Boogie Down

Card Text
Summon two 1-Cost
minions from your deck.
Finale: Summon another.
Flavor Text
Whatever you do, do NOT sashay to the right.
Summon two 1-Cost
minions from your deck.
Finale: Summon another.
Whatever you do, do NOT sashay to the right.
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3 mana for two crap 1 mana (total junk like everything else they give the paladin since Brode left) it is clear that politics has changed, now the politic is, to give to whoever asks for more and don't give anything decent to the less played classes, otherwise as usual the free players of the most loved classes will complain and in this period of crisis we don't want to take any risks of further departures from the user (politics) this game is speculating on its own corpse (they are even afraid to push the less popular classes, they are in total check of the community and therefore the game will continue to die (because all this is ridiculous and pathetic) but above all not fun, something like this I would expect from a flash games company (unless they want to sell it to 10 year olds, so users unable to understand veiled mechanisms such as political ones, because after seeing the mercenary mode I could even expect they would try this way to try and launder the game)
Maybe big paladin can use this to get their early game put if the deck and pjt some little taunts in play. However I think two 1drops will be too low impact in today's hearthstone
Great card in a combo deck for thinning the deck.
Remember that this is now competing with the return of Muster for Battle. Muster may be better in many situations.