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Kvaldir Priest

  • Last updated Sep 26, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: None
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 8540
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/26/2015 (TGT Launch)
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Objective: Determine whether this deck idea is good or not compared to decklists above, and if so why or why not.

Basic Idea:
With TgT, priests got a lot of new tools. In particular:
1. Injured Kvaldir allows priests to overcome their curse of healing opponent's face on turn 2 because there is nothing better to do. It also allows priests to draw more cards than they would normally with cleric, potentially stealing games, due to that early game burst draw.
2. Justicar Trueheart allows priests to recover from bursts a bit more reliably. Normally, a hunter can keep pressure on your face mitigating your healing entirely, while 1 or 2 minions on board continue to wear your face down. With Justicar, you can mitigate that additional minion on board which hits for 2 damage. It also allows you to race classes better with auchenai soul priest.
3. Holy Champion: It's the priest's parallel to frothing berserker that grows faster, but under more niche situations. Though priests have no access to warsong commander, priests can steal a warsong commander with either shadow madness or cabal, and do unimaginable pyro combos. Kripparrian managed to otk a patron with >30 damage holy champion with this method.

Whether or not the cards are good enough to replace the old reliable acolyte list by MatGagne is curious. 

To place the new cards, there were sacrifices  that needed to be made, and these are the ones I decided:
1. Acolyte of Pain: Amazing card, I compare it with shield block, in that it's a 3 mana draw a card, mitigate 3+ damage. It is a very devastating silence target, cabal target, patron activator, however it helps a lot against decks with limited access to 3 power sources, or 3 power sources with 1 life that do not want to hit into it. It lets you draw 3 or more cards with priest buffs or healing, and gains infinite value from killing dudes while you heal him. I propose cutting him for injured Kvaldir for more solid early game, less vulnerability to cabal, and all the other benefits of kvaldir.
2. 1 Shadow madness, 2 is too many in this meta. Too many decks have limited targets, and even if you do have a target, it is difficult to gain tempo from this card in a way that does not waste your turn. Shadow madness is a very powerful card that has a very thin line between being downright broken, eg against a board with 2 patrons on it, or stealing deathrattle effects, and garbage, eg against feral spirits, or against boards with no minions or 1 minion. I feel hesitant to remove it entirely, so I want to keep 1 because a good madness can steal games.
3. 1 Zombie chow: Too few cards I can cut. Zombie chow is one of the few burst options acolyte priests had in order to beat matchups such as handlock. Zombie chow has a mind blast attached to it, if you have auchenai soul priest up. The problem I had with chow is that he is awkward against many decks, in particular against combo druid, patron warrior, oil rogue, and similar where it's difficult to gain value from him for me. I am hesitant to remove him completely because again, the deck lacks burst, and he is one of the few options priests have access to, without wasting a card entirely.
4. Cabal Shadow Priest, Shrinkmeister: The true priest legendary, lets you steal ysera, shredder, druid of the claw, and even Malygos with shrinkmeister combo. I feel in the current meta, 2 of both is awkward. Many decks have very limited targets, or you have too little breathing space to exploit both. One coordinated cabal swings games, while two cabals keeps your face exposed, and causes you to make weak turns. It's worth noting that while Cabal mind control effect is tempo gain if coordinated, it is still 2 cards to steal 1 card, or 6 mana to steal a minion. Since Yeti is 4 mana, the added effect of theft makes the card worth act as 2 cards by itself, as if Cabal had no body, 2 mana spell to steal a 2 power minion, would probably see quite a bit of play by itself, probably more than cabal. The problem I have with this card is that many decks just win if you draw 2 of them because it costs 6 mana, and you do not have charge after stealing the card, so you basically skip a turn to remove a minion for 6 mana. This is strong on turn 6, it's very strong after setting up a theft of vol'jin, or sylvanas, or malygos or ysera, or grommash, but it loses you games if you draw 2 of them and opponent is hitting your face and you cannot deny and recover in time. One is amazing, two is too much. A lot of priests have been cutting 1 shrinkmeister, I am not sure about the decision, but I am trying it out, since this deck has more early game and midgame.

Legacy Options:
1. Harrison Jones: at the moment, the best value for this card is to steal assassin's blade, deny turn 5 patron swarm with death bite, inner rage, and to prevent hunter from getting 6-12 extra damage for his bow by exploiting traps. I am undecided in how good it really is since I've seen priests lose countless cards even after pulling off a good harrison because they just had no means to stabilize. They kept bleeding afterwards, and just died. Nothing is more devastating than losing a game after getting a good harrison, much like losing to secret paladin or freeze mage after playing double flare deck. I feel ooze may be better because it lets you get a tempo play, eg ooze + light's champion rather than playing a 5 mana lost tallstrider. 
2. Sylvanas Windrunner: Worst against face decks, general tempo loss. Arguably the only minion in the game that lets you challange highmane. Like harrison, it improves your matchup to midrange hunter, but if you have no board beforehand, you will still fall behind and lose to burst finisher.

Meta Choices:
1. Lightbomb: everyone is running at least one at the moment. It deals with patron and frothing board nicely. It deals with shades of naxxramas, dr boom, mysterious challanger, big midrange hunter boards(still leaves deathrattle, but denies lethal for a turn). I am not sure how good this card is. Many cards escape lightbomb that matter: Ysera, Warsong commander, Frothing berserker before enrage, Malygos, and deathrattle minions. It's nice turn 10 combo with mass dispel but it's hard to fit mass dispel nowadays. The card gains a lot of value while losing, but unless you actually win, you will still lose, which is difficult to do as a priest sometimes after lightbombing.

1. In mirrors, if opponent plays cleric on turn 1, you can't do anything about it. You don't run pain, so you can't play anything, or they will draw infinite cards.