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Reno's Corrupt Symphony

  • Last updated Apr 16, 2024 (Whizbang Paladin Changes)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Renolock
  • Crafting Cost: 16620
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/10/2024 (Whizbang Paladin Changes)
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Welcome to Reno's Corrupt Symphony!

Are you a giant demon with a big juicy... deathrattle? Then get in here, and bring a friend! We don't play by singleton rules.

Currently 16-8 with this version

I have become bored of winning with wheel of death. It's a super fun card, but I wanted to build something a little bit more involved than hitting wheel on turn 7 and clearing the board 4 times to win.

I knew I wanted to run a reno deck, but there aren't actually that many demons in warlock right now. I didn't feel like running Doomguard, so I settled on corrupting poor innocent reno and running 2x Enhanced Dreadlord and 2x Wretched Queen in an otherwise singleton deck. By the time you can cast reno you will have definitely drawn or pulled at least one copy of each demon, leaving reno fully activated. Crane Game and Game Master Nemsy would lose too much value if we only ran one copy of each.

Speaking of losing value, I have found Gaslight Gatekeeper to work perfectly as a hand/deck refresh tool. if I hit all my big demons and crane game is useless, just shuffle back in and see if you get luckier!



I'm loving this card, it's so cool how an approach to modular design has resonated with the community. My go to is recursive+perfect. I've been messing with a few like perfect+haywire to mitigate the self damage and earn bigger rush stats, it's alright. perfect+virus is also funny with every keyword spammed onto one creature, the reborn lifesteal divine shield is actually surprisingly good. You do you though, I feel that if it has the perfect module I don't think you can make a bad zilli.


contains: 1x Gul'dan's Gift, 1x Arch-Villain Rafaam, and 1x Sargeras, the Destroyer

We use ETC as a buffer to hide Sargeras in without pulling him with our demon tutor effects, as we need his battlecry to get the portal. Most matches you can feel safe playing etc and grabbing Sarg, but I keep Gift in there for emergencies. The rafaam is a crackpot strategy to counter plague decks. I've only pulled it off once, but it kinda worked.

On 9+ mana you can play ETC > Gift > Siphon to kill any single target. If you know you'll need a hard board clear you can ETC early and grab the gift for twisting nether the following turn.

Sarg's clear ability doesn't trigger deathrattles or anything, like the reno ability. You want to pick +2 HP and taunt if you can get away with it though. 2 taunt bodies every turn beat a lot of face attack decks right now. make sure to wait on the sarg until after your opponent plays their reno. With all the big demon deathrattles this deck has going on, it will be easy to bait them into spending their reno early. Keep an eye out if you're holding Endgame and Sarg was the last demon that died. Doesn't happen often, but the ressurected Sarg's abilities will work with the old portal. I usually double up on the +2HP ability when this happens, but I could see using it as a surprise board clear too.

I've always wondered why the people on this website never have the ETC sideboard listed on the actual decklist, but this crap is super bugged. Spent over 20 minutes trying to get it to display correctly, but I couldn't make it happy.


  • Rin, Orchestrator of Doom -  an insanely fun and high tier comedy card. not for the weak of heart. I have burned many a wincon on both sides with this card.
  • Pop'gar the Putrid -  burn spells in the mid game that keep your opponent's weakest cards down that also heals you, great card!
  • Flint Firearm - not always the greatest, but makes so much sense in a singleton deck. Can fill an entire turn, and very often pulls a removal spell if you need one.


I steered away from the excavate package, as singleton doesn't really coexist with that package very well.

For the same reason I decided not to include the Forge of Wills + Dark Alley Pact package, as it is too inconsistent in singleton.

Ignis and the 3 forge cards all feel like they earn their place in this deck. You can use the 5 drop weapon to bridge the gap to your later turns, or just wait for the 10 drop weapon and hope your opponent doesn't run viper. I have discovered a 5 mana wheel of death off of forged mechagnome and won every time. try it the next time you see it in the discover options

 DECK CHANGES - 04/16/23

-1x Demonic Studies, -1x Flint Firearm

+1x Rustrot Viper, +1x Night Elf Huntress

I'm mostly just testing some cards out, but flint and demonic studies always underwhelmed me in game. feel free to use these 2 slots to fill with whatever cards suit your playstyle.


I kinda suck at this part of hearthstone but here we go

Always throw back your big demons

Always keep

Sketch Artist, Mechagnome Guide, Gloomstone Guardian, Pop'gar the Putrid

Keep with coin

Game Master Nemsy, Dirge of Despair, Symphony of Sins

Keep removal against fast decks, greedy cards against slow decks