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  • Last updated Apr 29, 2016 (Old Gods)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Malygos Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 8520
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/29/2016 (Old Gods)
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Hi there, this is a deck I've been messing around with but still needs a lot of work, the meta is really unstable at the minute but rogues got blessed with quite a few cards that have synergy across the different play styles, this deck tries to take advantage of that.


Play Style

So you've probably noticed this deck has a couple of High cost minions that you might not often see together, this is because I feel these minions each help achieve a different win condition that helps against different decks.

C'thun endgame

The deck features a few C'thun cards but mostly relies upon the Blade of C'Thun to provide you with the big Buffs, This card is basically a more expensive Assassinate so if you take of the cost of that it's essentially a 4 mana 4/4 that can give C'thun huge buffs, even bigger if you have a Brann Bronzebeard on the field. The rest of this style kind of speaks for itself, assuming you've had to use your spells early to compete for board control Drop the fatty C'Thun.

Malygos endgame

This one is my personal favourite, lets say you've curved out quite nicely with minions, but you're up against a control deck that's just been using spells to clear you off the field all game, They've hit their late game and now you don't have enough minion damage to compete. you ideally want to be in a position to leave Malygos on the field for one turn, unless you got insanely lucky with Emperor Thaurissan and he's now stupidly cheap. Next turn you're looking to drop your Shadowcaster to create some cheap Malys to throw down, finish it off with some 19 damage Eviscerates or a 16 damage Shiv. If you got lucky when you played your Xaril, Poisoned Mind you will have the toxin that gives a friendly minion stealth making the combo even easier.

Yogg-Saron Hail Mary

So this isn't really a combo or really anything reliable, it's a hail Mary, but my god is it a hilarious one; You have plenty of spells in this deck and quite a few cards will generate you extra ones, if you've curved out like shit and The enemy has had their way with you this card is your last option, if you were in a spot where you thought you had 0% chance of winning drop this bad boy and pray to RNGesus you might turn that 0% chance into a 20-50%.

NOTE: Using Yogg-Saron whilst you're ahead will 99.99% of the time anger RNGesus with your arrogance and cause him to drop 3 pyros on your face, seriously, this is a last ditch card, using it when you have other options or time to wait will more often than not lose you the game.

Early-Mid Game

So this one is a bit of a tough one, this a really reactive deck designed to be able to adapt for a finisher, with that in mind you basically want to play for card advantage on low mana until you have a good idea of what your opponent is going for, don't waste your backstabs or combo cards too quickly until you know what you're aiming for, if you find out you're up against a ramp/late game deck start turning up the heat, start using your combo's and minions to get some face damage rather then value trades, if you have time for the malygos combo hold out for it, otherwise you should be in a position to either drop your spells to finish the opponent or drop malygos without the combo to push for a finisher.

If you find yourself against aggro your focus is to retain health, try to avoid using weapon trades into minions unless you have to, screw value you just need to live long enough to be able to drop their health pool. Take shit trades and poor value all day, you just want to be able to drop C'thun and hopefully swing the tempo hard enough that your opponent has to start trading rather than pushing to lethal, or you just get to push lethal yourself.


Editor Note

This deck is still in really early stages and CONSTRUCTIVE feedback would be really appreciated, thanks guys :)