[Basic] Beastmaster Hunter
- Last updated Apr 24, 2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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- 20 Minions
- 10 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Midrange Hunter
- Crafting Cost: 0
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/10/2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
- Quickly
- Registered User
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Battle Tag:
Quickly #11410
Total Deck Rating
73% win rate at rank 20. (out of 11 games)
So, this is a themed beast hunter deck using only basic cards. It can go face, or it can be control until it can go face. You just need to feel out the opponent and decide which to go.
Mulligan - Arcane shot, 2 mana beast, 3 mana beast, 4 mana beast.
You want to save timber wolf and stonetusk if possible for 7/7 turn or more so you can draw a card with Starving buzzard. Gain board control with arcane shot/multi shot.
Un'goro Upgrade v1.0 for 520 dust:
-2 Arcane shot, +2 Jeweled Macaw
-2 Bloodfen Raptor, +2 Crackling Razormaw
-2 River Crocolisk, +2 Scavenging Hyena
-2 Razorfen hunter, +2 Pterrordax Hatchling
-2 Core Hound, +2 Volcanosaur
Mulligan - Jeweled Macaw, Crackling Razormaw, Animal Companion, Scavenging Hyena
Always play a 1 drop if you go first or if opponent doesn't play a 1 drop first so you can buff with Razormaw or buff scavenging hyena. Keep other 1 drops for turn 7 or 8 if possible so you can draw cards with Buzzard.
Un'goro upgrade v1.1 Poison buff
-2 Jeweled Macaw, +2 Stubborn Gastropod
-2 Pterrordax Hatchling, +2 Giant Wasp
-1 Tracking & - 1 Multi-shot, +2 Unleash the Hounds
-1 Hunters mark, +1 Tol'Vir Warden
Mulligan: Jeweled Macaw, Crackling Razormaw, Animal Companion, Giant Wasp or Gastropod
So, v1.0 I was stuck at rank 15 and would peak at 14, but then I got these poison beast cards and they sure are valuable especially when they gain the charge ability from Tundra Rhino and I'm climbing the ranks again. Additionally, Unleash the hounds is great for drawing cards and clearing the board.
Strategy: Always play a 1 mana drop, buff with crackling razormaw, use hounds for board wipe and use poison cards with tundra rhino to remove high health cards.
Really good and fun deck to play for a somewhat new player. Got me to rank 16 at least in current meta but after that it got really hard. Really good for learning the Midrange Hunter Mechanics but it needs some medicine against the dark knights and the a lot of priests.
Deck looks pretty solid, def going to have to give this a try! Thanks for sharing.
would you happen to have a more in depth guide or a video of the final deck?
Love your deck, added those extra cards i could and its awesome
Do you think that switching out a Volcanosaur for Deathstalker Rexxar is possible?
Pretty sweet deck! I like its simplicity. However, I have one problem with this deck. It doesn't really have any taunt card besides Houndmaster. Is there any way to compensate that?
Nice deck!
It's treating me really well, do you have any replacements for cards from Nights of Karazhan?
Don't know if im playing hunter wrong(probably am) but i haven't won a single game with this deck. I have no board clear and quickly get overwhelmed.
If you're playing the full basic deck, you need to use the arcane shot and multishot to help clear the board.
I myself liked how nice and cheap the deck is, but if i had to change something, i would swap out a buzzard and a snapjaw for a Unleash the Hounds and a Scavenging Hyena, allowing for boardclear and threat lethal at the same time, or even be able to deal a good chunk of damage to your oponent at turn ten with Tundra Rhino
That could work. I like the snapjaw because of the high health and I usually buff it with Houndmaster.