• -1

    posted a message on Wild Bloodstinger

    This card should be changed, as it simply removes the fun to play this game. The whole point is to create a deck with a strategy that involves playing certain cards at certain points and often players will hold on to a certain minion for several turns (and in my case sometimes over 20 turns), controlling the board and waiting for that precise moment where the card defines the game. If your opponent is faster than you, doesn't allow you to control the board or has a counter for your strategy they win, otherwise you win. Now, this card basically takes all this process, all this strategy, all the brain, all the intellect, all of that out of the equation and removes the minion from your hand and puts it in the battlefield. With this card in play, this game is no more strategic than tic tac toe.

    Posted in: Wild Bloodstinger
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