    # 1x (5) Subject 9
    # 1x (6) Deathstalker Rexxar
    # 1x (6) Emperor Thaurissan
    # 1x (6) Hemet, Jungle Hunter
    # 1x (6) Reno Jackson
    # 1x (6) Savannah Highmane
    # 1x (7) Dr. Boom
    # 1x (8) Kathrena Winterwisp
    # 1x (9) King Krush
    # 1x (10) Mecha'thun
    # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone[/deck]


    Posted in: Mecha'thun Hunter
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    posted a message on Quest Mage is back baby!

    Check out chinas HGG Mage Quest deck. It has aluneth and doomsayers no tome of intelect as that card is new. Aluneth is very good imo, you need to cut higher cost cards when using it though as milling yourself becomes a problem


    Posted in: Quest Mage is back baby!
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    posted a message on Stars Align! The Fiddler's Twig

    Hi i made my own list with mechatun as well:

    I was at 4 health vs big priest then i otk him with aviana, innervate kun and alextrasa bran and 2 star alligner

    mechatun is second win condition


    Posted in: Stars Align! The Fiddler's Twig
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    posted a message on [Wild] Secret Arcane Giant Hunter

    Nice List

    Nice to see a EU Sub nine Hunter as well. I'm playing a very similar list on EU Rank 2 atm from 5 this weekend. The architect of this archetype is Duwin. He first used Sub nine with Huntress. If you are running giants consider adding Shaw to make them attack immediately. I have run archane Giants before, but now I run less spells and secrets since not facing enough aggro. My build is different, but that just shows how strong the core 24 cards are. I am developing my version together with Duwin, so if you like you can add me on EU. My tag is Alpha110#2852


    Posted in: [Wild] Secret Arcane Giant Hunter
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    posted a message on Subject 9 Yogg Hunter

    Hi Nice Deck

    I see you chose the key Core and Synergy Cards.

    I play 200 Games with variants of this deck in wild ladder rank 3 atm before push.

    I will give you feedback to your list, I have discussed those with creator of wild secret Hunter Duwin.

    While i like your deck it has a few issues.

    1.1 Lack of Synergy Cards you have Huntress and Secrets, thus Putricide is very strong.

    1.2 Lack of synergy with flanking strike and wolfes, the card being shaw haundmaster. You can attack twice with flanking strike. Also the wolfes are now much better vs aggro if shaw is alive. Good players know this and trade into shaw, him soaking damage if they are aggro.

    1.3 Lack of synergy. Lack of sustain stiched tracker finds what you need. Also quickshot is very good does same Job late game. Put in atleast one copy.

    2. Lack of Threats. I like 6 and 7 mana threats. Best Being Highmane and Doom Dregd(esp. pre nerf anti Aviana). They combo with tracker and  you get multiple ones. Also double with tracker if you are lucky Yogg-Saron.

    3. Suboptima curve. I always use them Mana Curve Analysis when Deck building. I  tested your deck vs. my suggestions. In the attached link you will see your deck at the left and mine on the right. Mana Curve Analysis

    What cards to cut now that is difficult. Things to consider is mainly meta you are facing. Also you have succes with your build.

    Thus I will only suggest options with the strongest to least important. I make this consideration with playtesting the curve of this archetype and feedback from high legend Players like Duwin. I have run Simulations with differnt builds of deck attack a Image of your improved curve.

    Shaw is very good with wolfes and flanking strike. cut a secret. Putricide is amazing with secrets. cut a secret. One Tracker for double Yogg cut a secret. Now the Threats best is highmane or Doom/Dregd (as they combo with tracker on 9/10 take one and cut one flanking or companion.

    I hope you understand my comments and can take something out of it

    What i would cut definitivly is 3 secrets . 10 is enough, and in control meta 7-9.


    Posted in: Subject 9 Yogg Hunter
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    posted a message on Subject 9 Hunter 60% win (Wild)

    Nice Deck

    It has the same core as Duwin's deck. This core is Huntres Spellstones Rexar and sub nine and secrets. With secretkeeper, stiched tracker Putricide beeing the synergy cards.

    I have over 200 games with version of this deck till rank 2, also I built my version with help of Rank 1 Legend Hunter Player Duwin.

    So I will tell you what you should do to improve your winrate in the current meta.

    I will not tell you to cut leeroy and Yogg because i like playing them. I don't use them atm because of consitency issues. Instead If you want fun I suggest using leeroy emeriss Manipulator for 24. Leeroy beeing good anyway and manipulator having uses as tec card. But the meme you chose is up to you :)

    The way you build the rest is  up to you i have different build for different metas. 

    Cards you should consider are in that order one more secretkeeper houndmaster shaw. highmane doom/dregd

    These are more synergy cards in secertkeeper, hounmaster and threats in highmane and Dr. Doom and Swampking Dregd.

    Okay which cards to cut considerations in that order 1-2 secrets 1 tracking 1 quick shot or Leeroy. My winrate Improved by cuting one tracking because they might find cards you don't need, If you have 1-2 more threats your curve will be more consistent and you will not need to use Tracking at all in most quick games. Now to quick shot. As you have cut tracking I  think quickshot should honesty remain a two off instead of keeping Leeroy. Hero Power Quick shot deals 5 damage while ignoring taunts.

    So to summarize 2 more synergy cards Secretkeeper and shaw and 2 more treats highmane and Dr. Doom or Dregd

    Posted in: Subject 9 Hunter 60% win (Wild)
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    posted a message on Kripparrians Star Aligner Druid

    Hi great deck

    I like the redundancy of dirty rat and demonic project targets. Also Mossy is great against all the gigglyies of odd rogue.

    I have a few suggestions though, could cut one Biology project for floop gloops and posion seed for one swipe.

    Then you can floop gloop, invervate removal swipe/posion seeds Plague, Page, kill one of the mions/biology project then starfall :) Then Branching path

    The thing is that Druid is just so strong, I feel that we are not there were the deck is refined. It has som many fley spots its disgusting, Just some fun ideas :)

    Combo decks, no problem we include 1 Naturalise, it hurt them and alows us to cheat one mana with floops gloop.

    I have so many cool ideas for this deck :)



    Posted in: Kripparrians Star Aligner Druid
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    posted a message on Reno Jade OTK Mill Chargerwock (Boomsday)

    Only in combination with hogleader and shudderwock :)

    Posted in: Reno Jade OTK Mill Chargerwock (Boomsday)
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