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Legendary Ramp Druid | Ramp Isn't Dead | In-Dep...

  • Last updated Oct 20, 2015 (Warsong Nerf)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 9780
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/5/2015 (TGT Launch)
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This deck isn't just a 'for fun' deck, it does very well in the current meta if played optimally. I've been tweaking it for the past 8 seasons and I think it's pretty much perfected, it's gotten me to legend in every one of those seasons.

You stand a good chance versus face decks and you absolutely crush control decks by having too many threats turn after turn.  One of the best things is that unless you have already played rag/ysera/kel'thuzad, nobody knows that you're not playing combo. They will often take suboptimal turns just around turn 9 to protect themselves from combo. This means they will use hard removal on your 'bait' cards like lores, boom, belcher, sylvannas and then you're free to get insane value from your real threats, kel'thuzad, ragnaros and ysera that get value turn after turn.

The most important thing with this deck is having a good curve. If you have coin, don't coin for a board advantage if it's going to make your next turns weak, think ahead (same with innervates). You're in this for the long run. Make sure you curve out well, even if that means your turn 1 or 2 will be weak. I really don't think a turn 2 innervate on a shredder is worthwhile.

Other tips:
- Don't save kel'thuzad for insane value, often resurrecting one minion is enough.
- You'll notice a lack of 3 drops, there's a reason. On turn 2 you should hopefully wild growth or darnassus which skips turn 3. Or you can innervate or coin past it. Give it a shot, it works.
- If you're fighting another control deck, bait out their removal on things that don't matter as much. Like belcher, lores, emperor and boom, then slam things with constant value like ragnaros and ysera.
- Handlock is your toughest matchup, knowing the deck well will really help you out. The Aggressive route really sucks, I'd advise never hitting them and deal with their early threats without allowing them moltens until you can just kill them in one hit. 
- While ancient of war can be really fun and crazy with kel'thuzad, I wouldn't suggest running it. It's weak to silence and crushes your dreams when hard removed.
- Against face decks that haven't used silence yet it's often better to play DOTC over belcher if you have the choice, let them waste silence on it then drop a belcher later that they can't get through.
- Azure drakes can be used but I think there's enough card draw in the deck for how slow it is. But +1 spellfire swipes make me happy.
- Kezan Mystic sucks, I've been trying hard to make it have a place in this deck but it just isn't good enough. Harrison Jones being a tech card works so much better and gets way more value a lot of the time.
- Your weakest card is emperor, you can switch it out for something else if you like. Black knight is still fun. But I still think it's good enough for it's spot. It will almost always bait out hard removal and gives you some flexibility in playing ysera/rag/kel'thuad early.

MATCHUPS (Win % & Mulligans)

Mulligan: Chow, Wild Growth, Wrath, Innervate, Darnassus, & Keeper (if on coin or with innervate)
Face: 75% - Usually an easy match up, use lores to heal and out tempo them with ramp.
Midrange: 50% - Feels bad man, your second weakest match up. Those freezing traps can really hurt while they're dropping highmanes and houndmasters.

Mulligan: Chow, Wild Growth, Wrath, Innervate, Darnassus
Combo: 70% - It's fairly easy to fight for board control with them, just make sure you're out of combo range by turn 9. They cannot remove your big threats at all.
Ramp: N/A - I've only faced one other ramp in the last 2 seasons.

Mulligan: Chow, Wild Growth, Wrath, Innervate, Darnassus, & Keeper (if on coin or with innervate)
Mech: 55% - Try to constantly clear their early game mechs ruining the synergy and they'll run out of steam quickly.
Tempo: 50% - They have a couple big threats but really rely on flamewaker for value. Try to keep swipe to deal with them, they have to be removed, charging a DOTC at them is better than taunting it up. Silence their scientists and try to drop small creatures into their secrets as it's most commonly a mirror.
Freeze: 70% - Make sure you can deal with their doomsayers while your whole board is frozen, keep BGH for alex, keep swipe for frozen win without setting off secret or for removal of archmage, and obviously, keep all heals until after alex.

Mulligan: Chow, Wild Growth, Wrath, Innervate, Darnassus, Swipe
Face: 65% - Often a chow is enough to just win this match up, make sure you're dropping your hand, innervate early in this matchup, lores to heal, if they can't get divine favour value they can't win.
Secret: 50% - This new deck is strong, keep BGH, it can often kill avenged creatures and some run boom, you really need to know how to set off their secrets, some times it's not worth setting off at all.
Control: 70% - Not very common right now but you have way more threats then they do, do not over extend into a board wipe, they will get it before you kill them. Keep a silence for Tirion or kill him if you have jones in hand.

Mulligan: Chow, Wild Growth, Innervate, Darnassus, Harrison Jones
Face: 80% - This deck sucks, remove their threats, taunt for their weapons and heal
Patron: 50% - Minimize their card draw, silence acolytes, remove injured creatures, get advantage with innervate, play ysera when you can to try and get an awakens. Harrison jones is the mvp, they often just use their first death's bite for removal vs druid, try to harrison the second one if possible, or the first if it makes sense, don't Harrison a war axe. The good thing is that most patron players kinda suck, if you're facing a good one your chances are probably more like 35%.
Fatigue: 90+% - It's going to be a long game but you'll win. They're going to remove 4 creatures easily, executes, shield slams, don't worry about their health. You can win if they have 50+ health. You have too many threats for them to remove all of them. Keep BGH for alex or boom, play around 2 brawls and keep harrison only for gorehowl. Don't draw with lores, only heal.

Mulligan: Chow, Wild Growth, , Wrath, Innervate, Darnassus, BGH, Keeper
Zoo: 45% - Not very common right now but it's very strong against you. You're going to be outpaced but just try to keep up and heal later in the game.
Handlock: 40% - Gave tips to beating handlock above, your hardest matchup, if you don't know the deck you'll never win, learn it and you'll have closer to a 50/50 chance. The good news is that most have dropped siphon soul from their deck. Make sure if you extend that they cannot shadowflame a giant.

Mulligan: Chow, Wild Growth, Wrath, Innervate, Darnassus
Dragon: 65% - You have too many threats for them, watch out for lightbombs, your biggest threat is them stealing ysera so try to play around that. Play your 4 attack minions early.
Midrange: 75% - They really only react to the board, with your 4 attack minions out they can't do much. Play your weak 5+ attacks first to bait out death's and this is an easy win.

Kinda dead classes lately