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Aggro Draw DH | Fall of Ulduar |

  • Last updated Oct 1, 2023 (Fall of Ulduar)
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  • 21 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Aggro DH
  • Crafting Cost: 6420
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/1/2023 (Fall of Ulduar)
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Hold up! I know what you're thinking. "Is that Kryxis? What the hell?". If I was right, please allow me to explain, why this deck is actually surprisingly good. 

Demon Hunter is in a weird spot at the moment. According to HSReplay's data it's currently the worst class in Standard. There's the "Relic" archetype doing relatively fine and basically that's it. Seeing as I got bored with all those pesky "meta" decks, I decided to try and make DH great again. 

The draw package Blizzard added in Titans (and the mini-set) was weirdly underappreciated by the community. I haven't really seen any content creators experimenting with it at all. As a result of this, noone actually tried to make the archetype work. I, for once, noticed that there is some hidden potential in there. Recently added Sigil of Time and Saronite Shambler are in my opinion hidden gems, allowing for strong bursts of damage. 

Now, I have been playing and refining this deck for over a week now. Sadly, I don't have any data to prove the power of the deck, since I play on a tablet and there's no deck tracker for Android at the moment. However, since the last time I changed the deck I've won quite a lot of games (definitely way over 50%), climbed from D5 to legend last season and am now quickly climbing back.


The most important thing to remember is that this is not a combo/OTK deck, but rather a typical Aggro archetype. With that in mind, don't hold Argunite Golem and Eredar Deceptor in hand waiting for some sort of big play. Try to dominate the board in early game and push as much damage to the opponent's hero as possible.

Here's some advice on most popular matchups at the moment:

  • Hunter - most hunter decks are quite similar at the moment, so I decided to just list them together. The worst thing for you, if you're going against a hunter is if they play Awakening Tremors on turn 1/2 and start pushing out those 4/1s. If you're seeing a lot of hunters, I'd recommend swapping out something in your deck for SECURITY!! (personally I'd cut either Crimson Sigil Runners or Chaos Strikes). However, I've noticed that most hunter players prioritise playing their secret package cards first and those are not a big deal for us. In an ideal world (actually happens quite often) by turn 3 you should already have played Bibliomite and Battlefiend or Vicious Slitherspear. Another big advantage of going against hunter is the fact that they almost always go out of their way to kill our Argunite Golems, therefore sactrificing a lot of tempo. In short, hunter is a very good matchup for this list and you shouldn't have much issue winning against them if you play correctly.
  • Paladin (aggro/pure) - this one is a little bit more difficult, mainly beacuse of their taunt minions (and Boogie Down), but the gameplan is basically the same as with hunter. Try to dominate the board with your big minions in the early game and consistently damage the opponent's hero. Since Paladin plays slower than Hunter, you can always try to go for the mid game with Argus, the Emerald Star and set up a big turn with your Mindbenders and Momentums.
  • Sif Mage - this should be a very easy matchup. Sif Mage wants go for the late game and is very vulnerable in the early game. Try to beat the hell out of them and just kill them as soon as possible. Don't be affraid to play Bibliomite even on turn 1 with coin, since Mage has no actual counterplay to it. Worst case scenario you will get bad rng and they will manage to drag you into the late game. If so, Argus, the Emerald Star and Jotun, the Eternal should be enough to keep you alive untill you find a good time to set up a kill with Mindbenders, Momentums and Saronite Shamblers.
  • Warlock (Thaddius/Control) - now this is a very difficult matchup for us, but we can still win, if your opponent doesn't highroll too much. The gameplan is similar to what you'd do against Mage, but Warlock is simply stronger. If they play the 7/7 guy on turn 4 and copy it with the location, it's basically over. However, you can still try to do your thing and maybe you can actually set up a kill before they finish you off. In short, Warlock is a very bad matchup for us.
  • Warrior - the only popular Warrior archetype at the moment revolves around Odyn, Prime Designate and armor. That deck plays like a typical Control deck, so you'll have to try and kill the opponent as fast as possible. Luckily, unlike Warlock, Warrior is quite vulnerable in the early game, so if you manage to dominate the board it shouldn't be difficult to win. It is an unfavorable matchup though. If the enemy draws well and plays smart they can just armor up in the early game and block your attacks. Either way, Warrior is not a particularly bad matchup but it's also not a good matchup. The recent nerfs hit it quite a bit as well, so it definitely helps.
  • Druid - I haven't really played a lot against this class, especially the new list with Tony, King of Piracy. When it comes to Treant Druid, you just have to concentrate on killing enemy minions. It's not nearly as important to go face as usual and I'd rather recommend you try to make the opponent run out of fuel and then finish them off. As for Drum Druid, you should usually be able to easily kill them before they do their combo. If for some reason you don't kill them before they play Drum Circle you'll most likely lose. In conclusion, Druid is mostly a favorable matchup, but bare in mind that I have played very few games against Tony Druid, so I can't really say anything about that deck.
  • Plague DK - a very "vanilla" matchup in a way, since neither you nor them rely on any sort of big play. Just try to push face and kill their minions in the early game. Technically they should counter you, because you rely on drawing a lot of cards and you'll probably draw a lot of their plagues in the process, but it's not really as bad as it sounds. In short, this matchup can go either way.

I believe that I covered all of the most popular decks at the moment, if I missed one, feel free to point it out in the comments.

Last but not least, let me adress the big elephant in the room - Kryxis the Voracious. Why the hell is he in the deck? Well, to be honest he was not in the deck for a very long time, but I added him quite recently, because I realised that he's actually not a meme card. He's actually very powerful, because not only is he a 4 mana 7/7, but he also draws 3 cards, which works well with Argunite GolemMomentum and Eredar Deceptor. This deck is actually pretty low-curve, so even if you discard 2-3 cards, it shouldn't be a big deal, as you can draw cards pretty fast anyway. It stops being worth it though from 4 cards up, so be careful with it.

Good luck and thank you for checking out my deck. Feel free to express your opinion in the comments and if you like it, please give it an upvote. Thanks!