Here you can find all my Hearthstone Custom Cards I'm most proud of. Those cards that connected with players and designers at some level and/or gained some kind of recognition on the top Custom Card sites, like Hearthpwn Fan Creation forums or r/customhearthstone. Hope you like them too!
Hearthpwn Weekly Card Design Competition Winners
Leech Archer - Your card must be a Common minion. Your card must cost (7) mana or more. Your card can't have more than three lines of card text.Weekly Card Design Competition 6.17
Midas, the Gold-cursed - Make a card that uses a rare word or phrase. This is an existing hearthstone word/phrase. This word/phrase appears three or less times in existing hearthstone collectible cards.Weekly Card Design Competition 7.06
Bone Fetcher - Your card must feature a skeleton of some kind, and/or utilize the various Skeleton tokens.Weekly Card Design Competition 8.18
EVIL Invocator -Design an E.V.I.L. class card (Rogue, Warlock, Shaman, Priest or Warrior) that interacts with Lackeys (it can also generate Lackeys, but NOT ONLY generate Lackeys).Weekly Design Competition #226: E.V.I.L Intentions
Here you can find all my Hearthstone Custom Cards I'm most proud of. Those cards that connected with players and designers at some level and/or gained some kind of recognition on the top Custom Card sites, like Hearthpwn Fan Creation forums or r/customhearthstone. Hope you like them too!
Hearthpwn Weekly Card Design Competition Winners
Hearthpwn Weekly Card Design Competition Finalists
r/customhearthstone Weekly Design Competition Winners
Hearthpwn Expansion Creation Competition Winner
r/customhearthstone Top Custom Cards of the Week
Trump's Top Custom Cards of the Week