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Auctioneer Priest

  • Last updated Jan 6, 2023 (March of the Lich King)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Combo Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 10500
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/29/2022 (March of the Lich King)
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Sup Players? I'm FrantYk and here's a fun deck for ya face!

I poured all my love for Priest into this deck! It can perform some fun and helpful trix! Also check out my other decks. These decks and guides take time to put together. Remember to smash the like button! Thanks to you and all the deck makers out there! :) glhf

COMMENT your experience with the deck below! Suggestions? 

Mulligan for these cards:

Card Uses

1. Undying Allies gives your undead minions reborn. 

2. Animate Dead to resurrect small minions. 

3. Astalor Bloodsworn is quite fun when used with Zola the Gorgon to really smooth your mana curve while also obtaining useful survival battlcries!

4. Auctioneer Jaxon is the star of the show here! Gather her and at least two trade minions on turn 4 or 5 to hand pick more cards to strengthen your hand. This really helps you tailor your strategy against your opponents class. You can gather minions to help you curve out you hand or you can grab Shadow Word: Undeath or Undying Disciple for clearing minions. (or maybe you have subbed in Rustrot Viper to tech against weapon classes)

5. Loot Hoarder for early draw that won't pollute your Bonecaller's undead resurrections.  Use with Animate Dead! Excellent with Amulet of Undying. Useful for killing an early, Irondeep Trogg which can become problematic for this deck. 

6. Cathedral of Atonement for buffing minions, especially Undying Disciple to increase their deathrattle  and Tenacios San'layn's lifesteal.

7. Haunting Nightmare helps the board keep tempo! (momentum)

8. Bonecaller brings back your heavy undead minions!

9. Shadowcloth Needle is useful early but not necessary. It's also the only turn 1 option. lol

10. Shard of the Naaru is especially useful against Druid, Shaman, DeathKnight and Warrior. 

11. Impatient Shopkeep is a sleeper card that is great in this deck for this meta! (tempo and clearing nasty minions) 

12. Flesh Behemoth can be amazing or useless. lol It is used to summon and copy big undead minions!!! (amazing) BUT, it can come late when you have already drawn all of his summoning pool. Abominable Lieutenant could be an alternate choice.